Parenting Support programmes oor Wallies

Parenting Support programmes

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rhaglenni Cefnogi Rhianta


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Parenting Support programmes
rhaglenni Cefnogi Rhiantaenglishtainment-tm-9semlGkq englishtainment-tm-9semlGkq
I wish to concentrate my remarks on the delivery of parenting support programmes in Wales.
Hoffwn ganolbwyntio fy sylwadau ar y broses o roi rhaglenni cefnogi rhianta ar waith yng Nghymru.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Recommendation 1, which you focused on in your opening remarks, Helen Mary, concerns the importance of creating a clear identity for parenting support programmes and the possibility of developing a national parenting brand to enable parents to identify support services.
Mae argymhelliad 1 yr oeddech yn canolbwyntio arno yn eich sylwadau agoriadol, Helen Mary, yn ymwneud â phwysigrwydd creu delwedd glir ar gyfer rhaglenni cefnogi rhianta, a phosibilrwydd datblygu brand rhianta cenedlaethol i alluogi rhieni i nodi gwasanaethau cefnogi.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Bangor University's Incredible Years project, which Gwynedd County Council is rolling out and which I know you have considered to see whether it can be rolled out across Wales, is a marvellous parental support programme that teaches, helps and supports parents who do not have parenting skills to develop those skills.
Mae'r prosiect Blynyddoedd Rhyfeddol gan Brifysgol Bangor, sy'n cael ei gyflwyno gan Gyngor Sir Gwynedd, ac sydd wedi'i ystyried gennych, mi wn, i weld a ellir ei gyflwyno ledled Cymru, yn rhaglen gymorth ardderchog i rieni sy'n addysgu, yn helpu ac yn cefnogi rhieni nad oes ganddynt sgiliau magu plant i ddatblygu'r sgiliau hynny.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Childcare programmes now provide support for parents who want to take up new job opportunities
Bellach mae rhaglenni gofal plant yn cynnig cymorth i rieni sydd am achub ar gyfleoedd gwaith newyddenglishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK englishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK
Flying Start provides high-quality childcare for two-year-olds, additional health visits, parenting programmes and language and play support for 16,000 children across Wales.
Mae Dechrau'n Deg yn darparu gofal plant o ansawdd uchel i blant bach dwy oed, ymweliadau iechyd ychwanegol, rhaglenni rhianta a chefnogaeth iaith a chwarae i 16,000 o blant ledled Cymru.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Through our family support programmes we continue to encourage parental involvement in children's learning, both by supporting parents to improve their own basic skills and by encouraging them to get more involved in reading with their children.
Drwy ein rhaglenni cymorth i deuluoedd rydym yn parhau i annog cyfranogiad gan rieni yn addysg eu plant, trwy gynorthwyo rhieni i wella eu sgiliau sylfaenol eu hunain a'u hannog i ddarllen mwy gyda'u plant.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We will continue our support and encourage better progression routes for parents from family programmes to more substantial learning
Byddwn yn parhau i gefnogi ac annog llwybrau dilyniant gwell i rieni sy'n symud o raglenni teulu at ddysgu mwy sylweddolenglishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY englishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY
This was despite the fact that Newport City Council was able to give assurances that it could cope with additional demand within its existing budget and deliver adequately on the four strands of the scheme prescribed by the Welsh Assembly Government, which are health visiting, childcare, parenting support and language, and play programmes.
Roedd hyn er gwaethaf y ffaith bod Cyngor Dinas Casnewydd yn gallu sicrhau y gallai ymdopi â'r galw ychwanegol o fewn ei gyllideb a darparu'n ddigonol ar bedair elfen y cynllun a ragnodwyd gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru, sef gwasanaeth ymwelwyr iechyd, gofal plant, cymorth ym maes magu plant ac iaith, a rhaglenni chwarae.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
A range of New Deal programmes has been introduced over the last 18 months -- support for unemployed young people , lone parents and disabled people
Cyflwynwyd ystod o raglenni'r Fargen Newydd dros y 18 mis diwethaf -- cefnogaeth i bobl ifainc ddi-waith , rhieni unigol a phobl anablenglishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR englishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR
