discipline oor Wallies


/ˈdɪsɪplɪn/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A controlled behaviour; self-control

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military discipline
Outline of academic disciplines
Disgyblaeth academaidd
breach of discipline
torri disgyblaeth
discipline technique
techneg ddisgyblu
responding to discipline
ymateb i ddisgyblaeth
Category:Subfields by academic discipline
Categori:Is-feysydd yn ôl disgyblaeth academaidd
numerate discipline
disgyblaeth rifog
Book of Discipline
Llyfr Disgyblaeth
discipline and grievance
disgyblaeth ac achwyniadau


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We are not born with self-discipline, but we have to learn it.
Dydyn ni ddim wedi cael ein geni â hunanddisgyblaeth, felly rhaid inni ei dysgu.jw2019 jw2019
The social justice issue spans several inter-related disciplines and cross-cutting demands and policies that address not only poor standards of health , low educational attainment , high levels of substance misuse , benefit dependency and a dearth of employment prospects , but problems which have no respect for age , gender , academic achievement , religious persuasion , or village , town or county boundaries
Mae mater cyfiawnder cymdeithasol yn rhychwantu sawl disgyblaeth gydgysylltiedig a gofynion a pholisïau trawsbynciol sy'n ymdrin â safonau iechyd gwael , cyrhaeddiad addysgol isel , lefelau uchel o gamddefnyddio sylweddau , dibyniaeth ar fudd-daliadau a diffyg rhagolygon am waith , yn ogystal â phroblemau sy'n effeithio ar rai beth bynnag fo'u hoed , eu rhyw , eu cyrhaeddiad academaidd , eu hargyhoeddiadau crefyddol , heb ystyried ffiniau pentrefi , trefi neu siroeddenglishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD englishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD
Some problems are not touched upon in the Queen's Speech : there is nothing to tackle problems with school discipline , to bring more police to our streets , to hold back the great welter of stealth taxes that we have seen , to ensure cleaner hospitals , and nothing to ensure a fair immigration system
Ni chyfeirir at rai problemau yn Araith y Frenhines o gwbl : nid oes sôn am fynd i'r afael â phroblemau yn ymwneud â disgyblaeth mewn ysgolion , rhoi mwy o blismyn ar ein strydoedd , atal y llu o drethi llechwraidd a welsom , sicrhau bod ysbytai yn lannach , a dim sôn am sicrhau system fewnfudo degenglishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS englishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS
The liberal tendency spend a great deal of time fretting about the effect of harsh discipline on one child who may come from a broken home
Mae'r adain ryddfrydig yn treulio llawer o'u hamser yn poeni am yr effaith a gâi disgyblaeth lem ar un plentyn sy'n dod o gartref a chwalwyd o bosibenglishtainment-tm-jQK1UaGu englishtainment-tm-jQK1UaGu
Meanwhile , discipline is out of control , truancy is rising , GCSE targets are being missed and we do not know what is happening in respect of top-up fees
Yn y cyfamser , mae disgyblaeth yn rhemp , mae triwantiaeth ar gynnydd , mae targedau TGAU yn cael eu methu ac ni wyddom beth sydd yn digwydd o ran ffioedd ychwanegolenglishtainment-tm-DMbxFW6J englishtainment-tm-DMbxFW6J
Jane Davidson : In addition to the work that we are doing on discipline and governors , we held a conference in Swansea last year on tackling disaffection in schools
Jane Davidson : Yn ogystal â'r gwaith yr ydym yn ei wneud ynghylch disgyblaeth a llywodraethwyr , gwnaethom gynnal cynhadledd yn Abertrawe y llynedd ar fynd i'r afael ag ymddieithrio mewn ysgolionenglishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw englishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw
In the absence of new regulations relating to school meals staff , responsibility for their appointment , discipline , suspension or dismissal would have fallen to the governing body as it does for other staff , regardless of whether or not they were LEA staff
Yn niffyg rheoliadau newydd yn ymwneud â staff prydau ysgol , byddai'r cyfrifoldeb am eu penodi , eu disgyblu , eu hatal neu eu diswyddo wedi mynd i'r corff llywodraethol fel y mae yn achos staff eraill , pa un a ydynt yn staff yr AALl ai peidioenglishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR englishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR
disgyblaethenglishtainment-tm-TubXOX5L englishtainment-tm-TubXOX5L
(3) How can we imitate the way Jehovah and his Son give discipline?
(3) Sut gallwn ni efelychu’r ffordd mae Jehofa a’i Fab yn disgyblu?jw2019 jw2019
I am sure that the other parties have applied the same discipline as the Conservative group
