feel oor Wallies


/fiːl/ adjektief, Verb, werkwoord, naamwoord, voornaamwoord, bywoord
Alternative form of fele.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies


transitive: to experience an emotion or other mental state about
Geiriadur Cymraeg-Rwsieg a Rwsieg-Cymraeg


Geiriadur Cymraeg-Rwsieg a Rwsieg-Cymraeg



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Sommige vertalings van 'feel' is deur gebruikers verwyder. Klik om hulle te wys.

Soortgelyke frases

express feelings
mynegi teimladau
controlling feelings
rheoli teimladau
oneself feel
Radon: you can't see it, you can't smell it, you can't feel it: you can test for it
Radon: allwch chi mo'i weld, allwch chi mo'i ogleuo, allwch chi mo'i deimlo: fe allwch chi brofi amdano
sensible, feeling
greddf · swmpiad · syn · syniad · teimlad · teimladau · teimladwy · ymdeimlad
feel before hand
feel alone
teimlo'n unig
feel one’s self
ymdeimlo · ymglywed


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The 127 staff of the Children's Society in Wales who learned that they would lose their jobs , must feel hurt and betrayed that a committee in London has taken a blanket decision to axe the projects on which they were working so hard
Rhaid bod yr 127 o staff Cymdeithas y Plant yng Nghymru y dywedwyd wrthynt y byddent yn colli eu swyddi , yn teimlo wedi eu brifo ac wedi eu bradychu am fod pwyllgor yn Llundain wedi gwneud penderfyniad cyffredinol i waredu'r prosiectau y buont yn gweithio mor galed arnyntenglishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d englishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d
Christine Humphreys : I feel that we should discuss that issue as we have not yet done so
Christine Humphreys : Teimlaf y dylem drafod y mater hwnnw gan nad ydym wedi gwneud hynny etoenglishtainment-tm-I6bvByKy englishtainment-tm-I6bvByKy
I do not feel that the situation has changed to the extent that a debate should be scheduled for this week , so it is difficult to understand why the Conservative Party , which said before the recess that it was not the right time for a debate , is now saying that it is
Ni theimlaf fod y sefyllfa wedi newid i'r fath raddau fel y dylid amserlennu dadl ar gyfer yr wythnos hon , felly anodd yw deall pam y mae'r Blaid Geidwadol , a ddywedodd cyn y toriad nad hon oedd yr adeg iawn ar gyfer dadl , yn dweud bellach ei bod yn iawnenglishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK englishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK
They may not be familiar with formal applications or may feel that they do not have the necessary combination of skills
Efallai na fyddant yn gyfarwydd â cheisiadau ffurfiol neu gallent deimlo nad ydynt yn meddu ar y cyfuniad o sgiliau sydd ei angenenglishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK englishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK
And many of them feel that suffering will always be a part of human existence.
Ac mae llawer ohonyn nhw’n teimlo y bydd dioddefaint bob amser yn rhan o fodolaeth ddynol.jw2019 jw2019
We are all aware of the statements made this week by the Member for Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney , who does not feel that this administration is fulfilling its duty to reduce poverty and to create social justice
Yr ydym oll yn ymwybodol o'r datganiadau yr wythnos hon gan yr Aelod dros Ferthyr Tudful a Rhymni , nad yw'n teimlo bod y weinyddiaeth hon yn cyflawni'i dyletswydd i leihau tlodi a chreu cyfiawnder cymdeithasolenglishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY englishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY
That process has given confidence to some of the people who were , initially , against the Act in principle , but nevertheless feel that , as an organisation , CCW has done its best to include people
Mae'r broses honno wedi rhoi hyder i rai o'r bobl a oedd , ar y dechrau , yn erbyn y Ddeddf mewn egwyddor , ond sydd serch hynny'n teimlo bod y cyngor cefn gwlad , fel corff , wedi gwneud ei orau i gynnwys poblenglishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK englishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK
Surveyed by a Mori poll for the NSPCC, parents will admit to smacking, or hitting, to give it its real title, when they are angry, stressed, tired or feel out of control.
O gael eu holi mewn arolwg Mori ar ran yr NSPCC, bydd rhieni'n cyfaddef eu bod yn smacio, neu'n curo plant, i roi'r teitl iawn iddo, pan fyddant yn flin, dan bwysau, wedi blino neu'n teimlo eu bod allan o reolaeth.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
However , we feel that it is an urgent issue of public interest and that it is being widely discussed
Fodd bynnag , teimlwn ei fod yn fater taer o ddiddordeb cyhoeddus ar hyn o bryd a bod trafod eang yn ei gylchenglishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7 englishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7
