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Staff Disciplinary Procedures in Schools
Gweithdrefnau Disgyblu Staff mewn Ysgolion


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We are currently pursuing the disciplinary procedures set down in our agreed terms and conditions with our staff
Yr ydym ar hyn o bryd yn dilyn y gweithdrefnau disgyblu a nodir yn y telerau a'r amodau y cytunwyd arnynt gyda'n staffenglishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d englishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d
While the registration council sets entry criteria, professional codes of conduct and a disciplinary procedure, these remain voluntary.
Bydd y cyngor cofrestru'n pennu meini prawf o ran mynediad, codau ymddygiad proffesiynol a gweithdrefn ddisgyblu, ond gwirfoddol yn unig yw'r rhain.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
These people were either not treated seriously or were even subject to disciplinary procedures themselves
Un ai ni chafodd y bobl hyn eu cymryd o ddifrif neu bu'n rhaid iddynt hwythau fynd drwy drefn ddisgyblu hyd yn oedenglishtainment-tm-mGlETbh5 englishtainment-tm-mGlETbh5
If you persist in speaking , I will invoke the disciplinary procedure to remove you from this Chamber
Os mynnwch barhau i siarad , fe ddefnyddiaf y weithdrefn ddisgyblu i'ch anfon o'r Siambr honenglishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8 englishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8
Staff Disciplinary Procedures in Schools
Gweithdrefnau Disgyblu Staff mewn Ysgolionenglishtainment-tm-h29u51n4 englishtainment-tm-h29u51n4
While we are pursuing disciplinary procedures and the investigation is ongoing , we have no further comment to make
Tra byddwn yn dilyn y gweithdrefnau disgyblu a thra bod yr ymchwiliad yn parhau , nid oes gennym unrhyw sylwadau pellach i'w gwneudenglishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d englishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d
Staff Disciplinary Procedures in Schools
Gweithdrefnau Disgyblu Staff mewn Ysgolion ( / Canllaw. )langbot langbot
Disciplinary procedures should be implemented swiftly and consistently and should form part of a contract between school pupil , parent and bus company
Dylid gweithredu gweithdrefnau disgyblu'n gyflym a chyson a dylent fod yn rhan o'r contract rhwng disgyblion ysgol , y rhieni a'r cwmni bwsenglishtainment-tm-TrZ9yjiw englishtainment-tm-TrZ9yjiw
Some of those who were brave enough to blow the whistle were subjected to disciplinary procedures and their lives were made difficult
Yr oedd rhai o'r rheini a oedd yn ddigon dewr i dynnu sylw at y cam-drin yn gorfod wynebu trefn ddisgyblaethu a gwnaethpwyd eu bywydau'n anoddenglishtainment-tm-oOpftn6G englishtainment-tm-oOpftn6G
Jane Davidson : I expect to issue draft guidance before long on governing bodies ' disciplinary procedures for dealing with complaints against teachers and other staff
Jane Davidson : Disgwyliaf gyhoeddi canllawiau drafft cyn hir ar weithdrefnau disgyblu cyrff llywodraethu ar gyfer trafod cwynion yn erbyn athrawon a staff eraillenglishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw englishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw
Agency workers also lose out on legal protection from unfair dismissal, redundancy payments, statutory sick pay, and access to fair grievance and disciplinary procedures.
Mae gweithwyr asiantaeth hefyd ar eu colled yn gyfreithiol gan nad ydynt yn cael eu diogelu rhag diswyddo annheg, taliadau diswyddo, tâl salwch statudol, a'r hawl i fanteisio ar drefniadau cwyno a disgyblu teg.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Those entering the register under acquired rights who practise outside their limited areas of competence will be subject to the disciplinary procedures of the appropriate board
Bydd y rheini sydd yn cael eu cynnwys ar y gofrestr o dan hawliau a gaffaelwyd ac sydd yn ymarfer y tu allan i'w meysydd gallu cyfyngedig yn destun gweithdrefnau disgyblu'r bwrdd priodolenglishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui englishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui
We have already acted on some , for example , by publishing guidance on staff disciplinary procedures in schools and explaining how allegations of child abuse are to be handled
Yr ydym eisoes wedi gweithredu ar rai ohonynt , er enghraifft , drwy gyhoeddi canllawiau ar weithdrefnau disgyblu staff mewn ysgolion ac esbonio sut y dylid ymdrin â honiadau o gam-drin plantenglishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS englishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS
A High Court judge last week was hugely critical of the conduct of Swansea NHS Trust, which deliberately used the wrong disciplinary procedure—those are his words, not mine.
