fallen oor Wallies


/ˈfɔːlən/ adjektief, naamwoord, werkwoord
Past participle of fall

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies

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Fallen (film)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies

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TB, Fallen Stock and Compensation Team
Y Tîm TB, Stoc Drig ac Iawndal
fallen angel
angel syrthiedig
National Fallen Stock Company
Cwmni Stoc Drig Cenedlaethol
fallen state
return again; fallen back
fallen back
Fallen Poets: Hedd Wyn & Edward Thomas
Diffodd yr Awen: Hedd Wyn & Edward Thomas
Fallen tree
Coeden ar lawr
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen


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The reality is that Dun and Bradstreet has reported that the number of business failures in Wales is increasing , the regional strategies being published at the moment indicate that the number of companies registered for value added tax purposes in Wales is falling and Experian's August report showed that company profitability in Wales had fallen almost by 90 per cent , that recruitment was being frozen and that investment was being cut
Y gwir yw bod Dun and Bradstreet wedi nodi bod nifer y busnesau sy'n methu yng Nghymru ar gynnydd , bod y strategaethau rhanbarthol sy'n cael eu cyhoeddi ar hyn o bryd yn awgrymu bod nifer y cwmnïau sydd wedi'u cofrestru at ddibenion treth ar werth yng Nghymru yn gostwng a bod adroddiad Experian ym mis Awst wedi dangos bod proffidioldeb cwmnïau yng Nghymru wedi gostwng bron 90 y cant , bod ymgyrchoedd recriwtio yn cael eu rhewi a bod buddsoddiadau yn cael eu cwtogienglishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN englishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN
Kirsty Williams : I echo the call for a discussion and debate in the Chamber about fallen stock
Kirsty Williams : Ategaf yr alwad am gael trafodaeth a dadl yn y Siambr am stoc trigenglishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe englishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe
You will be aware of your legal obligation under the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006 relating to the medical inspection of schoolchildren, and that local education authorities have a duty in relation to dental inspection under the Education Act 1996. Screening is a vital part of the prevention programme, yet the numbers of schoolchildren screened in Wales have fallen from 170,000 in 1993 to 20,000 this year.
Gwyddoch am eich rhwymedigaeth gyfreithiol o dan Ddeddf Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol (Cymru) 2006 i roi archwiliadau meddygol i blant ysgol, a bod gan yr awdurdodau addysg lleol ddyletswydd i wneud archwiliadau deintyddol o dan Ddeddf Addysg 1996. Mae sgrinio'n rhan hanfodol o'r rhaglen atal, eto mae nifer y plant ysgol a sgriniwyd yng Nghymru wedi gostwng o 170,000 yn 1993 i 20,000 eleni.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
verse "6" Wherefore thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Woe to the bloody city, to the caldron whose rust is therein, and whose rust is not gone out of it! take out of it piece after piece; No lot is fallen upon it.
adnod "6" "'Felly, fel hyn y dywed yr Arglwydd DDUW: Gwae'r ddinas waedlyd, y crochan y mae rhwd arno, rhwd nad allan ohono! Gwagiwch ef bob yn ddarn, heb fwrw coelbren am yr un ohonynt.langbot langbot
Q8 William Graham : Will the Minister make a statement on the average time taken under the national fallen stock scheme for the collection and removal of carcases ? OAQ0141( EPC )
C8 William Graham : A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am yr amser ar gyfartaledd a gymer dan y cynllun anifeiliaid trig i gasglu carcasau a'u symud ? OAQ0141( EPC )englishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe englishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe
Glyn Davies : Do you share my great joy , Mick , at the wonderful news that the Vegetarian Society has reported that the number of vegetarians in this country has fallen by 1 million ? One million people in Britain last year started enjoying the benefits of eating high-quality British pork again
