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We have asked for a Government of Wales Bill partly so that we would have more elbow room in this respect
Yr ydym wedi gofyn am Fesur Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhannol fel y byddai gennym fwy o le i symud yn hyn o bethenglishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe englishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe
The success that Rhymney College has achieved gives every indication that , given the elbow-room , it would be able to achieve further success
Mae'r llwyddiant a gafodd Coleg Rhymni yn rhoi pob arwydd , os câi gyfle , y byddai'n gallu sicrhau llwyddiant pellachenglishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY englishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY
That gives you the elbow room to implement what is needed in terms of capital investment to give you the ability to transform the way that we deliver services
Mae hynny'n cynnig cyfle i fuddsoddi'r cyfalaf y mae ei angen i drawsnewid y dull o ddarparu gwasanaethauenglishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe englishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe
We accept that it is part of the settlement and that it is a fierce competition every year , and that is why the Government of Wales Bill is trying to give us and Westminster more elbow room in that regard
Derbyniwn ei bod yn rhan o'r setliad a bod cystadleuaeth frwd bob blwyddyn , a dyna pam y mae Mesur Llywodraeth Cymru yn ceisio rhoi mwy o le i ni ac i San Steffan yn hynny o bethenglishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe englishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe
There is also a question of premises, in that the unit is at the Cardiff Royal Infirmary and it is a bit restricted in the particular part of the hospital that it occupies, and it wants to move to another part of the hospital or somewhere else so that it can have more elbow room.
Yn ogystal mae cwestiwn ynghylch yr adeilad, am fod yr uned yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Caerdydd, a bod y rhan benodol o'r ysbyty lle y mae'r uned wedi'i lleoli ychydig yn gyfyng, ac mae arni eisiau symud i ran arall o'r ysbyty neu i rywle arall er mwyn iddi gael mwy o le.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The old sites are usually bought by a supermarket or some other such company because after 70, 80, or even 100 years, there is usually a need for more elbow room or there are different health and safety requirements and therefore you have to modernise the cattle markets or they will whither away and die.
Fel arfer caiff yr hen safleoedd eu prynu gan archfarchnad neu ryw gwmni arall o'r fath oherwydd ar ôl 70, 80 neu hyd yn oed 100 mlynedd, fel arfer mae angen mwy o le neu mae'r gofynion iechyd a diogelwch wedi newid ac felly rhaid ichi foderneiddio'r marchnadoedd gwartheg neu byddant yn crebachu ac yn marw.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
She went on growing, and growing, and very soon had to kneel down on the floor: in another minute there was not even room for this, and she tried the effect of lying down with one elbow against the door, and the other arm curled round her head.
Aeth ar dyfu, ac yn tyfu, ac yn fuan iawn roedd yn rhaid i benlinio i lawr ar y llawr: yn funud arall nad oedd hyd yn oed lle i hyn, ac mae hi'n ceisio effaith o ddweud celwydd i lawr gydag un penelin yn erbyn y drws, a'r fraich arall cyrlio rownd ei phen.QED QED
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