Yr wyf yn sicr fod y pleidiau eraill wedi gweithredu'r un ddisgyblaeth â'r grwp Ceidwadolenglishtainment-tm-wTou7kgT englishtainment-tm-wTou7kgT
But the king rejected Jehovah’s discipline, and the results were tragic.
Ond gwrthododd y brenin ddisgyblaeth Jehofa, ac roedd y canlyniadau yn drychinebus.jw2019 jw2019
WHAT do you think of when you hear the word “discipline”?
BETH sy’n dod i dy feddwl pan wyt ti’n clywed y gair “disgyblaeth”?jw2019 jw2019
I feel anger in relation to this issue , so I must take care to discipline myself and stick to facts
Teimlaf yn ddig ynglyn â'r mater hwn , felly mae'n rhaid imi sicrhau fy mod yn ddisgybledig ac yn cadw at y ffeithiauenglishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG englishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG
Discipline should not usually be an issue for them, because they are there to fulfil a support function.
Ni ddylai disgyblaeth fod yn fater iddynt hwy fel arfer, gan mai cyflawni swyddogaeth gefnogol yw eu pwrpas.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We know that devolution costs money , but any consideration of change must be underpinned by the principle of financial discipline
Gwyddom fod datganoli'n costio arian , ond rhaid ategu unrhyw ystyriaeth o newid gydag egwyddor disgyblaeth ariannolenglishtainment-tm-2Cd5lgBD englishtainment-tm-2Cd5lgBD
You said today that discipline, or the lack of it, on school buses can sometimes, unfortunately, be the cause of accidents.
Dywedasoch heddiw y gall disgyblaeth, neu ddiffyg disgyblaeth, ar fysus ysgol achosi damweiniau weithiau, yn anffodus.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
In terms of the fixed bodies that can draw in big time money from the science research council and others , Wales has always suffered badly by comparison with Scotland and many of the English regions leaving aside Oxford and Cambridge's domination of this discipline within the United Kingdom
O ran y cyrff sefydlog sydd yn gallu denu arian mawr o'r cyngor ymchwil wyddonol ac eraill , mae Cymru wedi dioddef yn ddrwg erioed o'i chymharu â'r Alban a llawer o ranbarthau Lloegr heb roi ystyriaeth i dra-arglwyddiaeth Rhydychen a Chaergrawnt ar y ddisgyblaeth hon oddi mewn i'r Deyrnas Unedigenglishtainment-tm-oOpftn6G englishtainment-tm-oOpftn6G
12-14. (a) How do some react to discipline from Jehovah?
12-14. (a) Sut mae rhai yn ymateb i ddisgyblaeth Jehofa?jw2019 jw2019
I particularly want to emphasise the need for designated specialist teams across all disciplines, as we have heard, attached to stroke beds.
Yn benodol, yr wyf am bwysleisio'r angen am dimoedd arbenigol pwrpasol ar draws pob disgyblaeth sydd, fel y clywsom, ynghlwm wrth welyau strôc.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
All who are authorized to give Scriptural discipline —in the family or in the congregation— are wise when they imitate Christ’s example.
Pryd bynnag mae rhywun mewn awdurdod yn rhoi disgyblaeth Ysgrythurol—boed yn y teulu neu yn y gynylleidfa—mae’n rhaid iddyn nhw efelychu Crist.jw2019 jw2019
4, 5. (a) Why is self-discipline an important part of “the new personality”?
4, 5. (a) Pam mae hunanddisgyblaeth yn rhan mor bwysig o’r bersonoliaeth Gristnogol?jw2019 jw2019
We need to build on that, and I therefore ask the Minister what commitment she can give to developing a widespread public education campaign to reinforce this cultural shift that we are now seeing in Wales and to encourage all parents in Wales to use non-violent forms of discipline.
Yr oedd honno'n tynnu sylw at y ffaith bod mwyafrif y mamau a holwyd yng Nghymru'n dweud nad oeddent byth yn disgyblu plant fel hyn neu mai anaml iawn y byddent yn gwneud hynny.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
7 You may have heard someone say something like this: ‘I never fully appreciated the discipline that I received from my parents until I had children of my own.’
7 Efallai dy fod ti wedi clywed pobl yn dweud rhywbeth tebyg i hyn: “Wnes i ddim gwerthfawrogi disgyblaeth fy rhieni nes i mi gael plant.”jw2019 jw2019
I suggest that football sometimes needs to take a leaf out of rugby's book in terms of discipline , particularly with regard to the attitude towards , and respect for , referees
Awgrymaf fod angen i bêl-droed weithiau ddilyn esiampl rygbi o ran disgyblu , yn arbennig o ran agwedd tuag at ddyfarnwyr a pharch tuag atyntenglishtainment-tm-Vx3qPkw7 englishtainment-tm-Vx3qPkw7
How does a child develop self-discipline?
Sut bydd plentyn yn meithrin hunanddisgyblaeth?jw2019 jw2019
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