admit oor Wallies


/ædˈmɪt/, /ədˈmɪt/ werkwoord
(transitive) To allow to enter; to grant entrance, whether into a place, or into the mind, or consideration; to receive; to take.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies


to concede as true


Geiriadur Cymraeg-Rwsieg a Rwsieg-Cymraeg

gadael i mewn

to allow to enter; to grant entrance

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Soortgelyke frases

admit a claim
addef hawliad · caniatáu hawliad
receipt; admit, receive
admit liability
addef atebolrwydd
admit an offence
cyfaddef trosedd
admitted body status
statws corff derbyniedig
admitted to school for nursery education
wedi'u derbyn i ysgol ar gyfer addysg feithrin


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I have to admit that I am puzzled as to why that is the case.
Rhaid imi gyfaddef nad wyf yn deall pam.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Surveyed by a Mori poll for the NSPCC, parents will admit to smacking, or hitting, to give it its real title, when they are angry, stressed, tired or feel out of control.
O gael eu holi mewn arolwg Mori ar ran yr NSPCC, bydd rhieni'n cyfaddef eu bod yn smacio, neu'n curo plant, i roi'r teitl iawn iddo, pan fyddant yn flin, dan bwysau, wedi blino neu'n teimlo eu bod allan o reolaeth.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
A good annual report should celebrate achievement but should also admit to challenges and problems and explain why targets have not been met
Dylai adroddiad blynyddol da ddathlu cyflawniad ond dylai hefyd gyfaddef i heriau a phroblemau ac esbonio pam na chyrhaeddwyd targedauenglishtainment-tm-N620QJY0 englishtainment-tm-N620QJY0
You have admitted that this money is only for one yea ; I am of the opinion , as are the Auditor General and the Assembly , that we should not be putting money into short-term one-off initiatives
Yr ydych wedi cyfaddef mai dim ond am flwyddyn y mae'r arian hwn ar gae ; yr wyf o'r farn , fel y mae'r Archwilydd Cyffredinol a'r Cynulliad , na ddylem fod yn gwario arian ar fentrau tymor byr unigolenglishtainment-tm-P3zj5tFf englishtainment-tm-P3zj5tFf
I refer again to the fact that Brian Gibbons is chairing a new group on strategy for the elderly , which looks at these issues , including many of the points that you raised in particular , Alun : ensuring that people are admitted to , and discharged from , hospitals appropriatel ; that we build our community care respons ; our free six-week homecare package that enables people to return home from hospita ; and that we address the issue of delayed transfer of care , when people are ready to leave hospital but where there is no appropriate placement for them
Cyfeiriaf eto at y ffaith fod Brian Gibbons yn cadeirio grwp newydd yn ymdrin â strategaeth i'r henoed , sydd yn ystyried y materion hyn , gan gynnwys llawer o'r pwyntiau a godwyd gennych chi yn benodol , Alun : sicrhau y caiff pobl eu derbyn i'r ysbyty a'u rhyddhau o'r ysbyty mewn ffordd briodo ; sicrhau ein bod yn datblygu ein hymateb o ran gofal yn y gymune ; ein pecyn gofal yn y cartref chwe wythnos am ddim sydd yn galluogi pobl i fynd adref o'r ysbyt ; a sicrhau ein bod yn ymdrin â'r mater o oedi cyn trosglwyddo gofal , pan fydd pobl yn barod i adael yr ysbyty ond pan nad oes lleoliad priodol iddyntenglishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm englishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm
The First Minister : I draw your attention to the Audit Commission's 2003 report , which provided figures that you should be promoting to your English colleagues , namely that 96 per cent of accident and emergency attendances in Wales were admitted within four hours , compared to 81 per cent in England
Y Prif Weinidog : Tynnaf eich sylw at adroddiad y Comisiwn Archwilio am 2003 , a ddarparodd ffigurau y dylech eu tynnu i sylw'ch cydweithwyr yn Lloegr , sef bod 96 y cant o'r rhai a ddaeth i adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys yng Nghymru wedi'u derbyn o fewn pedair awr , o'i gymharu ag 81 y cant yn Lloegrenglishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD englishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD
He fully admits that , in previous years , the arts council was not perfect and needed reform
Mae'n derbyn yn llwyr nad oedd cyngor y celfyddydau'n berffaith , mewn blynyddoedd a fu , a bod angen ei ddiwygioenglishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS englishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS
I was born in the middle of the region and I have seen -- and I am not going to admit to exactly how long ago it was -- all the people I was in school with leave the region
Ganwyd fi yng nghanol y rhanbarth ac yr wyf wedi gweld -- er nad wyf am gyfaddef faint yn union sydd ers hynny -- bawb oedd yn yr ysgol gyda mi yn gadael y rhanbarthenglishtainment-tm-GTRoCGg1 englishtainment-tm-GTRoCGg1
By 2007 , when the structural funds are renegotiated again , it is almost certain that the European community will have admitted half a dozen , perhaps a dozen , new countries to the south and east and their GDP per head makes Wales look like California
Erbyn 2007 , pan gaiff y cronfeydd strwythurol eu hailnegodi eto , mae bron yn sicr y bydd y gymuned Ewropeaidd wedi derbyn hanner dwsin , efallai ddwsin , o wledydd newydd i'r de a'r dwyrain , ac mae eu CMC y pen yn gwneud i Gymru edrych fel Califforniaenglishtainment-tm-GTRoCGg1 englishtainment-tm-GTRoCGg1
They now face the prospect of having to do that with the spectre of large-scale job losses looming, which not even the Deputy First Minister, talking on Radio Wales this morning, was able to quantify or admit to.
Maent yn awr yn wynebu'r posibilrwydd o orfod gwneud hynny gyda cholli swyddi ar raddfa fawr ar y gorwel, rhywbeth nad oedd hyd yn oed y Dirprwy Brif Weinidog, wrth siarad ar Radio Wales y bore yma, yn gallu ei fesur na chyfaddef iddo.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Instead the St John Ambulance staff found a wheelchair, put the patient in a car and drove to Nevill Hall Hospital, where the patient was immediately admitted.
Yn lle hynny, daeth staff Ambiwlans Sant Ioan o hyd i gadair olwyn, rhoi'r claf mewn car a gyrru i Ysbyty Nevill Hall, lle derbyniwyd y claf ar unwaith.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
On the vexed question of GPs ' representation on the project board , rather than getting jumpy and angry with me , maybe the Minister could just admit that she was wrong last week in Committee , when she said that there was a practising GP on that board
O ran cwestiwn dadleuol cynrychiolaeth meddygon teulu ar y bwrdd prosiect , yn hytrach na chynhyrfu a mynd yn ddig wrthyf , efallai y gallai'r Gweinidog gyfaddef iddi fod ar fai yr wythnos diwethaf yn y Pwyllgor , pan ddywedodd fod meddyg teulu gweithredol ar y bwrdd hwnnwenglishtainment-tm-bEmEVlwb englishtainment-tm-bEmEVlwb
It is shocking that she has not admitted fully that her answer was misleading
Mae'n warthus nad yw wedi llwyr gyfaddef bod ei hateb yn gamarweiniolenglishtainment-tm-fcX3T6IM englishtainment-tm-fcX3T6IM
I must admit that I have found Jack Straw to be extremely helpful on this matter, all along.
Rhaid imi gyfaddef fod Jack Straw wedi bod o gymorth mawr gyda'r mater hwn, ar hyd y daith.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
(v.) addef [addef-], cyfaddef [cyfaddef-; 3.s. & 2.s.imp. cyfaddef], derbyn [derbyni-; 3.s. & 2.s.imp. derbyn]langbot langbot
Despite emergency admissions increasing by 3 per cent over the same period , NHS Wales treated 8 per cent more elective cases , which include those admitted from waiting lists and planned cases , and saw an additional 3 per cent of new outpatients
Er gwaethaf y cynnydd o 3 y cant yn y derbyniadau brys dros yr un cyfnod , triniodd NHS Cymru 8 y cant yn fwy o achosion dewisol , sydd yn cynnwys y rhai a dderbynnir oddi ar restrau aros ac achosion cynlluniedig , a gwelodd 3 y cant yn ychwanegol o gleifion allanol newyddenglishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp englishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp
