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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies

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bootstrap loader


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bootstrap loaders
ymlwythwrlangbot langbot
However , we are starting with 100 of the most deprived communities and asking ourselves what we can do to encourage them to lift themselves up out of poverty by their own bootstraps
Er hynny , yr ydym yn dechrau â 100 o'r cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig ac yn holi ein hunain beth y gallwn ei wneud i'w hannog i'w codi eu hunain o dlodienglishtainment-tm-h6b7VeKS englishtainment-tm-h6b7VeKS
We help them to develop the leadership that is necessary to bring themselves up by their own bootstraps
Helpwn hwy i ddatblygu'r arweinyddiaeth sy'n angenrheidiol iddynt godi'u hunain gerfydd eu careiau esgidiau eu hunainenglishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw englishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw
ymlwytholangbot langbot
No free space for 1MB bootstrap!
Nid oes lle rhydd ar gyfer yr ymlwythwr 1MB!englishtainment-tm-DE2ESbaO englishtainment-tm-DE2ESbaO
This special Bootstrap partition is for dual-booting your system.
Mae'r rhaniad Bootstrap hwn ar gyfer cychwyniad dwbl eich systemenglishtainment-tm-XutBoSZi englishtainment-tm-XutBoSZi
You say to the community that it has to decide how to raise itself, by its own bootstraps.
Yr ydych yn dweud wrth y gymuned fod yn rhaid iddi benderfynu sut i'w chodi ei hun, drwy ei hymdrechion ei hun.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The people in those communities should realise that , with our assistance , they can raise themselves by their own bootstraps
Dylai'r bobl yn y cymunedau hynny sylweddoli y gallant , gyda'n cymorth ni , godi'u hunain gerfydd careiau eu hesgidiauenglishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp englishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp
Install will continue, but to boot your system, you'll need to create the bootstrap partition in DiskDrake
Bydd y gosodiad yn parhau, ond i gychwyn y system bydd rhaid i chi greu rhaniad ymlwythwr yn DiskDrakeenglishtainment-tm-d5JFlXzr englishtainment-tm-d5JFlXzr
Therefore , we are concentrating , in our Communities First initiative , on how to assist communities to lift themselves by their own bootstraps from deprivation and poverty
Felly yr ydym yn canolbwyntio , yn ein menter Rhoi Cymunedau'n Gyntaf , ar sut i gynorthwyo cymunedau i godi eu hunain o amddifadedd a thlodienglishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9 englishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9
The Government has a vital role to play in providing the context in which the confidence-building , capacity-building , bootstraps work can continue
Mae rôl hollbwysig i'w chwarae gan y Llywodraeth wrth ddarparu'r cyd-destun lle gall y gwaith o feithrin hyder , datblygu potensial a hunanwella fynd yn ei flaenenglishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7 englishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7
You will be aware of lobbying from all over Wales that we should have a Minister for Social Justice and Regeneration to concentrate efforts on dealing with poverty and to try to do what Governments have never been able to do , namely to ensure that the ideas of those who live in the most deprived communities on how to improve their areas and to raise themselves by their own bootstraps are facilitated by the actions of Government
Byddwch yn ymwybodol o'r lobïo o bob rhan o Gymru i'r perwyl y dylem gael Gweinidog dros Gyfiawnder Cymdeithasol ac Adfywio i ganolbwyntio ymdrechion ar ddelio â thlodi ac i geisio gwneud yr hyn nad yw Llywodraethau erioed wedi llwyddo i'w wneud , sef sicrhau bod syniadau'r rhai sy'n byw yn y cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig am y modd i wella eu hardaloedd ac i'w codi eu hunain gerfydd careiau eu hesgidiau eu hunain yn cael eu hwyluso gan weithredoedd Llywodraethenglishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7 englishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7
Therefore , we must reach those communities and look at whether they can be helped and become empowered to raise themselves up by their bootstraps
Felly , rhaid inni gyrraedd y cymunedau hynny ac edrych a ellir eu helpu a'u galluogi i godi eu hunain ar eu traedenglishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG englishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG
Through that agenda and with our help , communities and individuals can be enabled to raise themselves out of poverty by their own bootstraps