Yr oedd barnwr yn yr Uchel Lys yr wythnos diwethaf yn feirniadol iawn o ymddygiad Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Abertawe, a ddefnyddiodd y gweithdrefnau disgyblu anghywir yn fwriadol--ei eiriau ef yw'r rheini, nid fy ngeiriau i.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It recognises the need for rigorous recruitment procedures , as well as endorsing the need for proper , well-developed policies for handling whistle-blowers , and disciplinary procedures and support for those against whom allegations have been made
Cydnabyddir yr angen am weithdrefnau recriwtio trwyadl yn ogystal ag ardystio'r angen am bolisïau datblygedig iawn i ymdrin â'r rheini a fydd yn datgelu achosion o gam-drin , a gweithdrefnau disgyblu a chymorth i'r rheini y gwnaed honiadau yn eu herbynenglishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X englishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X
The need for disciplinary procedures to form part of a contract between school , pupil , parent and bus company in recommendation 2 .34 was highlighted to me when visiting a Newport school bus outside the Assembly this morning
Tynnwyd fy sylw at yr angen yn argymhelliad 2 .34 , i drefniadau disgyblu fod yn rhan o gontract rhwng yr ysgol , y disgybl , y rhiant a'r cwmni bysiau , wrth ymweld â bws ysgol o Gasnewydd y tu allan i'r Cynulliad y bore ymaenglishtainment-tm-TrZ9yjiw englishtainment-tm-TrZ9yjiw
In relation to recommendations 21 .10 and 21 .11 , the WJEC was directed by the children's commissioner to urgently review its internal disciplinary procedures and it was also charged with drawing up detailed child protection guidance for examiners and its employees
O ran argymhellion 21 .10 a 21 .11 , cyfarwyddwyd CBAC gan y comisiynydd plant i adolygu ei weithdrefnau disgyblu mewnol ar fyrder , a gofynnwyd iddo hefyd lunio canllawiau manwl ar amddiffyn plant i arholwyr a'u cyflogeionenglishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe englishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe
There will also be a code of practice for employers , which will require them to have effective complaints and disciplinary procedures to ensure that if people are found to be unsuitable , they are removed and do not reappear elsewhere in another home or in another part of the country
Bydd cod ymarfer hefyd ar gyfer cyflogwyr , a fydd yn gofyn iddynt gael gweithdrefnau cwyno a disgyblu effeithiol i sicrhau y ceir gwared ar bobl os canfyddir eu bod yn anaddas ac na fyddant yn ailymddangos rywle arall mewn cartref arall neu mewn rhan arall o'r wladenglishtainment-tm-rQkFBCLC englishtainment-tm-rQkFBCLC
You should take comfort from the fact that the union has given us assurances that its disciplinary procedures , if it becomes involved and there is an official complaint , are as swift as is compatible with a just system , that there is an investigation panel and that both sides are able to put their case to that panel after which a finding is made
Dylech gael cysur o'r ffaith bod yr undeb wedi rhoi sicrwydd i ni fod ei weithdrefnau disgyblu , os bydd yn ymwneud a'r mater a bod cwyn swyddogol , mor gyflym ag sy'n gydnaws â system gyfiawn , bod panel ymchwilio ac y gall y ddwy ochr gyflwyno'u hachos i'r panel hwnnw cyn iddo roi dyfarniadenglishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X englishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X
We must remind ourselves of the concerns that the school community may be too small or incapable of undertaking impartial consideration of allegations of child abus ; that the governing body will not follow through with disciplinary consideration where a prosecution does not happen or fail ; and that the governing body will not follow through with disciplinary procedures if a member of staff resigns
Rhaid inni gofio am y pryderon y gallai cymuned yr ysgol fod yn rhy fach neu'n analluog i ystyried cyhuddiadau o gam-drin plant yn ddidued ; na fydd y corff llywodraethu'n mynd ymlaen i ystyried disgyblu os na cheir erlyniad neu os yw'n meth ; ac na fydd y corff llywodraethu'n mynd ymlaen â gweithdrefnau disgyblu os yw aelod staff yn ymddiswyddoenglishtainment-tm-8zrr14Kv englishtainment-tm-8zrr14Kv
Leading on from that , does the chief inspector intend to make any recommendations regarding some of the individuals that work in the authority ? While we do not want a witch hunt , serious questions must be asked as to whether disciplinary procedures could be brought against any of the officers in the local authority , particularly those who disregarded child protection procedures and the laws that apply to how social services organisations need to , and should be , run by local authorities
Gan ddilyn hynny , a yw'r prif arolygydd yn bwriadu gwneud unrhyw argymhellion ynghylch rhai o'r unigolion sy'n gweithio yn yr awdurdod ? Er nad ydym am erlid neb , rhaid gofyn o ddifrif a ellid dwyn mesurau disgyblu yn erbyn unrhyw un o swyddogion yr awdurdod lleol , yn enwedig y rhai a ddiystyrodd weithdrefnau amddiffyn plant a'r deddfau sy'n berthnasol i'r modd y dylai awdurdodau lleol redeg cyrff gwasanaethau cymdeithasolenglishtainment-tm-5pRN6JQt englishtainment-tm-5pRN6JQt
The regulations are largely permissive in that they enable the General Teaching Council for Wales to decide for itself the best way to handle what are largely procedural matters related to membership and proceedings of the disciplinary committees
I raddau helaeth mae'r rheoliadau yn oddefol gan eu bod yn galluogi Cyngor Addysgu Cyffredinol Cymru i benderfynu drosto'i hun ar y ffordd orau i ymdrin â'r hyn sydd , i raddau helaeth , yn faterion gweithdrefn sydd yn gysylltiedig ag aelodaeth ac achosion y pwyllgorau disgybluenglishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG englishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG
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