balance support oor Wallies

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ymgynnal cytbwys


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balance support
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It is our commitment to a whole culture and society to balance support across the subject range for higher education institutions.
Ein hymrwymiad ni i ddiwylliant a chymdeithas yn eu cyflawnder yw y byddwn yn cadw'r ddysgl yn wastad drwy gefnogi holl ystod y pynciau ar gyfer sefydliadau addysg uwch.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We must , of course , strike a balance between supporting indigenous businesses and attracting inward investors
Wrth gwrs , rhaid inni ddal y ddysgl yn wastad rhwng cefnogi busnesau cynhenid a denu mewnfuddsoddwyrenglishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK englishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK
It also asks important strategic questions about the balance between support to parents through tax credits , and Assembly support for the childcare market
Hefyd , mae'n gofyn cwestiynau strategol pwysig am y cydbwysedd rhwng cymorth i rieni drwy gredydau treth , a chymorth gan y Cynulliad i farchnad gofal plantenglishtainment-tm-5pRN6JQt englishtainment-tm-5pRN6JQt
We therefore need a balanced approach , supporting indigenous companies while attracting inward investors such as General Dynamics UK Ltd , which has successfully located at Oakdale business park
Felly mae angen ymagwedd gytbwys arnom , drwy gynorthwyo cwmnïau brodorol a denu mewnfuddsoddwyr megis General Dynamics UK Ltd , sydd wedi sefydlu'n llwyddiannus ym mharc busnes Oakdaleenglishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM englishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM
I said earlier that we proposed a balanced package to support our key priorities
Dywedais yn gynharach ein bod yn cynnig pecyn cytbwys i gefnogi'n blaenoriaethau allweddolenglishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa englishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa
They are self-helping , well balanced communities , supported by education for all and cultural richness and diversity achieved by improving access to language and culture within a multicultural Wales
Cymunedau cytbwys sydd yn helpu eu hunain yw'r rhain , a gefnogir drwy addysg i bawb a chyfoeth ac amrywiaeth diwylliannol a geir drwy wella mynediad at iaith a diwylliant o fewn Cymru amlddiwylliannolenglishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR englishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR
I support a balance between regimented lessons and free time in pools
Yr wyf o blaid dal y ddysgl yn wastad rhwng gwersi trefnus ac amser rhydd yn y pyllau nofioenglishtainment-tm-H0qO6EuL englishtainment-tm-H0qO6EuL
It said that it supported a balanced recovery.
Dywedodd ei fod yn gymorth i gael adferiad cytbwys.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
However, we need to balance the support that we give through business rate relief to make local companies, whether local food suppliers or whatever, more ambitious, so that they employ more people, grow and maybe export.
Fodd bynnag, mae angen inni gydbwyso'r gefnogaeth a rown drwy ryddhad ardrethi busnes i wneud cwmnïau lleol, boed hwy'n gyflenwyr bwyd lleol neu beth bynnag, yn fwy cystadleuol, er mwyn iddynt gyflogi mwy o bobl, tyfu ac efallai allforio.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I want to push you further as to how you can maintain a balance through supporting small indigenous businesses on the one hand while doing your utmost to draw in large companies to the same area on the other hand.
Hoffwn bwyso arnoch ymhellach ynglŷn â sut y gallwch sicrhau cydbwysedd wrth gefnogi busnesau bach brodorol ar yr un llaw a gwneud eich gorau glas i ddenu cwmnïau mawrion i'r un ardal ar y llall.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
They would also contain a balanced mixture of academic and support staff
Byddent hefyd yn cynnwys cymysgedd cytbwys o staff academaidd a staff cymorthenglishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8 englishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8
We should consider that matter alongside the continuing question of how to balance properly the support for inward investment , a specialist activity , with the encouragement of much smaller indigenous industries
Dylem ystyried y mater hwnnw ynghyd â'r cwestiwn parhaus o sut i sicrhau cydbwysedd priodol rhwng cefnogaeth i fuddsoddiad o'r tu allan , gweithgaredd arbenigol , ac annog diwydiannau cynhenid llawer llaienglishtainment-tm-wTou7kgT englishtainment-tm-wTou7kgT
That is why Plaid Cymru is convinced that the balance of investment and support has not yet gone far enough towards our own SMEs
Dyna pam y mae Plaid Cymru'n argyhoeddedig nad yw'r cydbwysedd o ran buddsoddi a chymorth wedi mynd ddigon o blaid ein busnesau bach a chanolig eu maint etoenglishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN englishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN
The IMF has described the UK's deficit reduction plans as essential to support our debt position, and said that it supports a balanced recovery.