The aims of the programme -- improving the circumstances and quality of life of needy parents and children -- are praiseworthy and deserve our support
Mae amcanion y rhaglen -- gwella sefyllfaoedd ac ansawdd bywyd rhieni a phlant anghenus -- yn glodwiw ac yn haeddu ein cefnogaethenglishtainment-tm-wTou7kgT englishtainment-tm-wTou7kgT
Many parents benefit from a network of informal support, but our programmes ensure—and will ensure even more in the future—that support at an appropriate level and delivered at the right time can be there in a range of circumstances, across a spectrum of needs and in an increasingly integrated way.
Mae llawer o rieni yn elwa ar rwydwaith o gefnogaeth anffurfiol, ond mae'n rhaglenni yn sicrhau—a byddant yn sicrhau hyd yn oed yn fwy yn y dyfodol—bod cymorth ar lefel briodol yn cael ei gynnig ar yr adeg iawn mewn amryw o amgylchiadau, ar draws sbectrwm o anghenion ac mewn ffordd gynyddol integredig.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We are providing information and support, not only to children and young people extensively through our all-Wales schools liaison core programme, but to parents, too.
Yr ydym yn darparu gwybodaeth a chymorth ar raddfa eang, nid yn unig i blant a phobl ifanc, drwy ein rhaglen graidd cyswllt ysgolion Cymru gyfan, ond i rieni hefyd.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
My responsibility as Minister in terms of pre-school education includes the Flying Start programme and the support that we give to parents through the parenting strategy, which is just as crucial in terms of the outcomes that we are seeking for our children and young people in the light of the UN convention on the rights of the child.
Mae fy nghyfrifoldeb fel Gweinidog o ran addysg cyn ysgol yn cynnwys y rhaglen Dechrau'n Deg a'r cymorth a roddwn i rieni drwy'r strategaeth rianta, sydd yr un mor hanfodol o ran y canlyniadau a geisiwn ar gyfer ein plant a'n pobl ifanc yng ngoleuni confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar hawliau'r plentyn.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We now use the job creation grant so that regional selective assistance is available to such projects, and we have used special-purpose financing vehicles to support the composite wing programme at Airbus and the innovation works campus of its parent company, EADS, in Newport.
Yr ydym bellach yn defnyddio'r grant creu swyddi er mwyn sicrhau bod cymorth rhanbarthol dewisol ar gael ar gyfer prosiectau o'r fath, ac yr ydym wedi defnyddio cyfryngau cyllido arbennig i gefnogi rhaglen adenydd cyfansawdd Airbus a champws gwaith arloesol ei riant gwmni, EADS, yng Nghasnewydd.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I wish the Government the best in terms of what you will do with the Families First programme, because let us be frank—not only do parents in the most vulnerable wards need parenting support, but, as others have said, people like you and me also need it.
Rwy'n dymuno'n dda i'r Llywodraeth o ran yr hyn a wnewch â'r rhaglen Teuluoedd yn Gyntaf, oherwydd gadewch inni fod yn onest—nid rhieni yn y wardiau mwyaf agored i niwed yn unig sydd ag arnynt angen cymorth rhianta, ond, fel mae eraill wedi dweud, mae pobl fel chi a fi ei angen hefyd.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
You made reference to EEPIP, the evaluated early parental intervention programme, in north-west Wales, and some of the evidence from that has been at the heart of our thinking in developing the integrated family support teams.
Cyfeiriasoch at EEPIP, y rhaglen ymyriad cynnar wedi'i werthuso i rieni yn y gogledd-orllewin, ac mae rhywfaint o'r dystiolaeth o honno wedi bod wrth graidd ein syniadaeth wrth ddatblygu'r timau cynnal teuluoedd integredig.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
That radio programme drew a comparison between Oakdale Comprehensive School in the Caerphilly borough and Cardiff High School, but the reporter failed to mention the significant differences between them, in terms of parental income, parental support, and the social advantages in Cardiff as compared with the Caerphilly borough.
Yr oedd y rhaglen radio honno yn cymharu Ysgol Gyfun Oakdale ym mwrdeistref Caerffili ac Ysgol Uwchradd Caerdydd, ond methodd y newyddiadurwr â sôn am y gwahaniaethau sylweddol rhyngddynt, o ran incwm rhieni, cefnogaeth rhieni, a manteision cymdeithasol Caerdydd o'i gymharu â bwrdeistref Caerffili.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
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