Drwy'r agenda honno a chyda'n cymorth ni , gellir galluogi cymunedau ac unigolion i helpu eu hunain i ddianc rhag tlodienglishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7 englishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7
In ten years ' time we would like to think that if these communities have the energy to raise themselves by their own bootstraps , with our assistance , they will not be across the tracks but rather a part of modern society
Ymhen deng mlynedd hoffem feddwl na fydd y cymunedau hyn yn y pen tlotaf bellach , os cânt yr egni i godi'u hunain gerfydd careiau eu hesgidiau , gyda'n cymorth ni , ond y byddant yn rhan o gymdeithas fodernenglishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp englishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp
I hope that a credit union will , as part of a wider strategy , help to regenerate the community of west-central Rhyl , and that that can then act as an example to other parts of Wales with similar social problems , of a community lifting itself by its own bootstraps -- which is what credit unions are all about -- as part of the Communities First scheme
Gobeithio y bydd undeb credyd , fel rhan o strategaeth ehangach , yn helpu i adfywio cymuned gorllewin canol y Rhyl , ac y gall hynny wedyn weithredu fel esiampl i rannau eraill o Gymru gyda phroblemau cymdeithasol tebyg , o gymuned sy'n codi ei hun gerfydd ei gareiau esgidiau ei hun -- sef nod undebau credyd -- fel rhan o'r cynllun Rhoi Cymunedau'n Gyntafenglishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X englishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X
I was also pleased to hear what Janice said about the MRI scanner and Caerau community association , because we aim to empower the poorest communities to raise themselves up by their bootstraps
Yr oeddwn yn falch hefyd o glywed yr hyn a ddywedodd Janice am y sganiwr MRI a chymdeithas gymunedol Caerau , oherwydd anelwn am rymuso'r cymunedau tlotaf i godi eu hunain gerfydd eu careiau esgidiau eu hunainenglishtainment-tm-N620QJY0 englishtainment-tm-N620QJY0
If we can get those areas to lift themselves up by their bootstraps, but with assistance from us, that will be a major step forward in cutting back and then eliminating child poverty.
Os gallwn gael yr ardaloedd hynny i'w codi eu hunain drwy eu hymdrechion eu hunain, ond gyda chymorth gennym ni, bydd hynny'n gam pwysig ymlaen o ran lleihau tlodi plant ac yna'i ddileu.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The old "%s" driver is blacklisted. It has been reported to oops the kernel on unloading. The new "%s" driver'll only be used on next bootstrap."
Mae'r hen yrrwr "%s" wedi ei wahardd. Mae'n effeithio'n andwyol ar y cnewyllyn Bydd y gyrrwr "%s|"'n cael ei ddefnyddio ar y cychwyn"englishtainment-tm-d5JFlXzr englishtainment-tm-d5JFlXzr
In all of these matters , our aim is to build on that partnership to ensure that the poorest people in society are enabled to play a full role in society and raise themselves up by their bootstraps , individually or through their families or communities
Ein nod , gyda phob un o'r materion hyn , yw adeiladu ar y bartneriaeth honno er mwyn sicrhau bod y bobl dlotaf mewn cymdeithas yn gallu chwarae rhan lawn mewn cymdeithas a chodi eu hunain gerfydd careiau eu hesgidiau , fel unigolion neu drwy gyfrwng eu teuluoedd neu eu cymunedauenglishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm englishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm
It is about those communities lifting themselves out of deprivation by their own bootstraps
Mae'n golygu bod y cymunedau hynny'n eu codi eu hunain o amddifadedd gerfydd eu careiau esgidiau eu hunainenglishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK englishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK
We also support the most needy communities through Communities First , tackling inequality and poverty directly , by working with local communities themselves , putting them in the driving seat , and empowering them to raise their communities out of poverty by their own bootstraps
Yr ydym hefyd yn cefnogi'r cymunedau mwyaf anghenus drwy Rhoi Cymunedau'n Gyntaf , gan fynd i'r afael ag anghydraddoldeb a thlodi'n uniongyrchol , drwy gydweithio â'r cymunedau lleol eu hunain , drwy sicrhau mai hwy sydd wrth y llyw , a thrwy eu galluogi i godi eu cymunedau eu hunain o dlodienglishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi englishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi
bootstrap loader
ymlwythwrlangbot langbot
23 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.