application session oor Wallies

application session

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies

sesiwn rhaglen


Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
The order in which applications are started in the session.
Y drefn mae cymhwysiannau yn cael eu dechrau ynddi yn y sesiwnenglishtainment-tm-qrqI9GBW englishtainment-tm-qrqI9GBW
Applications to be excluded from sessions
Cymhwysiadau i' w gwahardd o sesiynauKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Application is being auto-started at KDE session start
Hunan-gyhwynnir y cymhwysiad wrth gychwyn y sesiwn KDEKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Application is being auto-started at KDE session start
Ailgychwynnir y cymhwysiad yn ymysgogol ar gychwyn sesiwn KDEenglishtainment-tm-8Rbrtexn englishtainment-tm-8Rbrtexn
Restore previous session: Will save all applications running on exit and restore them when they next start up Restore manually saved session: Allows the session to be saved at any time via " Save Session " in the K-Menu. This means the currently started applications will reappear when they next start up. Start with an empty session: Do not save anything. Will come up with an empty desktop on next start
Adfer y sesiwn cynt: Bydd yn cadw pob cymhwysiant sy' n rhedeg, a' u hadfer wrth iddynt ymgychwyn nesaf. Adfer sesiwn wedi' i gadw â llaw: Gadael i' r sesiwn gael ei gadw unrhyw amser drwy " Cadw Sesiwn " yn y Ddewislen-K. Golyga hyn bydd y cymhwysiadau sydd wedi' u cychwyn eisioes yn ail-ymddangos wrth iddynt ymgychwyn nesaf. Cychwyn efo sesiwn gwag: Peidio â chadw. Bydd yn cynhyrchu penbwrdd gwag wrth yr ymgychwyn nesafKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Here you can enter a comma-separated list of applications that should not be saved in sessions, and therefore will not be started when restoring a session. For example 'xterm, xconsole '
Gallwch fewnosod yma rhestr o gymwysiadau, wedi' u wahanu gan gorwahannod, na ddylid cael eu cadw mewn sesiynau, ac felly na ddechreuir wrth adfer sesiwn. Er enghraifft ' xterm: xconsole 'KDE40.1 KDE40.1
In terms of exclusions from the tariffs , Ambassador Farish said in Cardiff yesterday at the British-American Business Council conference's final session , that over 1 ,000 applications for exclusions from the tariffs have been made and probably a high percentage of those will be acted on positively
O ran eithrio o'r tollau , dywedodd y Llysgennad Farish yng Nghaerdydd ddoe , yn sesiwn olaf cynhadledd Cyngor Busnes Prydain-America , fod dros 1 ,000 o geisiadau am eithrio o'r tollau wedi dod i law a'i bod yn debygol y bydd canlyniad cadarnhaol i ganran uchel o'r rheinienglishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY englishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY
You should not run any other applications while running this wizard and at the end of the wizard you should exit your session and login again.
Ni ddylech redeg unrhyw raglen arall wrth redeg y dewin ac ar ddiwedd y dewin dylech adael eich sesiwn ac ail fewn gofnodi.englishtainment-tm-Gp0kYi4E englishtainment-tm-Gp0kYi4E
During the question-and-answer session following the presentation, commission members discussed what could be done to support the development and commercial application of these technologies in Wales.
Yn ystod y sesiwn holi ac ateb wedi'r cyflwyniad, trafododd aelodau'r comisiwn beth y gellid ei wneud er mwyn helpu i ddatblygu a defnyddio'r technolegau hyn yn fasnachol yng Nghymru.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Session cookies are small pieces of data that are temporarily stored in your computer's memory until you quit or close all applications (eg your browser) that use them.
Darnau bach o ddata yw bisgedi sesiwn, y cedwir dros dro yng ngof eich cyfrifiadur nes i chi gau neu adael pob cymhwysiad (hy eich porwr) sy'n eu defnyddio.englishtainment-tm-DE2ESbaO englishtainment-tm-DE2ESbaO
Treat all cookies as session cookies. Session cookies are small pieces of data that are temporarily stored in your computer 's memory until you quit or close all applications (e. g. your browser) that use them. Unlike regular cookies, session cookies are never stored on your hard drive or other storage medium. NOTE: Checking this option along with the previous one will override your default as well as site specific cookie policies. However, doing so also increases your privacy since all cookies will be removed when the current session ends
Trin pob bisgïen fel bisgïen sesiwn. Darnau bach o ddata yw bisgedi sesiwn, y cedwir dros dro yng ngof eich cyfrifiadur nes i chi gau neu adael pob cymhwysiad (h. y. eich porwr) sy' n eu defnyddio. Yn wahanol i fathau eraill o fisgedi, ni gedwir bisgedi sesiwn ar eich disg galed neu' ch dyfais gadw. NODER: Bydd dewis y dewisiad yma ynghŷd â' r un blaenorol yn cymeryd blaenoriaeth dros eich polisi rhagosod a' ch polisïau ar gyfer safweoedd penodol hefyd. Serch hynny, bydd gwneud hyn yn dal i gynyddu' ch preifatrwydd gan y dilëir pob bisgïen pan ddaw y sesiwn cyfredol i benKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Perhaps Rhodri Glyn and Mick Bates should have a cuppa after this session to discuss how Carmarthenshire County Council can advise Powys County Council to submit the application for its settlement, because Carmarthenshire's settlement is near the top and Powys's is near the bottom.
Efallai y dylai Rhodri Glyn a Mick Bates gael dysglaid o de ar ôl y sesiwn hon i drafod sut y gall Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin gynghori Cyngor Sir Powys ar gyflwyno'r cais am ei setliad, gan fod setliad Caerfyrddin yn agos at y brig a setliad Powys yn agos at y gwaelod.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
12 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.