covering over oor Wallies

covering over

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what covers over
rhwn · rhwnt
cover over; roof
cover over
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v. to cover over
gorguddiolangbot langbot
n. what covers over
rhwntlangbot langbot
I am told that there was concern about GP cover over the summer in south Meirionnydd
Dywedir wrthyf y bu pryder ynghylch gwasanaeth meddygon teulu dros yr haf yn ne Meirionnyddenglishtainment-tm-bEmEVlwb englishtainment-tm-bEmEVlwb
v. to cover over
torsilangbot langbot
n. a covering over
gorthoadlangbot langbot
v. to cover over; to roof
toilangbot langbot
One south Wales school has resorted to covering over the cracks with a shower curtain
Mae un ysgol yn ne Cymru wedi troi at ddefnyddio llen gawod i guddio'r craciauenglishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8 englishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8
Secular historians seem quick to cover over the defeats of their people.
Doedd haneswyr y gorffennol ddim yn hoff iawn o gofnodi methiannau eu pobl.jw2019 jw2019
what covers over
rhwnlangbot langbot
v. to cover over
gorthoilangbot langbot
v. to cover over
gorduddolangbot langbot
If we don’t, they will only learn to cover over their mistakes.” —Robin.
Os nad ydyn ni’n gwneud hynny, byddan nhw ond yn dysgu sut i guddio eu camgymeriadau.”—Robin.jw2019 jw2019
This is ground that has been covered and re-covered over a number of years, and yet uncertainty remains.
Dyma dir sydd wedi'i drafod a'i ail-drafod dros nifer o flynyddoedd, ac eto mae ansicrwydd o hyd.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
This is a multi-million pound scheme, and it is going to be covered over, only to be re-laid.
Mae hwn yn gynllun gwerth rhai miliynau o bunnoedd, a bydd yn cael ei orchuddio, cyn ei ailosod.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Therefore, once it is built on, and has a hard cover over it, the implications for the surrounding areas are immense.
Felly, pan adeiledir arno, a rhoi wyneb caled drosto, mae'r goblygiadau ar gyfer yr ardaloedd cyffiniol yn enfawr.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
verse "19" And the woman took and spread the covering over the wells mouth, and strewed bruised grain thereon; and nothing was known.
adnod "19" Yna cymerodd ei wraig y caead a'i osod ar geg y pydew a thaenu grawn drosto, fel nad oedd neb yn gwybod.langbot langbot
Our unique arrangement with the Treasury has provided additional expenditure cover over and above the normal Barnett settlement in the last two spending reviews
Mae ein trefniant unigryw gyda'r Trysorlys wedi arwain at wariant ychwanegol at y setliad Barnett arferol yn y ddau adolygiad o wariant diwethafenglishtainment-tm-8zrr14Kv englishtainment-tm-8zrr14Kv
The Bible says: “The one covering over his transgressions will not succeed, but whoever confesses and abandons them will be shown mercy.” —Proverbs 28:13.
Dywed y Beibl: “Fydd y sawl sy’n cuddio’i feiau ddim yn llwyddo; yr un sy’n cyfaddef ac yn stopio gwneud pethau felly sy’n cael trugaredd.”—Diarhebion 28:13, jw2019
Since it was introduced in 1999 , over £14 .5 million has been made available to local authorities , covering over 80 schemes and over 260 Schools
Ers ei gyflwyno ym 1999 , rhyddhawyd dros £14 .5 miliwn i awdurdodau lleol , sy'n cwmpasu dros 80 o gynlluniau a thros 260 o ysgolionenglishtainment-tm-2U3yAgwG englishtainment-tm-2U3yAgwG
Since it was introduced in 1999 , over £14 .5 million has been made available to local authorities , covering over 80 schemes and over 260 schools
Ers ei gyflwyno yn 1999 , rhyddhawyd dros £14 .5 miliwn i awdurdodau lleol , sy'n cwmpasu dros 80 o gynlluniau a thros 260 o ysgolionenglishtainment-tm-2U3yAgwG englishtainment-tm-2U3yAgwG
The Snowdonia, Pembrokeshire and Brecon Beacons national parks cover over 20 per cent of the land mass of Wales, which is one fifth of our entire country.
Mae parciau cenedlaethol Eryri, Penfro a Bannau Brycheiniog yn cwmpasu dros 20 y cant o dir Cymru, sef un rhan o bump o'r wlad gyfan.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We aim to convert at least half of the National Assembly woodlands to continuous cover over the next 20 years where practical and to encourage conversion in similar private sector woodlands
Ein nod yw trawsnewid o leiaf hanner coetiroedd y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol i orchuddiad parhaus yn ystod yr 20 mlynedd nesaf lle y bo hynny'n ymarferol ac annog trawsnewid mewn coetiroedd sector preifat tebygenglishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d englishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d
verse "13" The pastures are clothed with flocks; The valleys also are covered over with grain; They shout for joy, they also sing. Psalm 66 For the Chief Musician. A song, a Psalm.
adnod "13" y mae'r dolydd wedi eu gwisgo defaid, a'r dyffrynnoedd wedi eu gorchuddio ag u375?d. Y maent yn bloeddio ac yn gorfoleddu.langbot langbot
Cover this over.
Clawr dros hyn.QED QED
With a population of 800 ,000 -- more than twice that of Cardiff -- and covering over 40 per cent of the Welsh Objective 1 region , the importance of the Valleys to the future of the Welsh economy must be recognised
Gan fod yno boblogaeth o 800 ,000 -- mwy na dwywaith poblogaeth Caerdydd -- a chan eu bod yn cynnwys dros 40 y cant o ranbarth Amcan 1 Cymru , rhaid cydnabod pwysigrwydd y Cymoedd i ddyfodol economi Cymruenglishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY englishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY
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