evasive oor Wallies


Tending to avoid speaking openly or making revelations about oneself.

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Tax evasion
Osgoi treth
fraudulent evasion of duty
osgoi toll yn dwyllodrus
civil evasion penalty
cosb sifil am osgoi
tax evasion
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It was appropriate for her to answer that question , yet the Minister took evasive action and said that it had nothing to do with her
Yr oedd yn briodol ei bod yn ateb y cwestiwn hwnnw , eto cymerodd y Gweinidog gamau i'w osgoi a dywedodd nad oedd a wnelo dim â hienglishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG englishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG
If I mention statistics , you may not like them , but you cannot say that figures are evasive
Os crybwyllaf ystadegau , efallai na fyddwch yn eu hoffi , ond ni allwch ddweud bod y ffigurau'n rhai osgoilydenglishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA englishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA
(n.) evasion
osgoad [-au, m.]langbot langbot
I would ask the leader of the Welsh Conservatives to reconsider his use of the word ` evasive '
Gofynnaf i arweinydd Ceidwadwyr Cymru ailystyried ei ddefnydd o'r gair ` osgoilyd 'englishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA englishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA
They have certain expectations , and they do not expect the Government of Wales to be completely evasive and irresponsible in the way that it carries out its actions
Mae ganddynt rai disgwyliadau , ac nid ydynt yn disgwyl i Lywodraeth Cymru fod yn gwbl ochelgar ac anghyfrifol yn ei dull o weithreduenglishtainment-tm-2U3yAgwG englishtainment-tm-2U3yAgwG
The concept and operation of Best Value has to be steered through stormy seas , avoiding control and prescription by the Assembly and the customs of evasion and subversion that sometimes are seen in local government
Rhaid llywio cysyniad a gweithrediad Gwerth Gorau drwy foroedd stormus , heb i'r Cynulliad reoli a gorgyfarwyddo a heb yr arferion osgoi a gwyrdroi a welir weithiau mewn llywodraeth leolenglishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR englishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR
Tax evasion
Osgoi trethlangbot langbot
(n.) gocheliad [-au, m.], osgoad [-au, m.]langbot langbot
How often do we hear them talking about tax fraud and tax evasion ? Very rarely indeed
Pa mor aml y clywn hwy'n siarad am dwyll trethi ac osgoi talu trethi ? Yn anaml iawn , yn wirenglishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT englishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT
Every pound that the NHS loses due to evasion of patient charges is a pound less spent on patient care
Mae pob punt a golla'r NHS oherwydd bod claf yn osgoi'r taliadau yn bunt yn llai i'w gwario ar ofal cleifionenglishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8 englishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8
They are not , therefore , members of the European Union , although they are obliged , following various pressures relating to offshore finance and tax evasion , to abide by certain EU regulations , which I understand they are happy to do
Nid ydynt , felly , yn aelodau o'r Undeb Ewropeaidd , er fod yn rhaid iddynt , yn dilyn amryfal bwysau ynghylch cyllid alltraeth ac osgoi trethi , gadw at reoliadau penodol o eiddo'r UE , y deallaf eu bod yn ddigon bodlon gwneudenglishtainment-tm-O7lzuTo4 englishtainment-tm-O7lzuTo4
Nick Bourne : Tending to be evasive , then
Nick Bourne : Tueddu i fod yn osgoilyd , fellyenglishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA englishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA
Nick Bourne : Often , the First Minister could be perceived to be tending towards the evasive in not answering questions put to him
Nick Bourne : Yn aml , gellid barnu bod y Prif Weinidog yn tueddu i fod yn osgoilyd o ran peidio ag ateb cwestiynau a ofynnir iddoenglishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA englishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA
We will debate prescription charges tomorrow but within the context of the Health Act debate today there is an important aspect of prescription charge evasion which we support wholeheartedly
