wish oor Katalaans


/wɪʃ/ werkwoord, naamwoord
a will for something to happen.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


His only wish was to see his son again one more time.
El seu únic desig era veure el seu fill un altre cop.


to hope for an outcome
I wish you the best!
Et desitjo el millor!


I wish I could buy that guitar.
Com voldria poder comprar aquesta guitarra.

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I wish
si · tant de bo
best wishes
amicalment · records
Best wishes
From Wishes to Eternity
From Wishes To Eternity
make a wish
demanar un desig
Wish You Were Here
Wish You Were Here
bajanada · farfutalla · fullaraca · palla · virosta


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If anyone, even my friends, looked through my stuff, I’d be wishing myself dead pretty quickly.
Si algú, encara que fos un dels meus amics, em regirés les coses, em voldria morir de seguida.Literature Literature
"""All right, but before I begin, I wish to confess to you, my dear friends, the reason why I like telling stories."
Però abans de començar la història voldria confessar-vos, estimats amics meus, per què m'agrada explicar-la.Literature Literature
I have little time left and I wish to spend it alone.
Em queda molt poc temps i desitjaria passar-lo sol.Literature Literature
We all wished we had a little son like that.
Tots vam desitjar tenir un fillet petit com aquell.Literature Literature
Sir, I wish to make a further statement.”
Senyor, voldria fer una altra declaració.Literature Literature
I wish I was the kind of person who had the ability to fall asleep in any situation.
Tant de bo fos dels que tenen la sort d’adormir-se a qualsevol lloc.Literature Literature
On the contrary, she was only trying to carry out her own daughter's wishes, trying to fulfill them.
Per contra, només intentava portar a terme els desitjos de la seva pròpia filla, intentava acomplir-los.Literature Literature
And he wished he had taken more pleasure in the killing, and in the living that was so much part of the killing.
I lamentava no haver trobat més plaer en el fet de matar ni en el de viure, que tant relacionat estava amb el de matar.Literature Literature
I wish, but I don't know.
Això voldria, però no ho sé.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I wish they wouldn't.
Desitjaria que no ho feren.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Although his condition was serious and some doctors felt that to save his life, blood transfusion was necessary, the medical staff was prepared to honor his wishes.
Malgrat que el seu estat era crític i alguns metges pensaven que una transfusió era imprescindible per salvar-li la vida, el personal sanitari estava disposat a respectar la seva voluntat.jw2019 jw2019
I wish I could have convinced him to come back with me.
Tant de bo hagués pogut convèncer-lo perquè tornés amb mi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘Yes, I wish I had the money to visit them over the Christmas holiday, but I am penniless, Sister.
—Sí, tant de bo tingués diners per venir a veure’ls durant les vacances de Nadal, però no tinc ni cinc.Literature Literature
The Agnikula myth of origin, which appears in several of their inscriptions and literary works, goes like this: The sage Vishvamitra forcibly took a wish-granting cow from another sage Vashistha on the Arbuda mountain (Mount Abu).
El mite de l'origen d'Agnikula, el qual apareix en moltes de les seves inscripcions i obres literàries, va així: El savi Vishvamitra va agafar per la força una vaca que concedia desitjos a un altre savi, Vashistha, a la muntanya Arbuda (Mont Abu).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Like Jehovah, we dearly wish that people would respond to the message and “keep living.”
Igual que Jehovà, desitgem de tot cor que la gent respongui al missatge i «que visqui» per sempre (Ez.jw2019 jw2019
‘I’ve been thinking,’ I say, and I only wish I’d thought a tiny bit harder.
—He estat pensant —dic, i desitjaria haver pensat amb una mica més de ganes.Literature Literature
I wish it could always be this way.
Tant de bo sempre pogués ser així.Literature Literature
And if anyone had wished to know Love, he might have done so by looking at my glistening eyes.
I ell restava en llur lloc.[18] I qui hagués volgut conèixer Amor, fer-ho podia mirant el tremor dels meus ulls.Literature Literature
And even while it was happening, I didn’t know why I had done it, wished I hadn’t done it.
I, fins i tot, mentre passava, no sabia per què ho havia fet, desitjava no haver-ho fet.Literature Literature
Queen Kwenthrith knows perfectly well, that the son of King Ecbert of Wessex wishes to speak to her.
La Reina Kwenthrith sap perfectament bé, que el fill del Rei Egbert de Wessex desitja parlar amb ella.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But when she hears word that Tito has sent Berenice, of whom she was jealous, back to Jerusalem, Vitellia tells Sesto to delay carrying out her wishes with the hope that Tito will choose her (Vitellia) as his empress.
Però quan Vitèl·lia coneix que Tit ha enviat Berenice, de qui ella estava gelosa, de retorn a Jerusalem, li diu a Sext que espere per a dur a terme els seus desitjos, esperant que l'emperador l'elegisca a ella (Vitèl·lia) com a emperadriu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I have to say, reading through all this correspondence, I wish I was back in the South of France.”
Mira, si t’he de dit la veritat, amb tota aquesta correspondència preferiria tornar a ser al sud de França ara mateix.Literature Literature
Well, not only does a servant look to his master for food and protection but the servant needs constantly to watch his master to discern his wishes and then to carry them out.
Un servent no mira cap al seu amo únicament per rebre menjar i protecció, sinó també per saber què espera el seu amo d’ell, i actuar en conseqüència.jw2019 jw2019
You may read the Bible, the dictionary, the entire encyclopedia if you wish.
Pots llegir la Bíblia, el diccionari, l’enciclopèdia sencera si et ve de gust.Literature Literature
And the outcome about which we wish to be optimistic is not going to be created by the belief alone, except to the extent that the belief brings about new behavior.
I el resultat del qual desitgem ser optimistes no podrá ser creat per la creença només, a no ser que aquesta creença generi un nou comportament.QED QED
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