to detest oor Tsjeggies

to detest

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Tsjeggies


This means learning to “hate what is bad,” to detest gambling.
To znamená učit se ‚nenávidět, co je špatné‘, ošklivit si hazardní hraní.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Soon, however, he came to detest this way of life.
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18 Their soul got to detest even every sort of food,+
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And he came to detest his inheritance.
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I found myself learning about the man the Jewish faith taught me to dislike, even to detest.
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Israel had been commanded not to detest an Edomite, “for he is your brother.”
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Learn to detest violent behavior. —Psalm 11:5.
Tehdy jsem nevěděl, že jsi ta osoba, o které mi Yuki vyprávělajw2019 jw2019
This means learning to “hate what is bad,” to detest gambling.
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They came over so often I started to detest them.
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I came to detest this position.
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Before Israel’s entry into Canaan, Jehovah made plain to them the practices and customs of the peoples of Canaan that were detestable to him, and these they were to detest.
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The Hebrew word here rendered “detestable” comes from a word meaning “to loathe, nauseate,” “to be averse to, as to that which is offensive to all the senses; to detest, hate with indignation.”
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The practice of these things also makes a person’s worship unacceptable to God, causing the sacrifices and even the prayers of that person to be “detestableto God.
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Lit., “for the soul to despise, for the nation to be detesting,” that is, to the one whom the soul despises, to the one whom the nation is detesting.
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Their hypocrisy led Jehovah to declare: “Incense —it is something detestable to me.”
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He strictly commanded Israel: “You must not learn to do according to the detestable things of those nations.
Zcela vyplněné dotazníky Komisi zaslali tři dodavatelé surovin výrobnímu odvětví Společenství, tři uživatelé, dva výrobci ve Společenství, kteří podporují žádost o přezkum, jeden další výrobce, který je proti šetření, a jeden výrobce ve srovnatelné zemijw2019 jw2019
In many ways the situation in Zephaniah’s day corresponds to the detestable things occurring today in Christendom.
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I used to really detest you...
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“You must not learn to do according to the detestable things of those nations [in Canaan].
Manuel Lobo Antunes (úřadující předseda Rady) a Louis Michel (člen Komise) učinili prohlášeníjw2019 jw2019
27 A man of injustice is something detestable to the righteous ones,+ and one who is upright in his way is something detestable to a wicked one.
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We dread to become something detestable to Jehovah and to have bad come upon us in the “day of vengeance” that rapidly comes on apace.
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+ 47 And it was not in their ways that you walked, nor according to their detestable things that you did.
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The Bible warns that prayers offered by those who refuse to comply with God’s will are “detestableto him. —Proverbs 28:9.
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Children need to be taught, for example, that “everyone liking and carrying on a lie” is detestable to Jehovah.
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19 Desire when realized is pleasurable to the soul;+ but it is something detestable to the stupid ones to turn away from bad.
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(Eze 14:6) To continue practicing what God detests could only lead to eventual desolation and destruction.
Po prošetření podle odstavce # může Komise snížit, pozastavit nebo zrušit pomoc týkající se dané činnosti, jestliže se šetřením zjistí nesrovnalost nebo nesplnění některé z podmínek stanovených v rozhodnutí o poskytnutí pomoci, a zejména došlo-li k jakékoliv změně ovlivňující povahu nebo podmínky provedení projektu, pro kterou nebyl vyžádán souhlas Komisejw2019 jw2019
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