Byddwn yn trafod taliadau presgripsiwn yfory ond oddi mewn i gyd-destun y ddadl ar y Ddeddf Iechyd heddiw mae agwedd bwysig ar osgoi taliadau presgripsiwn a gefnogwn yn llwyrenglishtainment-tm-oOpftn6G englishtainment-tm-oOpftn6G
The intended effect of this instrument is to introduce a system of penalty charges to deter evasion of NHS charges
Effaith fwriadedig yr offeryn hwn yw cyflwyno system o daliadau cosb i rwystro pobl rhag osgoi taliadau'r NHSenglishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui englishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui
(n.) avoidance, evasion
gocheliad [-au, m.]langbot langbot
The First Minister : On you previous error of judgment , evasive is what Shane Williams was on Sunday -- which is much to be complimented in his case -- not what I am on Tuesday
Y Prif Weinidog : Ynghylch eich camfarn flaenorol , osgoilyd yw'r hyn yr oedd Shane Williams ddydd Sul -- sydd i'w ganmol yn fawr yn ei achos ef -- nid yr hyn yr wyf fi ar ddydd Mawrthenglishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN englishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN
Nick Bourne : I know a politician who would have found your statement a total whitewash and quite outrageous , namely Rhodri Morgan mark one -- the old Rhodri Morgan -- who would have seen that in no way did your statement answer questions about evasiveness and duplicity
Nick Bourne : Gwn am wleidydd a fyddai wedi gweld eich datganiad yn wyngalch llwyr ac yn hollol warthus , sef Rhodri Morgan y cyntaf -- yr hen Rhodri Morgan -- a fyddai wedi gweld nad oedd eich datganiad mewn unrhyw ffordd yn ateb cwestiynau am ochelgarwch a dauwynebogrwyddenglishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X englishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X
We do not use words like ` evasive ' in the Chamber
Ni ddefnyddiwn eiriau fel ` osgoilyd ' yn y Siambrenglishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN englishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN
We saw news, over the weekend, that the Information Commissioner had condemned the Conservative Party for being evasive when clarifying the status of Lord Ashcroft and the amount of money that has been spent in constituencies in Wales attempting to corrupt the democratic process.
Dros y penwythnos, gwelsom newyddion bod y Comisiynydd Gwybodaeth wedi condemnio'r Blaid Geidwadol am osgoi cadarnhau statws yr Arglwydd Ashcroft a faint o arian sydd wedi'i wario mewn etholaethau yng Nghymru wrth geisio llygru'r broses ddemocrataidd.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Evasions and obstructions to justice for the people of the Valleys are insulting , patronising and unworthy of this national institution
Mae osgoi a rhwystro cyfiawnder i bobl y Cymoedd yn sarhaus , yn wasaidd ac yn annheilwng o'r sefydliad cenedlaethol hwnenglishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp englishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp
If the regulations were not in force by 1 April 2001 , Wales would be unable to deter evasion from NHS charges
Os na fydd y rheoliadau mewn grym erbyn 1 Ebrill 2001 , ni allai Cymru rwystro pobl rhag osgoi talu taliadau'r NHSenglishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui englishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui
It is also important , contrary to the impression that you sought to give , or were tending to give -- you were remarkably reluctant to abide by a ruling by the Presiding Officer , so it can hardly be said that I am the one being evasive when you were wriggling on the Presiding Officer's hook for quite some time , so look in the mirror the next time --
Mae hefyd yn bwysig , yn groes i'r argraff y ceisiasoch ei rhoi , neu y tueddasoch i'w rhoi -- yr oeddech yn hynod o amharod i ufuddhau i ddyfarniad gan y Llywydd , felly prin y gellir dweud mai myfi yw'r un osgoilyd a chithau wedi bod yn gwingo ar fachyn y Llywydd am gryn amser , felly edrychwch yn y drych y tro nesaf --englishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA englishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA
tax evasion
efadu trethi ( / )langbot langbot
The last time I asked a question on this , the First Secretary was a little evasive --
Y tro diwethaf imi ofyn cwestiwn ar hyn , yr oedd y Prif Ysgrifennydd braidd yn ochelgar --englishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa englishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa
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