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With all due respect, First Minister, the children who are enjoying their free school breakfasts courtesy of the Government are the very children who are being let down so badly by the current education funding system.
Gyda phob dyledus bach, Brif Weinidog, y plant sy'n mwynhau eu brecwast am ddim yn yr ysgol, diolch i'r Llywodraeth, yw'r union blant y mae'r system bresennol o ariannu addysg yn gwneud tro mor wael â hwy.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Jane Hutt : You have chosen to criticise the procedures and the timetable , David , when I had hoped to show goodwill and courtesy by delivering a statement on the important regulations to be implemented as a result of the Care Standards Act 2000
Jane Hutt : Yr ydych wedi dewis beirniadu'r gweithdrefnau a'r amserlen , David , pan oeddwn yn gobeithio fy mod wedi dangos ewyllys da a chwrteisi drwy wneud datganiad ar y rheoliadau pwysig i'w gweithredu o ganlyniad i Ddeddf Safonau Gofal 2000englishtainment-tm-jQK1UaGu englishtainment-tm-jQK1UaGu
Similarly , it is a matter of courtesy that Members should inform other Members if they intend to refer to them by name in motions , amendments or questions , which are tabled in the Table Office and then published
Yn yr un modd , mater o gwrteisi yw bod Aelodau yn rhoi gwybod i Aelodau eraill os ydynt yn bwriadu cyfeirio atynt wrth eu henwau mewn cynigion , gwelliannau neu gwestiynau sy'n cael eu cyflwyno i'r Swyddfa Gyflwyno ac wedyn yn cael eu cyhoeddienglishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY englishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY
You are not banned but , out of courtesy in this Chamber , I have generally observed the position that party groups should follow the description by which they chose to describe themselves in the Standing Orders
Nid ydych wedi eich gwahardd ond , allan o gwrteisi yn y Siambr hon , yn gyffredinol yr wyf wedi parchu'r safbwynt y dylai grwpiau'r pleidiau ddilyn y disgrifiad a ddewiswyd ganddynt i ddisgrifio eu hunain yn y Rheolau Sefydlogenglishtainment-tm-rQkFBCLC englishtainment-tm-rQkFBCLC
WordPress is Free and open source software, built by a distributed community of mostly volunteer developers from around the world. WordPress comes with some awesome, worldview-changing rights courtesy of its <a href="%s">license</a>, the GPL.
Mae WordPress yn feddalwedd Rhydd a chod agored, wedi ei adeiladu gan gymuned wasgaredig o ddatblygwyr gwirfoddol yn bennaf ar draws y byd. Mae WordPress yn cynnig hawliau chwyldroadol ar sail ei <a href="%s">drwydded</a>, GPL.englishtainment-tm-RlZPduwG englishtainment-tm-RlZPduwG
The committee considered each aspect of the code carefully and made changes, both as a result of the consultation and to give greater clarity in areas such as requirements under the Data Protection Act 1998. Ultimately, most of the concerns were related to matters that the committee felt should be guided by common sense and courtesy.
Ystyriodd y pwyllgor bob agwedd ar y cod yn ofalus a gwnaeth newidiadau, o ganlyniad i'r ymgynghoriad ac i roi mwy o eglurder mewn meysydd megis y gofynion dan Ddeddf Diogelu Data 1998. Yn y pen draw, yr oedd a wnelo'r rhan fwyaf o'r pryderon â materion y teimlai'r pwyllgor a ddylai gael eu harwain gan synnwyr cyffredin a chwrteisi.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It is a matter of courtesy in the Chamber and elsewhere to notify a Member whenever there is an intention to make reference to that Member, and I ask that all Members abide by that courtesy.
Y peth cwrtais yn y Siambr ac mewn mannau eraill yw hysbysu Aelod pryd bynnag y mae'n fwriad cyfeirio at yr Aelod hwnnw, a gofynnaf i'r holl Aelodau arfer y cwrteisi hwnnw.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I had the pleasure of attending, with the Chair, an evidence-gathering session at the Stormont Assembly, and I also place on record my sincere gratitude for the courtesy extended to us by Stormont officials and everyone who attended that evidence-gathering session.
Cefais y fraint, gyda'r Cadeirydd, o fod mewn sesiwn i gasglu tystiolaeth yng Nghynulliad Stormont, a hoffwn hefyd gofnodi'n ffurfiol fy niolch didwyll am y cwrteisi a ddangoswyd inni gan swyddogion Stormont a phawb a oedd yn bresennol yn y sesiwn honno i gasglu tystiolaeth.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Had David had the courtesy to raise this concern with me directly , I would have explained that there were several letters on this topic , including a question raised with me by the Secretary of State for Wales , in his capacity as a constituency Member , at a meeting
Pe buasai David wedi bod yn ddigon cwrtais i godi'r pryder hwn â mi'n uniongyrchol , buaswn wedi egluro bod sawl llythyr ar y pwnc hwn , yn cynnwys cwestiwn a godwyd gyda mi gan Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru , yn rhinwedd ei swydd fel Aelod etholaeth , mewn cyfarfodenglishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa englishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa
I am no longer a member of that committee, so I wish to take the opportunity to pay a personal tribute to Sandy for her unfailing courtesy and to note the continued excellent service provided by Assembly staff at Wales House in Brussels.
Nid wyf yn aelod o'r pwyllgor hwnnw mwyach, felly, hoffwn fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn i roi teyrnged bersonol i Sandy am ei chwrteisi di-ball, ac i sôn am y gwasanaeth rhagorol parhaus a ddarperir gan staff Tŷ Cymru ym Mrwsel.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
However , I hope that we can conduct the internal affairs of our parties openly and democratically , allowing for robust points to be made without breaching the protocol on Members ' conduct in the Chamber and the common courtesies by which I hope that we can all abide
Fodd bynnag , gobeithiaf y gallwn gynnal materion mewnol ein pleidiau yn agored a democrataidd , gan ganiatáu i bwyntiau cryf gael eu gwneud heb dorri'r protocol ar ymddygiad Aelodau yn y Siambr a'r cwrteisi cyffredin y gobeithiaf y gall pawb ohonom gadw atoenglishtainment-tm-Y3NcC2Fj englishtainment-tm-Y3NcC2Fj
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