Irish people oor Wallies

Irish people

people of Ireland or of Irish extraction

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Category:Australian people of Irish descent
Categori:Awstraliaid Gwyddelig
Category:American people of Irish descent
Categori:Americanwyr Gwyddelig
Category:Welsh people of Irish descent
Categori:Cymry Gwyddelig
Category:English people of Irish descent
Categori:Saeson Gwyddelig
Category:Northern Irish people stubs
Categori:Egin pobl o Ogledd Iwerddon


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The stories of the Welsh and Irish peoples have been intertwined through history
Cyd-blethwyd hanes y Cymry a'r Gwyddelod erioedenglishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9 englishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9
Irish people by occupation
Gwyddelod yn ôl galwedigaethlangbot langbot
Category:Northern Irish people stubs
Categori:Egin pobl o Ogledd Iwerddonlangbot langbot
Northern Irish people stubs
Egin pobl o Ogledd Iwerddonlangbot langbot
Irish people by religion
Gwyddelod yn ôl crefyddlangbot langbot
Irish people stubs
Egin Gwyddelodlangbot langbot
Irish people
Gwyddelodlangbot langbot
They have brought the Irish people on board, and I believe that we can do the same here in Wales.
Maent wedi llwyddo i gael cefnogaeth pobl Iwerddon, a chredaf y gallwn wneud yr un peth yma yng Nghymru.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Therefore , there are many more Irish people around the world than there are Welsh , especially in the United States and Australia
Felly , mae llawer mwy o Wyddelod na Chymry ar draws y byd , yn enwedig yn yr Unol Daleithau ac Awstraliaenglishtainment-tm-mytVJTAb englishtainment-tm-mytVJTAb
However , for other sections of Irish society , the increase in disposable income has simply meant that many Irish people spend their money on activities other than going out and drinking in pubs
Fodd bynnag , ar gyfer rhannau eraill o gymdeithas Iwerddon , mae'r cynnydd mewn incwm gwario wedi golygu bod llawer o Wyddelod yn gwario eu harian ar weithgareddau heblaw am fynd allan ac yfed mewn tafarnauenglishtainment-tm-Vx3qPkw7 englishtainment-tm-Vx3qPkw7
On behalf of the Irish people and with great heart and great thanks to all of you for your kindness to us , may I present this gift to the National Assembly for Wales , as a token of the affection and the good wishes of the Irish people
Ar ran pobl Iwerddon a chan ddiolch o galon i bob un ohonoch am eich caredigrwydd tuag atom , carwn gyflwyno'r rhodd hon i Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru , yn arwydd o hoffter a dymuniadau da pobl Iwerddonenglishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM englishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM
This subject is particularly emotive for me in light of the comments made at the Irish Consulate last night , when the First Minister and the Irish President referred to the fact that this country was a haven and a refuge for many Irish people during Ireland's most difficult economic times
Mae hwn yn bwnc emosiynol iawn i mi yng ngoleuni'r sylwadau a wnaed yng Nghonswliaeth Iwerddon neithiwr , pan gyfeiriodd y Prif Weinidog ac Arlywydd Iwerddon at y ffaith y bu'r wlad hon yn hafan ac yn noddfa i lawer o bobl o Iwerddon yn ystod cyfnod economaidd anoddaf Iwerddonenglishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19 englishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19
Ireland is an interesting example , as the number of jobs in the Irish economy went from 1 million to 1 .5 million in the space of 10 years , and many Irish people -- although , gladly , not you , Brian -- decided to return home , because jobs and opportunities became available that were not there when they left in the 1980s
Mae Iwerddon yn enghraifft ddiddorol , gan fod nifer y swyddi yn economi Iwerddon wedi codi o 1 filiwn i 1 .5 miliwn o fewn 10 mlynedd , gan fod llawer o Wyddelod wedi penderfynu mynd adref -- er na wnaethoch chi hynny , Brian , a da hynny -- gan fod swyddi a chyfleoedd wedi codi nad oeddent yno pan ymadawasant yn yr 1980auenglishtainment-tm-2Cd5lgBD englishtainment-tm-2Cd5lgBD
Something similar is being tried in the Irish Republic , where people are made to account for their ill-gotten gains
Mae rhywbeth tebyg ar brawf yng Ngweriniaeth Iwerddon , lle mae'n rhaid i bobl roi cyfrif am eu budrelwenglishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp englishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp
People of Irish descent
Pobl o linach Wyddeliglangbot langbot
English people of Irish descent
Saeson Gwyddeliglangbot langbot
American people of Irish descent
Americanwyr Gwyddeliglangbot langbot
Category:American people of Irish descent
Categori:Americanwyr Gwyddeliglangbot langbot
Category:English people of Irish descent
Categori:Saeson Gwyddeliglangbot langbot
Category:Australian people of Irish descent
Categori:Awstraliaid Gwyddeliglangbot langbot
Welsh people of Irish descent
Cymry Gwyddeliglangbot langbot
Australian people of Irish descent
Awstraliaid Gwyddeliglangbot langbot
Category:Welsh people of Irish descent
Categori:Cymry Gwyddeliglangbot langbot
He spoke of the admiration of the Irish for how the people of Wales had preserved their Welsh language and culture
Siaradodd am edmygedd y Gwyddelod am y ffordd yr oedd pobl Cymru wedi cadw eu hiaith Gymraeg a'u diwylliantenglishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9 englishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9
Irish jokes have simply withered on the vine because people know that the Irish standard of living is now higher than that of Great Britain
Mae jôcs am y Gwyddelod wedi araf ddiflannu am fod pobl yn gwybod bod safon byw y Gwyddelod bellach yn uwch nag un Prydain Fawrenglishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp englishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp
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