current asset oor Wallies

current asset

(accounting) An asset on the balance sheet which is expected to be sold or otherwise used up in the near future, usually within one year, or one business cycle - whichever is longer, such as cash, accounts receivable, and inventory.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies

ased cyfredol


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The company's current liabilities are well in excess of its current assets and it is , therefore , unable to pay all its lawful debts
Mae rhwymedigaethau presennol y cwmni yn llawer mwy na'i asedau presennol ac , felly , ni all dalu ei holl ddyledion cyfreithlonenglishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD englishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD
Therefore, the increase in the capital budget was a direct response to the current asset base being incapable of supporting the delivery of modern healthcare without fairly substantial investment.
Felly, yr oedd y cynnydd yn y gyllideb cyfalaf yn ymateb uniongyrchol i'r ffaith bod y sylfaen asedau gyfredol yn methu â chynnal gwaith darparu gofal iechyd modern heb fuddsoddiad eithaf sylweddol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
By Christmas, they had recommended five quick wins—changes that headlined the way forward, could reduce bureaucracy, and could enable housing associations to borrow more against their current assets by adopting a more social enterprise approach.
Erbyn y Nadolig, yr oeddent wedi argymell pum ateb sydyn—newidiadau a oedd yn dangos y ffordd ymlaen, a allai leihau biwrocratiaeth, a galluogi cymdeithasau tai i fenthyca mwy yn erbyn eu hasedau cyfredol drwy fabwysiadu trefniadau tebycach i fenter gymdeithasol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Certainly , the momentum will continue in Cardiff with its current assets and further developments , including the Millennium Stadium , the National Museum , the Wales Millennium Centre , Cardiff City Football Club and Sam Hammam's innovative plans , the plans for a sports village and the new Assembly Chamber
Yn sicr , bydd y momentwm yng Nghaerdydd yn parhau gyda'i chaffaeliadau presennol a'i datblygiadau pellach sy'n cynnwys Stadiwm y Mileniwm , yr Amgueddfa Genedlaethol , Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru , tîm pêl-droed Caerdydd a chynlluniau blaengar Sam Hammam , y cynllun ar gyfer pentref chwaraeon , a Siambr newydd y Cynulliadenglishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7 englishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7
Will the Minister tell us which formula is now in place , how it is being changed , how will it be of advantage or disadvantage to Welsh local authorities , and what will happen with any credit balance at the end of the year ? Will it be refunded , carried forward in current assets , or debited from future annually managed expenditure lines ?
A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddweud wrthym pa fformiwla sydd ar waith yn awr , pa newid a wneir iddi , pa fantais neu anfantais y bydd yn ei dwyn i awdurdodau lleol Cymru , a beth a ddigwydd i unrhyw weddill credyd ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn ? A gaiff ei dalu'n ôl , ei ddwyn ymlaen yn yr asedau cyfredol , neu ei ddebydu o linellau gwariant a reolir yn flynyddol yn y dyfodol ?englishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA englishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA
The commission also stated that the current system leads to the impoverishment of people with moderate assets before they can get any help , as Kirsty highlighted
Dywedodd y comisiwn hefyd fod y system bresennol yn arwain at dlodi pobl sydd ag ychydig o asedau cyn y gallant gael unrhyw gymorth , fel y dangosodd Kirstyenglishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA englishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA
That was certainly the belief of Neath Port Talbot Council, which currently has £20 million of its assets frozen in banks in Iceland and Icelandic-owned banks in the UK. It made that investment only because the Treasury gave those banks the highest clearance.
Byddwn yn ddiolchgar o gael cadarnhad o hynny.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
This will also be more consistent with the move to the more general asset management plans that local authorities are currently adopting and that we are assisting them to develop