Mae'r Gronfa Ariannol Gydwladol wedi dweud bod cynlluniau lleihau diffyg y DU yn hanfodol er mwyn cefnogi ein sefyllfa o safbwynt dyled, ac wedi dweud ei fod yn cefnogi adferiad cytbwys.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
They provide a balance of support directly for farming and for the wider support base that is required by the farming industry and rural communities in the wider perspective, which ensures that we strengthen the rural economy in its entirety and make it diverse enough to be sustainable for the future.
Mae'n rhoi cydbwysedd o gymorth uniongyrchol i ffermio ac i'r sylfaen gefnogi ehangach sy'n ofynnol gan y diwydiant ffermio a chan gymunedau gwledig yn y safbwynt ehangach.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
As I announced last week , there will be a balance of funding review , to support the work done by Nick Raynsford
Fel y cyhoeddais yr wythnos diwethaf , cynhelir adolygiad o'r balans ariannu , i ategu'r gwaith a wnaed gan Nick Raynsfordenglishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN englishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN
The balance comes from LEAs whose revenue support grant settlement includes their 40 per cent contribution
Daw'r gweddill o'r awdurdodau addysg lleol , y mae eu setliad grant cynnal refeniw yn cynnwys eu cyfraniad o 40 y cantenglishtainment-tm-mGlETbh5 englishtainment-tm-mGlETbh5
However , your reference to the balance of the funding going to support small-scale venues across Wales causes concern
Fodd bynnag , mae eich cyfeiriad at y cydbwysedd o ran yr arian a aiff i gefnogi lleoliadau bach ledled Cymru yn destun pryderenglishtainment-tm-8Qf0eLCh englishtainment-tm-8Qf0eLCh
There is support for the proposed balance between knowledge , practical application and essential skill development support , looking at young people in the round and taking into account all aspects of their lives
Ceir cefnogaeth i'r cydbwysedd arfaethedig rhwng dysg , cymhwysiad ymarferol a chymorth i ddatblygu sgiliau hanfodol , gan edrych ar bobl ifanc yn gyffredinol a rhoi ystyriaeth i bob agwedd ar eu bywydauenglishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK englishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK
However , this framework must strike a balance between providing support and services to people and ensuring that those people are protected on the one hand , and ensuring that the framework is not overly burdensome to the agency on the other
Fodd bynnag , rhaid i'r fframwaith hwn ddal y ddysgl yn wastad rhwng darparu cymorth a gwasanaethau i bobl a sicrhau bod y bobl hynny'n cael eu hamddiffyn ar y naill law , a sicrhau nad yw'r fframwaith yn rhoi gormod o faich ar yr asiantaeth ar y llaw arallenglishtainment-tm-mytVJTAb englishtainment-tm-mytVJTAb
The balance of the funding will go to support small-scale venues across our nation
Bydd gweddill yr arian yn mynd tuag at gefnogi lleoliadau bach ledled y wladenglishtainment-tm-8Qf0eLCh englishtainment-tm-8Qf0eLCh
It is about freeing up resources, by changing the balance in funding between front-line and support services.
Mae a wnelo â rhyddhau adnoddau, drwy newid y cydbwysedd rhwng yr arian a gaiff y rheng flaen a'r arian a gaiff gwasanaethau cymorth.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I hope that, with the balanced programme of support that the Government has for all of Wales—taking particular interest in my portfolio in the needs of rural Wales and the provision of affordable housing and employment opportunities in the rural context—we are striking the right balance for rural Wales.
Gyda'r rhaglen gytbwys o gymorth sydd gan y Llywodraeth ar gyfer Cymru gyfan—sydd, o ran fy mhortffolio i, yn dangos diddordeb penodol yn anghenion ardaloedd gwledig Cymru, a'r angen i ddarparu tai fforddiadwy a chyfleoedd cyflogaeth mewn cyd-destun gwledig—gobeithio ein bod yn sicrhau'r cydbwysedd cywir ar gyfer ardaloedd gwledig Cymru.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
She is right to emphasise the likelihood that the business plan will need public support to keep the scales balanced
Mae'n iawn i bwysleisio'r tebygrwydd y bydd eisiau cefnogaeth gyhoeddus i'r cynllun busnes i gadw'r glorian yn gytbwysenglishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG englishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG
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