bedroom oor Wallies


/ˈbedruːm/ naamwoord
a room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies


room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping

ystafell wely

room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping



stafell wely


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dodrefn ystafelloedd plant
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However , the council is still ducking , diving and delaying over its proposal that two children should share a bedroom that is too small for a standard single bed because of the weakness of the commissioner's powers when they come up against determined opposition
Fodd bynnag , mae'r cyngor yn dal i osgoi mynd i'r afael â'r mater ac i oedi ynglyn â'i gynnig y dylai dau blentyn rannu ystafell wely sy'n rhy fach i wely sengl safonol oherwydd gwendid pwerau'r comisiynydd yn wyneb gwrthwynebiad penderfynolenglishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS englishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS
Some time ago, I happened to be there helping out during the festival when a poor American, residing in an upstairs bedroom, was nearly killed when a huge heavy goods vehicle went through the corner of the public house opposite the cathedral.
Dro yn ôl yr oeddwn yn digwydd bod yno'n rhoi help llaw yn ystod yr ŵyl pan fu bron i Americanes druan, a oedd yn aros mewn llofft ar y pryd, â chael ei lladd pan aeth lori enfawr drwy gornel y dafarn gyferbyn â'r eglwys gadeiriol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It lay between that and her bedroom, and I was determined to see which.
Mae'n gorwedd rhwng hynny a ei ystafell wely, ac yr wyf yn yn benderfynol o weld pa.QED QED
She pulled open the door of the bedroom and yelled in a loud voice into the darkness,
Mae hi'n tynnu agor y drws yr ystafell wely a yelled mewn llais uchel yn y tywyllwch,QED QED
The family was downstairs, and the sprinkler system contained that fire within the bedroom, thereby removing the risk of death or serious injury to that family.
Roedd y teulu ar y llawr gwaelod, a llwyddodd y system chwistrellu i gadw'r tân yn yr ystafell wely, gan ddileu'r risg o anaf difrifol neu farwolaeth i'r teulu.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
bedroom tax
treth ystafell welyenglishtainment-tm-IYZVVSjc englishtainment-tm-IYZVVSjc
I steered him into my bedroom, and sat down at once to write letters.
I llywio ef i mewn i fy ystafell wely, ac eistedd i lawr ar unwaith i ysgrifennu llythyrau.QED QED
(n.) loft, bedroom, gallery
llofft [-ydd, f.]langbot langbot
With a nod he vanished into the bedroom, whence he emerged in five minutes tweed - suited and respectable, as of old.
Gyda amnaid efe diflannu i mewn i'r ystafell wely, ba le ef i'r amlwg mewn pum munud tweed - addas a pharchus, fel yr hen.QED QED
It could be that three-bedroomed properties are under particular pressure, or one-bedroomed properties.
Efallai fod llawer iawn o alw am eiddo tair ystafell wely, neu un ystafell wely.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
For example, in the whole of Cardiff, there are fewer than 30 four-bedroomed homes owned either by the council or by RSLs, and yet Cardiff is a multicultural city where there is often demand for much bigger homes.
Er enghraifft, yng Nghaerdydd i gyd mae llai na 30 o dai pedair llofft sy'n eiddo i'r cyngor neu i landlordiaid cymdeithasol cofrestredig, ac eto mae Caerdydd yn ddinas aml-ddiwylliant lle mae galw'n aml am gartrefi llawer mwy.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It is a much better scheme that the one operating in England , which tells you if your bedroom has a trouser press , but does not tell you if your cup of tea will be nice
Mae'n gynllun llawer gwell na'r un sy'n weithredol yn Lloegr , sy'n dweud wrthych os oes gwasgydd trowsus yn eich ystafell , ond nid a fydd eich cwpanaid o de yn un ddaenglishtainment-tm-O7lzuTo4 englishtainment-tm-O7lzuTo4
We see people selling a garden shed in London to buy a four-bedroom property in Powys -- and good luck to the ; we welcome them into our communities -- but it is increasingly difficult for young , working people in rural areas to get on to the property ladder
Gwelwn bobl yn gwerthu cwt yn yr ardd yn Llundain i brynu ty â phedair ystafell wely ym Mhowys -- a phob lwc iddyn ; yr ydym yn eu croesawu i'n cymunedau -- ond mae'n fwyfwy anodd i bobl ifanc sy'n gweithio mewn ardaloedd gwledig brynu eu cartref cyntafenglishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN englishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN
galleried bedroom
ystafell wely orielenglishtainment-tm-Hyx4BTqW englishtainment-tm-Hyx4BTqW
Let me tell you how many families in my constituency will lose out as a result of this housing benefit cut: 250 three-bedroomed households in Denbighshire will see £48 a month disappear, 750 two-bedroomed households will see £40 a month disappear, and 980 one-bedroomed households will see £24 a month disappear.
Gadewch imi ddweud wrthych faint o deuluoedd yn fy etholaeth fydd ar eu colled o ganlyniad i'r toriad hwn mewn budd-dal tai: bydd 250 o gartrefi gyda thair ystafell wely yn sir Ddinbych £48 ar eu colled bob mis, bydd 750 o gartrefi gyda dwy ystafell wely £40 ar eu colled bob mis, a bydd 980 o gartrefi un ystafell wely £24 ar eu colled bob mis.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
One family could find itself homeless soon because it is not prepared to accept the one-bedroom flat that is on offer.
Gallai un teulu fod yn ddigartref cyn hir am nad yw'n barod i dderbyn y fflat un ystafell wely sy'n cael ei gynnig.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The exceptions that we have identified relate to private homes and we have recommended that smoking also be permitted in areas designated for smoking in long-term care settings , prisons and possibly designated hotel bedrooms
Mae a wnelo'r eithriadau yr ydym wedi'u nodi â chartrefi preifat ac yr ydym wedi argymell y dylai ysmygu gael ei ganiatáu mewn mannau a ddynodwyd ar gyfer ysmygu mewn lleoliadau gofal hirdymor , carchardai ac ystafelloedd a ddynodwyd mewn gwestai o bosiblenglishtainment-tm-Vx3qPkw7 englishtainment-tm-Vx3qPkw7
The bedroom that the couple use is pretty big by most people's standards: it is 12 foot by 13 foot.
Mae ystafell wely'r cwpwl yn eithaf mawr o'i chymharu â maint y mwyafrif o bobl: mae'n 12 troedfedd wrth 13 troedfedd.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It was a massive door and opened into a big bedroom.
Roedd drws enfawr a agorwyd i mewn i ystafell wely fawr.QED QED
At that he returned to his bedroom, armed himself with the most obvious weapon, the poker, and descended the staircase as noiselessly as possible.
Ar y dychwelodd i ei ystafell wely, arfog ei hun gyda'r arf mwyaf amlwg, mae'r poker, ac yn disgyn y grisiau mor noiselessly ag y bo modd.QED QED
They could be in their bedroom, but, as Peter said, computers should not be hidden away in bedrooms; they should be placed where parents and carers can keep an eye on them.
Gallai fod yn ei ystafell wely, ond fel y dywedodd Peter, ni ddylid rhoi cyfrifiaduron o'r golwg mewn ystafelloedd gwely; dylid eu rhoi lle y mae rhieni a gofalwyr yn gallu cadw golwg arnynt.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
In that way, the same home can—because of the way in which the kitchen, bedrooms and bathroom have been designed—adapt to the requirements of older people and caring for an older or disabled relative as well as to the requirements of children and the in-between and initial period when there may be only a couple or a single person living there with no caring responsibilities.
Yn y modd hwnnw, gall yr un cartref—oherwydd y ffordd y cafodd y gegin, yr ystafelloedd gwely a'r ystafell ymolchi eu dylunio—addasu i ofynion pobl hŷn a gofalu am berthynas hŷn neu anabl yn ogystal â gofynion plant a'r cyfnod cychwynnol a'r cyfnod rhwng y cyfnodau hyn, pan y gallai fod un unigolyn neu gwpl yn byw yno heb ddim cyfrifoldebau gofalu.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
galleried bedroom
ystafell wely oriel ( / )langbot langbot
When I was looking to move from rented accommodation and buy a property in my constituency , I came across a two-bedroomed terrace cottage
Pan oeddwn yn ceisio symud o lety wedi'i rentu i brynu eiddo yn fy etholaeth , deuthum o hyd i fwthyn dwy ystafell wely mewn terasenglishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8 englishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8
For example , you may have several generations living in a small house -- three or four generations living in a three-bedroom house
Er enghraifft , efallai fod gennych sawl cenhedlaeth yn byw mewn ty bychan -- tair neu bedair cenhedlaeth yn byw mewn ty tair llofftenglishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK englishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK
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