sick oor Sorani Koerdies


/sɪk/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
(colloquial) Mentally unstable, disturbed.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sorani Koerdies


naamwoord, adjektief
sick people


ڕشان ەوه, نەخۆشکەوتن

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

She cannot go to school because she is sick.
ئەو ناتوانێت بڕوا بۆ قوتابخانە لەبەرئەوەی ئەو نەخۆشە.
travel sickness
نهخۆشیی ڕێباری
نهخۆشی · هێلنج · هێڵنج
motion sickness
نهخۆشیی ڕێباری


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Thus, by means of Jesus, God will eliminate sickness, aging, and death. —Read Isaiah 25:8; 33:24.
منداڵه (12)ساڵیهکهم نهخۆشی کهم وهرگرتنی ههیهjw2019 jw2019
Wars, natural disasters, sickness, poverty, corruption, and other evils afflict millions of people.
با ههڵبژاردن بۆ دووساڵ نهکرێت، با یارمهتیjw2019 jw2019
Before and after caring for a sick person.
فێڵی کارتم بۆ ههموویان کردTico19 Tico19
Gloves and other disposable items should be disposed of in a biohazard bag, and contaminated surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected afterwards.For commercial shipping, including cruise ships and other passenger vessels, hazard controls include postponing travel when sick, and self-isolating and informing the onboard medical center immediately if one develops a fever or other symptoms while on board.
کارەبا سەرەکییە چالاکەکە خۆی خۆی دەکوژێنێتەوەTico19 Tico19
For example, Kingdom rule will eliminate sickness and old age.
زانیارییەکانت، چۆنیەتی هەڵسوکەوتت لە حاڵەتی جیا جیادا؟jw2019 jw2019
do they complain of being sick similar symptoms?
دووەم، گۆڕانکاری لە بە کار هێنانی بە فیڕ ۆدەرانە وTico19 Tico19
This includes if you are sick and unable to work.
تێگەشتن کە خواردنی سەگیان نەماوەTico19 Tico19
According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), lower exposure risk jobs have minimal occupational contact with the public and other coworkers, for which basic infection prevention measures are recommended, including hand washing, encouraging workers to stay home if they are sick, respiratory etiquette, and maintaining routine cleaning and disinfecting of the work environment.
کە تواناى بینینى مرۆڤ ئەو باشە نیەTico19 Tico19
They had perfect minds and bodies, so they would not have to get old or get sick or die—they could have lived forever.
سڵاو لە %٦٦ ی خوێندکارەکان ئەو خولەیان هەڵبژارد کەjw2019 jw2019
Don't stand or sit near people who might be sick.
ههست بهوه بکه که ئێمه کهمترین بڕین لە بهشهکانی خۆمانTico19 Tico19
No sick days or PTO required - just tell your manager and help your team revise calendars and schedules to make sure key areas of work are covered.
چونکە تەواوی کەرەستەی سەرەکی خوێندنیان نییەTico19 Tico19
ئەو منداڵانەش کە نەخۆشی دەروونیان نی یە، لە تەمەنی سێ ساڵیداjw2019 jw2019
No more old age, infirmity, or death: “No resident will say: ‘I am sick.’”
بڕی ٥ دۆلار دەدەم بە قاوەی ڤێنتی لاتێ لە سان فرانسیسکۆjw2019 jw2019
All sicknesses and disabilities will be eliminated in the new world
یەک لە ڕێگاکانی کە وا دەکات ئێمە تێبگەین کەjw2019 jw2019
"But it spreads in the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick, and when they touch people or things around them.
زهوی مهزهرگهیهکی کراوهیهCovidBook CovidBook
That is why all of us have been born defective, prone to sickness and death.
تا بەرگێکی تازە بنوسینیەوە لەسەر شەلەلjw2019 jw2019
If you do need to travel, take precautions as you would for other infections: wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your face, cough and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue, and avoid contact with sick people.
که بهشێوهیهکی تهکنیکی ئاساییه بۆ بهکارخستنی سیستهمێکی وهک ئهمهTico19 Tico19
With corulers, he will reign as King of God’s Kingdom, which will end wars, sickness, even death
ئەوانەی کە تایەکی زۆر و نیشانەیەکی زۆر ئەنفلۆنزای باڵندەیان هەبووjw2019 jw2019
(Isaiah 11:3-7) Sickness would vanish.
هیچ پەیوەندییەکیشی نەبوو بە قەبارەی هۆڵەکانی خوێندنەوەjw2019 jw2019
Would any conquer sickness, old age, and death?
نەک دەنگدانەوە کاڵبۆوەکانی ئەو دەنگانەی کە هاوار دەکەن دەڵێنjw2019 jw2019
Workers may be absent from work due to becoming sick, needing to care for others, or from fear of possible exposure.
بەڵام بە لایەنی کەمەوە هۆنراوەیەکی نوێم نووسیوەTico19 Tico19
If a person becomes sick on an airplane, proper controls to protect workers and other passengers include separating the sick person from others by a distance of 6 feet, designating one crew member to serve the sick person, and offering a face mask to the sick person or asking the sick person to cover their mouth and nose with tissues when coughing or sneezing.
گۆڕینی کێشهیهکی ئاڵۆزه بۆ کێشهیهکی ئاسانTico19 Tico19
The Bible also shows that God’s Son, Jesus, healed the sick.
چی لە من ڕوویداوە؟jw2019 jw2019
It will be a world without sickness, sorrow, tears, and even death.
وە ساڵێکی ترمان بەسەر برد لە بەرجەستە کردنی ئەو بیرۆکانەداjw2019 jw2019
While on earth Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead to show what he would do in the new world
دەتوانن بۆ ماوەی دوو چرکە چاوەکانتان دابخەنjw2019 jw2019
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