I feel that we are making progress in that you are prepared to admit that we need money over and above Barnett for the Objective 1 programme
Teimlaf ein bod yn symud ymlaen i'r graddau eich bod yn barod i gyfaddef bod arnom arian ar ben grant Barnett ar gyfer rhaglen Amcan 1englishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa englishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa
How can anyone cope with being pressured to admit that they have or have not done something just to get their job back ? That must demoralise staff
Sut y gall rhywun ymdopi â phwysau i gyfaddef ei fod wedi gwneud rhywbeth , neu heb wneud rhywbeth , dim ond i gael ei swydd yn ôl ? Mae hynny'n sicr o ddigalonni staffenglishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X englishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X
I have received comments from staff and families in Swansea that there is a perception locally that the guidelines that manage the admission of patients to Fairwood Hospital are perhaps too strictly enforced, as they cut down on the number of patients who can be admitted, thus creating the impression that not many patients attend the hospital.
Yr wyf wedi derbyn sylwadau oddi wrth staff a theuluoedd yn Abertawe fod canfyddiad yn lleol fod y canllawiau sy'n rheoli mynediad claf i Ysbyty Fairwood yn cael eu gweithredu'n rhy lym efallai, ac yn torri i lawr ar nifer y cleifion sy'n gallu cael mynediad, gan greu'r argraff wedyn nad oes rhyw lawer o gleifion yn mynd i'r ysbyty.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Most closures, as admitted by councils, are finance driven, and take little opportunity to look at alternatives other than closure.
Arian sydd wrth wraidd y rhan fwyaf o'r cynlluniau cau hyn, fel y cyfaddefa'r cynghorau, a phrin eu bod yn ystyried posibiliadau eraill ar wahân i gau.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Even the current Prime Minister, as he admitted on a recent school visit, has had problems.
Mae'r Prif Weinidog presennol, hyd yn oed, fel y cyfaddefodd wrth ymweld ag ysgol yn ddiweddar, wedi cael problemau.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Those standards require that stroke patients have prompt access to a team of people with the right range of skills to diagnose and to treat them, and that patients be admitted to hospital beds that are co-located and dedicated to them.
Mae'r safonau hynny'n mynnu bod tîm o bobl â'r ystod gywir o sgiliau ar gael ar unwaith i wneud diagnosis ac i drin cleifion strôc, a bod cleifion yn cael gwelyau ysbyty sydd wedi'u cydleoli a'u neilltuo ar eu cyfer.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
David is the first in the Conservative Party to admit to previous failings of Tory policy , but I am afraid that , in the Conservative Assembly group , he is the first and the last
David yw'r cyntaf yn y Blaid Geidwadol i gyfaddef methiannau blaenorol polisïau Torïaidd , ond mae arnaf ofn , yng ngrwp Ceidwadwyr y Cynulliad , mai ef yw'r cyntaf a'r olafenglishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe englishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe
David Plouffe, who masterminded Barack Obama's widely praised presidential campaign on the web, admitted last week that it was old-school technology including direct mail and television advertising that propelled the campaign to victory and not Facebook or Twitter.
Yr wythnos diwethaf, cyfaddefodd David Plouffe, a lywiodd ymgyrch arlywyddol Barack Obama ar y we, sydd wedi cael canmoliaeth eang, mai hen dechnoleg yn cynnwys post uniongyrchol a hysbysebion teledu a yrrodd yr ymgyrch i fuddugoliaeth ac nid Facebook na Twitter.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Jamie was admitted for observation , a pH study and to be reviewed by a consultant
Daethpwyd â Jamie i mewn fel y gellid ei gadw dan wyliadwriaeth , gwneud astudiaeth pH arno ac i feddyg ymgynghorol adolygu ei achosenglishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi englishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi
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