Too often, people feel that they have been abandoned by services, and families are left to struggle alone.
Yn rhy aml, teimla pobl fod gwasanaethau wedi troi cefn arnynt, a gadewir teuluoedd i frwydro ymlaen ar eu pen eu hunain.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The Electoral Commission will need to make its view clear with regard to when it feels that that period begins.
Bydd angen i'r Comisiwn Etholiadol fynegi ei farn yn glir ynglŷn â pha bryd y mae'n teimlo y mae'r cyfnod hwnnw'n dechrau.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
And they do not feel that they can understand Bible truths more deeply than anyone else.
Ac nid ydyn nhw’n teimlo y gallan nhw ddeall gwirioneddau’r Beibl yn well nag eraill.jw2019 jw2019
JULlET Feeling so the loss,
JULIET Teimlo'n felly mae'r golled,QED QED
However, local people working for Corus say that they are being held to ransom on the issue, and that they feel that they have been forced to accept the situation.
Ond mae pobl leol sy'n gweithio yn Corus yn dweud eu bod wedi'u dal yn wystlon ar y mater, a'u bod yn teimlo bod rhaid iddynt dderbyn hynny.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
" It tastes nice today, " said Mary, feeling a little surprised her self.
" Mae'n braf heddiw chwaeth, " meddai Mary, teimlo ychydig yn synnu ei hunan.QED QED
We can’t understand exactly how you feel, but Jehovah does and will keep raising you up.
Dydyn ni ddim yn gallu deall yn union sut rwyt ti’n teimlo, ond mae Jehofa yn deall a bydd Jehofa yn wastad yn dy galonogi di.jw2019 jw2019
Do you feel, however, that people who have distinctly different personalities are bound to have problems?
Ond, wyt ti’n meddwl y bydd problemau yn sicr o godi rhwng pobl sydd â gwahanol bersonoliaethau?jw2019 jw2019
In English , that means ` pupils hearing from teachers ', I believe -- having learned Welsh , I feel that I must now learn another language to understand the jargon emanating from the education policy documents
Mewn geiriau plaen , mae'n hynny'n golygu ` disgyblion yn gwrando ar athrawon ', yr wyf yn credu -- a minnau wedi dysgu'r Gymraeg , teimlaf fod rhaid yn awr imi ddysgu iaith arall er mwyn deall y jargon sy'n deillio o'r dogfennau polisi addysgenglishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7 englishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7
The statistic relating to the number of people who feel that they cannot engage with local government or the health service is stark, and it poses a serious question and a challenge to us as a Government, to this institution and any other democratically elected institution, which is that we need to take these findings seriously and address them with great urgency.
Mae'r ystadegyn am nifer y bobl sy'n teimlo'u bod yn methu ymgysylltu â llywodraeth leol neu'r gwasanaeth iechyd yn syfrdanol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The electronics industry has said that , if people feel that it is not adhering to its 10 commitments , they should contact the industry
Mae'r diwydiant electroneg wedi dweud y dylai pobl gysylltu â'r diwydiant os teimlant nad yw'n glynu at ei 10 ymrwymiadenglishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK englishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK
There might be times when you feel alone and you don’t even think that God is listening, but do not isolate yourself.”
Ar adegau, efallai byddwch yn teimlo’n unig a meddwl nad yw Duw yn gwrando arnoch, ond peidiwch â chadw eich hun ar wahân.”jw2019 jw2019
Another mother expressed her feelings when told that her six-year-old son had suddenly died because of a congenital heart problem.
Fe fynegodd mam arall ei theimladau pan ddywedwyd wrthi i’w mab chwe mlwydd oed farw’n annisgwyl oherwydd problem gynhwynol â’i galon.jw2019 jw2019
In respect of matter 11.7 and the Gypsy and Traveller community, we recognise the needs of Gypsy/Travellers and the need to ensure that they are catered for by local authorities, but we also feel that the voices of the static population in those local authority areas should not be drowned out or ignored.
Ynglŷn â mater 11.7, a'r gymuned Sipsiwn a Theithwyr, yr ydym yn cydnabod anghenion Sipsiwn a Theithwyr a'r angen i sicrhau bod awdurdodau lleol yn darparu ar eu cyfer, ond teimlwn hefyd na ddylid boddi nac anwybyddu lleisiau'r boblogaeth sefydlog yn ardaloedd yr awdurdodau lleol hynny.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
These officers get to know the communities that they serve , and get a feel for crime trends
Mae'r heddweision hyn yn dod i adnabod y cymunedau a wasanaethant , a gallant sylwi ar dueddiadau o ran trosedduenglishtainment-tm-P3zj5tFf englishtainment-tm-P3zj5tFf
If so, the account about young Samuel shows that Jehovah understands your problems and your feelings.
Os felly, mae’r hanes am Samuel yn dangos bod Jehofa yn deall dy broblemau a dy deimladau.jw2019 jw2019
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