authoritarianism oor Wallies


A form of government in which the governing body has absolute, or almost absolute, control. Typically this control is maintained by force, and little heed is paid to public opinion or the judicial system.

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authoritarian parenting
magu gorawdurdodol · rhianta gorawdurdodol
awdurdodaidd · awdurdodus
awdurdodaidd · awdurdodus


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This situation will best be preserved if we politicians retain a healthy space between us and our artists , giving them the room to be experimental and even anti-authoritarian , without the ever-present threat of political pressure or loss of political support
Y modd gorau i gadw'r sefyllfa fel y mae fydd i ni'r gwleidyddion aros yn ddigon pell oddi wrth ein hartistiaid , gan roi lle iddynt arbrofi a bod yn wrthawdurdodaidd hyd yn oed , heb gael y bygythiad parhaus o bwysau gwleidyddol neu golli cefnogaeth wleidyddolenglishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS englishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS
authoritarian parenting
rhianta llawdrwm ( / Authoritarian parenting is more controlling and less responsive to a child’s needs. )langbot langbot
awdurdodaethlangbot langbot
It empowers local communities and acts against central authoritarian tendencies
Mae'n ymrymuso cymunedau lleol ac yn gweithredu yn erbyn tueddiadau awdurdodol canologenglishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM englishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM
Do you agree that your personal failure , and that of your party , to publicly oppose unthinking authoritarian proposals to attack country sports , and fox hunting in particular , is alienating people in mid and north Wales ? Because of the deliberate obfuscation that you have been guilty of between what is the administration and what is the Assembly , we all get the blame
A gytunwch bod eich methiant personol chi , a methiant eich plaid , i wrthwynebu'n gyhoeddus gynigion awdurdodaidd difeddwl i ymosod ar chwaraeon cefn gwlad , a hela llwynogod yn arbennig , yn dieithrio pobl yng nghanolbarth a gogledd Cymru ? Oherwydd y dryswch bwriadol y buoch yn euog ohono rhwng beth yw'r weinyddiaeth a beth yw'r Cynulliad , caiff pob un ohonom y baienglishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm englishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm
It was the US Government that originally armed the Taleban to take over from the previous communist government now represented by the Northern Alliance , which was rightly seen as an authoritarian government
Yn wreiddiol , Llywodraeth yr UD a roddodd arfau i'r Taleban oresgyn y llywodraeth gomiwnyddol flaenorol a gynrychiolir bellach gan Gynghrair y Gogledd , a ystyriwyd fel llywodraeth awdurdodaidd , a hynny'n haeddiannolenglishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi englishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi
Traditionally , the self-proclaimed ` party of Wales ' has in reality been the party of hidebound , reactionary Wales : pro-authoritarian and right wing , which , mercifully has not represented much of Wales
Yn draddodiadol , bu'r blaid a eilw ei hun yn ` plaid Cymru ' mewn gwirionedd yn blaid ragfarnllyd , adweithiol Cymru : o blaid awdurdodyddiaeth ac yn adain dde , nad yw , drwy drugaredd , wedi cynrychioli llawer o Gymruenglishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT englishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT
authoritarian parenting
rhianta llawdrwmenglishtainment-tm-TubXOX5L englishtainment-tm-TubXOX5L
awdurdodaiddlangbot langbot
Why are you so authoritarian and dictatorial about this ? Why are you not prepared to listen ?
Pam yr ydych mor awdurdodol ac unbennaidd ynghylch hyn ? Pam nad ydych yn barod i wrando ?englishtainment-tm-ORSVdjEB englishtainment-tm-ORSVdjEB
I am torn between trying to ensure orderly debate and trying not to be authoritarian in the Chair
Caf fy nhynnu rhwng ceisio sicrhau trafodaeth drefnus a cheisio peidio â bod yn awdurdodaidd yn y Gadairenglishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8 englishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8
How can anyone be sure that an aeroplane will not be flown deliberately into a nuclear power station ? Their vulnerability can lead to a severe reduction in the liberty and freedom of citizens as authoritarian measures of protection are introduced
Sut y gall unrhyw un fod yn siwr na chaiff awyren ei hedfan yn fwriadol i mewn i orsaf ynni niwclear ? Gall eu sefyllfa fregus arwain at leihad sylweddol mewn hawliau a rhyddid dinasyddion yn sgîl cyflwyno mesurau diogelwch awdurdodaiddenglishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM englishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM
awdurdodaethlangbot langbot
It would not have to be authoritarian or oppressive , but the National Assembly and the Government of Wales should have that sort of generic right
Nid oes rhaid iddo fod yn beth awdurdodus a gormesol , ond mae'n iawn i'r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol a Llywodraeth Cymru gael hawl cyffredinol o'r math hwnnwenglishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY englishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY
Above all , she has a value beyond any monetary figure as her presence ensures a stable constitution and acts as a powerful counterbalance to Prime Ministers who have difficulty in restraining their authoritarian instincts
Yn anad dim mae iddi werth y tu hwnt i unrhyw swm o arian gan fod ei phresenoldeb yn gwarantu cyfansoddiad sefydlog ac mae'n gweithredu fel gwrthbwynt grymus i Brif Weinidogion sy'n ei chael yn anodd i ffrwyno'u greddf awdurdodaiddenglishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK englishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK
In extreme cases , it can lead to authoritarian government
Mewn achosion eithafol , gall arwain at lywodraeth unbenaetholenglishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK englishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK
There were complaints about the arts council's modus operandi before the restructuring and we should not allow it to slip back into its old authoritarian ways
Cafwyd cwynion ynghylch modus operandi cyngor y celfyddydau cyn yr ailstrwythuro ac ni ddylem ganiatáu iddo lithro yn ôl i'w hen arferion awdurdodusenglishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X englishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X
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