Bydd hyn hefyd yn fwy cyson â'r cynlluniau rheoli asedau mwy cyffredinol y mae awdurdodau lleol yn eu mabwysiadu erbyn hyn , cynlluniau yr ydym yn eu helpu i'w datblyguenglishtainment-tm-C8nrWo8C englishtainment-tm-C8nrWo8C
In order to give this initiative a kick-start , I announced support of £1 million to Welsh local authorities in last year's budget statement to fund work on the development of asset management plans in the current financial year
Er mwyn rhoi hwb cychwynnol i'r fenter hon , cyhoeddais gymorth o £1 miliwn i awdurdodau lleol Cymru yn natganiad y llynedd ar y gyllideb er mwyn ariannu gwaith ar ddatblygu cynlluniau rheoli asedau yn y flwyddyn ariannol gyfredolenglishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM englishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM
Finally, you will be aware more than anyone in the Chamber that Forestry Commission Wales's analysis of options for the forestry estate stated that, if the status quo was adopted and if there was to be no wholesale sell-off of the estate, it would mean that some opportunities may be missed, and that the effect of having capital tied up in the current set of woodland assets may mean that opportunities to invest in other projects cannot be taken up, even where those projects might have yielded greater public benefit.
Yn olaf, byddwch chi'n gwybod yn well na neb yn y Siambr bod dadansoddiad Comisiwn Coedwigaeth Cymru o'r dewisiadau ar gyfer yr ystâd goedwigaeth wedi dweud, petai'r status quo yn cael ei fabwysiadu ac na fyddai'r ystâd yn cael ei gwerthu ar raddfa eang, y byddai'n golygu y gellid colli rhai cyfleoedd, ac y byddai effaith clymu cyfalaf yn y set bresennol o asedau coetir yn gallu golygu nad oes modd manteisio ar gyfleoedd i fuddsoddi mewn prosiectau eraill, hyd yn oed pan fyddai'r prosiectau hynny wedi gallu arwain at ragor o fudd i'r cyhoedd.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The community asset transfer programme will run for three years, commencing October 2009. My officials are currently working alongside the Big Lottery Fund on finalising the guidance and application materials for applicants.
Bydd y rhaglen trosglwyddo asedau cymunedol yn rhedeg am dair blynedd, gan ddechrau ym mis Hydref 2009. Mae fy swyddogion yn gweithio ar hyn o bryd law yn llaw â'r Gronfa Loteri Fawr ynglŷn â llunio'r canllawiau a'r deunydd ymgeisio terfynol ar gyfer ymgeiswyr.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
This debate has emphasised that the current approach to dealing with the risks that flooding poses to communities and assets is not sustainable, and that urgent action needs to be taken to move away from a defence-orientated approach to a more innovative, risk-based approach.
Mae'r ddadl hon wedi pwysleisio nad yw'r dull presennol o ymdrin â'r peryglon a achosir gan lifogydd i gymunedau ac asedau yn gynaliadwy, a bod angen gweithredu ar fyrder i symud o ddull sy'n canolbwyntio ar amddiffynfeydd i ddull mwy blaengar yn seiliedig ar risg.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I accept that the Government's policy is to continue to promote Wales in external markets, taking advantage of our unique assets in terms of culture, history and the environment, but, given the lack of data publically available on tourism, it is difficult to monitor and assess current trends.
Derbyniaf mai polisi'r Llywodraeth yw i barhau i hyrwyddo Cymru mewn marchnadoedd allanol, gan fanteisio ar ein hasedau unigryw o ran diwylliant, hanes a'r amgylchedd, ond, o ystyried y diffyg data twristiaeth sydd ar gael yn gyhoeddus, mae'n anodd monitro ac asesu tueddiadau cyfredol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Flooding is of serious concern to many of us in Wales, which is why we tabled a debate on the subject in September, to highlight many of the current risks, which are significant, considering that some 0.5 million people live and work on floodplains in Wales with more than £8 billion-worth of assets at risk.
Mae llifogydd yn peri pryder difrifol i nifer ohonom yng Nghymru, a dyna pam y cyflwynasom ddadl am y pwnc ym mis Medi, er mwyn tynnu sylw at nifer o'r peryglon cyfredol, sy'n beryglon sylweddol ac ystyried bod oddeutu 0.5 miliwn o bobl yn byw ac yn gweithio ar orlifdiroedd yng Nghymru, gyda gwerth dros £8 biliwn o asedau mewn perygl.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
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