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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sorani Koerdies

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Ontario, a province of Canada.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sorani Koerdies

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“Then they picked me up and put me in a car, and drove me first to the Asayish headquarters, and then on to the Police Directorate.”
بە سەدان جار زیاتر خەڵک مردوەhrw.org hrw.org
Some scientists chose to share their results quickly on preprint servers such as bioRxiv.
بهجۆرێک ئهو مێینه تهماشای پۆڵی کرد وهک ئهوهی چی دهکهیت؟Tico19 Tico19
In reaction, UNESCO called on countries to support affected students and families and facilitate large-scale inclusive distance learning programmes.
وه وهڵامی زۆرمان دهست کهوتTico19 Tico19
Schools and universities have closed either on a nationwide or local basis in 193 countries, affecting approximately 99.4 percent of the world's student population.
ئەگەر چی هەندێ جار ماچەکانی ڕەت دەکرێتەوەTico19 Tico19
The countries should report on a case-by-case basis as far as possible, but in case of limitation in resources, aggregate weekly reporting is also possible.
ههستێکی وامان ههیه که زۆر لهو منداڵانه بهو ناوهدا دهڕۆنTico19 Tico19
On 24 March 2020, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang reported that the spread of domestically transmitted cases has been basically blocked and the outbreak has been controlled in China.
کەمێک بیرەی ترمان خواردەوە، و گفتوگۆکە گۆڕاTico19 Tico19
Generally, the incubation time of these two viruses is less than one week, followed by an approximately 2-week illness.
کاتێک بە چاوەکانی لە شتێک وورد دەبێتەوەTico19 Tico19
In one example, when an Italian hospital urgently required a ventilator valve, and the supplier was unable to deliver in the timescale required, a local startup reverse-engineered and printed the required 100 valves overnight.
لهبهرئهوه لهوێ دادهنیشم لهسهر کورسهکی بچوکTico19 Tico19
On January 15, 2020 the first fatal case from Wuhan was reported.
ئێمه ئهوه بهخشته ئهنجام دهدهین چونکه باوهڕمان وایه کهTico19 Tico19
South Korea's programme is considered to be a success in controlling the outbreak despite not quarantining entire cities.The South Korean society was initially polarized on President Moon Jae-in's response to the crisis.
من دهگهڕێمهوه بۆ ماڵهوه بهجلێکهوه که دوکهڵی دارهکهی پێوهیهTico19 Tico19
Various mobile apps have been implemented or proposed for voluntary use, and as of April 7, 2020, over a dozen expert groups were working on privacy-friendly solutions, such as using Bluetooth to log a user's proximity to other cellphones.
چەند خانەیەکی گرنگن کە دەتوانن ببن بە هەر شێوەTico19 Tico19
In writing to the Hebrews —Christians of Jewish background— Paul shed much light on the meaning of the Law and on how God’s purpose is fulfilled in Christ.
دەتوانرێت شەلەل بنبڕبکرێت لە هەر شوێنێکjw2019 jw2019
The outbreak was identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, declared to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020, and recognized as a pandemic on 11 March 2020.
پێت دهڵێت که ئایا تۆTico19 Tico19
Once the United States-led coalition started carrying out heavier airstrikes on Mosul, the family fled to Tal Afar, she said, where ISIS forces refused to let them leave.
بۆنمونه، له ئهفغانستان، ئێمه تهنها یهک ههڵبژاردنمان نهبووهhrw.org hrw.org
One witness had a small scar on her face and a bandage on her left forearm, which she said were from injuries caused by the explosion.
یاخود زیاتر ورد ببینهوه یان مامۆستای تایبهت بگرینhrw.org hrw.org
On January 20, the infection of health-care providers was reported, suggesting that human-to-human transmission was possible.
بە خشە خۆی دەگەیەنێتە سەر گردەلمێک وTico19 Tico19
Riot police use teargas to disperse hundreds of civil servants who gathered during a protest against reduced monthly salaries in Erbil, Iraq on March 25, 2018.
وه ههمیشه یهکێکلهو نیشانانه هانی بنبڕبوونێکی دیکه دهداhrw.org hrw.org
The proper hazard controls in the workplace depend on the worksite and job task, based on a risk assessment of sources of exposure, disease severity in the community, and risk factors of individual workers who may be vulnerable to contracting COVID-19.
ئێستا ئێوە دەتوانن نرخی کرێی کارەبای مانگانەتان کەم بکەنەوەTico19 Tico19
Daniel learned another thrilling detail about the Messianic Kingdom —the King would share his rulership with others, a group referred to as “the holy ones of the Supreme One.” —Daniel 7:13, 14, 27.
بەڵام ئاسایی نییە، دەزانن؟، ئەوە ئاسای نییەjw2019 jw2019
Among these 7,162 cases, 2,692 (37.6%) patients had one or more underlying health condition or risk factor, and 4,470 (62.4%) had none of these conditions reported.
کە ئەگەر کۆنسێرتەکە خۆش نەبێت، خەتاى ئەوانەTico19 Tico19
After testing over one hundred children at the facility, a preschool student was found to be carrying the virus.
یاخود ئەو کاتەیکە سوتەمەنی تەواو دەبێتTico19 Tico19
Coles and Woolworths have a view [that] if there was plenty of stuff on the shelf, if product like toilet rolls and sanitiser could be [bought] and are there in quantities, you would probably minimise the panic said Russell Zimmerman per ABC News.
باسی ئەوەیان دەکرد چەند خۆش دەبێت گەر بێت و شتێکی وەکوTico19 Tico19
Some protesters were violent, with arson attacks on buildings belonging to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), the main political party in the Sulaymaniyah area, and some Asayish facilities.
دوبارە بەکار هێنانی شتی کۆن زۆر خراپەhrw.org hrw.org
It is only natural that we yearn to see our dead loved ones again.
ئەرکەکە جێبەجێ کراjw2019 jw2019
After the trial staff determines the drugs available at the hospital, the WHO website randomizes the hospitalized subject to one of the trial drugs or to the hospital standard of care for treating COVID-19.
بۆ خۆجێیه دهرهکیهکانTico19 Tico19
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