Glyn Davies : A rannwch fy llawenydd mawr , Mick , ynglyn â'r newyddion ardderchog bod Cymdeithas y Llysfwytawyr wedi nod bod nifer y llysfwytawyr yn y wlad hon wedi gostwng 1 filiwn ? Y llynedd dechreuodd 1 filiwn o bobl ym Mhrydain fwynhau manteision bwyta cig mochyn o safon dda a gynhyrchwyd ym Mhrydain unwaith etoenglishtainment-tm-88906sbd englishtainment-tm-88906sbd
The movement has been arguing for years that it provides respite care, residential palliative care and hospice care in the home as add-on services that save the national health service money but that its requests for core funding, and for an extension of the three-year £10 million funding, have fallen on deaf ears.
Mae'r mudiad wedi bod yn dadlau ers blynyddoedd ei fod yn darparu gofal seibiant, gofal lliniarol preswyl a gofal hosbis yn y cartref fel gwasanaethau ychwanegol sy'n arbed arian i'r gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol ond bod ei geisiadau am gyllid craidd, ac ar gyfer estyniad o'r cyllid £10 miliwn dros dair blynedd wedi disgyn ar dir sych.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Crime has fallen by 16 per cent in Wales under the Labour Government but the problem of anti-social behaviour continues , and often undermines the good work done in the community to improve people's quality of life and the environment
Mae troseddu wedi gostwng 16 y cant yng Nghymru o dan y Llywodraeth Lafur , ond mae problem ymddygiad anghymdeithasol yn parhau , ac yn aml yn tanseilio'r gwaith da a wneir yn y gymuned i wella ansawdd bywyd pobl , ac i wella'r amgylcheddenglishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19 englishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19
Carwyn Jones : It was originally intended to implement the national fallen stock scheme in time for the spring , but a number of complex issues have arisen
Carwyn Jones : Y bwriad gwreiddiol oedd rhoi'r cynllun stoc marw cenedlaethol ar waith erbyn y gwanwyn , ond mae nifer o faterion cymhleth wedi codienglishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD englishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD
That has led to great efficiencies and a reduction in the number of overtime hours worked, sickness levels have fallen, and there have been general efficiency gains.
Yn sgil hynny, cafwyd effeithlonrwydd mawr a gostyngwyd nifer yr oriau goramser a weithir, mae lefelau salwch wedi gostwng, ac enillwyd effeithlonrwydd cyffredinol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It has fallen from 323 in 1998 to 317 last year
Mae wedi disgyn o 323 yn 1998 i 317 y llyneddenglishtainment-tm-O7lzuTo4 englishtainment-tm-O7lzuTo4
In the absence of new regulations relating to school meals staff , responsibility for their appointment , discipline , suspension or dismissal would have fallen to the governing body as it does for other staff , regardless of whether or not they were LEA staff
Yn niffyg rheoliadau newydd yn ymwneud â staff prydau ysgol , byddai'r cyfrifoldeb am eu penodi , eu disgyblu , eu hatal neu eu diswyddo wedi mynd i'r corff llywodraethol fel y mae yn achos staff eraill , pa un a ydynt yn staff yr AALl ai peidioenglishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR englishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR
There is also confusion about the role of incineration and how it could assist farmers to dispose of fallen stock
Mae dryswch hefyd ynghylch rôl llosgi a sut y gallai helpu ffermwyr i gael gwared ag anifeiliaid marwenglishtainment-tm-bEmEVlwb englishtainment-tm-bEmEVlwb
Unemployment in Wales has fallen 0 .5 per cent during the past 12 months
Mae diweithdra yng Nghymru wedi disgyn 0 .5 y cant yn ystod y 12 mis diwethafenglishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY englishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY
seek derogation from EU Regulations to prohibit the burying of fallen stock on farm land
gofyn am lacio'r Rheoliadau Ewropeaidd i ganiatáu claddu stoc drigenglishtainment-tm-nmLDliNC englishtainment-tm-nmLDliNC
No one has fallen through the net yet and we must ensure that it does not happen
Nid oes neb wedi syrthio drwy'r rhwyd eto a rhaid inni sicrhau na ddigwydd hynnyenglishtainment-tm-I6bvByKy englishtainment-tm-I6bvByKy
However , are you aware that unemployment under Labour has fallen at only half the rate achieved by the Conservatives during their last five years in Government , after we escaped from the exchange rate mechanism , the membership and rate of which had your party's full backing ? That unemployment record is despite a record increase in Government administration jobs and billions of pounds of pension fund money being blown on a so-called New Deal
Fodd bynnag , a wyddoch nad yw diweithdra o dan Lafur ond wedi gostwng ar hanner y gyfradd a sicrhawyd gan y Ceidwadwyr yn ystod eu pum mlynedd olaf mewn Llywodraeth , wedi inni ddianc o'r system cyfradd gyfnewid , yr oedd eich plaid chi'n llwyr gefnogi ein haelodaeth ohoni a'r gyfradd a fabwysiadwyd ? Cafwyd y diweithdra hwnnw er gwaethaf y cynnydd mwyaf erioed yn nifer swyddi gweinyddol y Llywodraeth a gwario biliynau o arian cronfeydd pensiwn ar y Fargen Newydd , fel y'i gelwirenglishtainment-tm-88906sbd englishtainment-tm-88906sbd
There was a commitment in 'One Wales' to have discussions with the European Commission on lifting the ban on the burying of fallen stock.
Yr oedd yn ymrwymiad yn 'Cymru'n Un' i gynnal trafodaeth gyda Chomisiwn Ewrop ar godi'r gwaharddiad ar gladdu stoc trig.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Student numbers in Welsh further education colleges have fallen by more than 10 per cent over the last three years.
Mae niferoedd y myfyrwyr mewn colegau addysg bellach yng Nghymru wedi gostwng fwy na 10 y cant dros y tair blynedd diwethaf.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I should point out that the claimant count in Wales has fallen by 2,000 for the fourth month out of five.
Dylwn dynnu eich sylw at y ffaith bod nifer yr hawlwyr yng Nghymru wedi gostwng 2,000 am y pedwerydd mis mewn pump.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
According to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics, Wales's gross domestic household income per capita—you are aware of this, even though you did not, I believe, mention it; it is known at GDHI—in 2006 was £12,312, which was nearly 90 per cent of the United Kingdom average, or its highest comparative level since 1995. Having fallen between 1995 and 1999, this figure has increased in each of the past seven years and Wales saw the biggest percentage increase in GDHI per capita figures among the nations of the United Kingdom and the regions of England between 1999 and 2005. You will not acknowledge that, but it is a crucial and key statistic in this debate.
Yn ôl ffigurau diweddaraf y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol, yr oedd incwm aelwydydd crynswth i'w wario y pen—yr ydych yn ymwybodol o hwn, er na chredaf eich bod wedi ei ddyfynnu; GDHI yw'r term—yng Nghymru yn 2006 yn £12,312, bron 90 y cant o gyfartaledd y Deyrnas Unedig, sef ei lefel gymharol uchaf ers 1995. Ar ôl gostwng rhwng 1995 a 1999, mae'r gyfran hon wedi cynyddu ym mhob un o'r saith mlynedd diwethaf a Chymru oedd y wlad a welodd y cynnydd mwyaf yng nghanran y GDHI y pen ymhlith gwledydd y Deyrnas Unedig a rhanbarthau Lloegr rhwng 1999 a 2005. Ni wnewch gydnabod hynny, ond mae'n ystadegyn hollbwysig ac allweddol i'r ddadl hon.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We have the fallen stock regulations, which were designed to protect the high water tables of the Low Countries of Holland and Belgium, and other such places.
Mae gennym y rheoliadau stoc trig, a gynlluniwyd i warchod lefelau trwythiad uchel Iseldiroedd Holand a Gwlad Belg, a lleoedd eraill o'r fath.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The second plate refers to the fallen staff of the Welsh Board of Health
Mae'r ail blât yn cyfeirio at staff Bwrdd Iechyd Cymru a fu farwenglishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK englishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK
The results of this year's British Crime Survey show that, since 1997, under Labour, crime has fallen by 43 per cent.
Yn ôl canlyniadau Arolwg Troseddu Prydain eleni, mae'r lefelau troseddu wedi gostwng 43 y cant er 1997, o dan y Blaid Lafur.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
However, as you say, negotiations have fallen down, and public money can be delivered only when we have an outcome.
Fodd bynnag, fel y dywedwch, mae'r trafodaethau wedi methu, a gallwn ddarparu arian cyhoeddus dim ond pan gawn ganlyniad.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
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