hour oor Wallies


/aʊr/, /aʊə(r)/, /aʊɚ/, /aʊə(ɹ)/ naamwoord
A time period of sixty minutes; one twenty-fourth of a day.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies


Time period of sixty minutes


unit of measurement of time

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies



Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

standard hour
awr safonol
specified hours
oriau penodedig
consultant-led 24 hour service
gwasanaeth 24-awr dan arweiniad meddyg ymgynghorol
hours on end
am oriau bwy gilydd · am oriau bwygilydd
quarter of an hour
chwarter awr · chwarter-awr
zero-hour auto purge
Awto Glirio'r Awr Gyntaf
out of school hours learning
dysgu tu allan i oriau ysgol


Advanced filtering
opening hours
oriau agor ( / )langbot langbot
I do not deny that there have been problems with the out-of-hours service across Wales, but the service has worked very well in some areas, where there has been a limited number of complaints and where people have experienced a very good and focused service.
Nid wyf yn gwadu na fu problemau gyda'r gwasanaeth y tu allan i oriau ledled Cymru, ond mae'r gwasanaeth hefyd wedi gweithio'n dda iawn mewn rhai ardaloedd, lle y mae nifer y cwynion wedi bod yn fach iawn, a lle y mae pobl wedi gweld gwasanaeth da sydd â ffocws pendant iddo.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The new law should not promote 24-hour drinking as such
Ni ddylai'r ddeddf newydd hyrwyddo yfed 24 awr fel y cyfrywenglishtainment-tm-DMbxFW6J englishtainment-tm-DMbxFW6J
As we know, it has led to difficulties in some parts of Wales with the out-of-hours contract, but I am aware that the Minister for Health and Social Services is actively looking at this and that she will make an announcement on it soon.
Fel y gwyddom, mae wedi arwain at anawsterau mewn ambell ran o Gymru o ran y contract y tu allan i oriau, ond gwn fod y Gweinidog dros Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yn ystyried hyn o ddifrif ac y bydd yn gwneud datganiad yn ei gylch cyn bo hir.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We need to ensure flexibility, because migrant workers will be in a variety of work circumstances; their working hours can be quite tricky, and they may find it difficult to access certain courses where those courses are being delivered.
Felly, gofynnaf i'r Llywodraeth ystyried sut y bydd yn sicrhau hyblygrwydd yn y ffordd y cyflwynir cyrsiau ESOL. Bydd y Cadeirydd yn cofio bod yr adroddiad yn dyfynnu geiriau'r Dirprwy Weinidog dros Sgiliau fel hynEnglishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I am pleased to read that there is to be a new platform at Caerphilly station, and that, later this year, Arriva Trains Wales should be able to lay on six cars per train, at least during the peak hours.
Yr wyf yn falch o ddarllen y ceir platfform newydd yng ngorsaf Caerffili, ac, yn ddiweddarach eleni, dylai Trenau Arriva Cymru allu defnyddio chwe cherbyd fesul trên, o leiaf yn ystod yr oriau brig.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Platform lengthening, longer trains and the increasing use of them, especially at peak commuting hours, are important parts of the strategy.
Mae gwneud platfformau'n hwy, cael trenau hwy a'u defnyddio'n amlach, yn enwedig yn ystod yr oriau cymudo prysuraf, yn rhannau pwysig o'r strategaeth.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Rhondda housing association , with Assembly funding , offers 120 hours of professional support to tenants every week to equip them with such skills , to help them to avoid debt or facing the threat of evictions or restraint of goods by bailiffs
Mae cymdeithas dai y Rhondda , gyda chyllid gan y Cynulliad , yn cynnig 120 awr o gymorth proffesiynol i denantiaid bob wythnos i ddysgu sgiliau o'r fath iddynt , i'w helpu i osgoi dyled neu wynebu bygythiad dadfeddiannu neu atafaelu eiddo gan feilïaidenglishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7 englishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7
Hour part of the minimum clamp time
Rhan awr yr amser isaf dilysenglishtainment-tm-5GvuzN4z englishtainment-tm-5GvuzN4z
Childcare , family-friendly working practices and flexible shift working to enable staff to meet family needs are vital , as we lose nurses because of the inflexible hours
Mae gofal plant , arferion gweithio teulu-gyfeillgar a gweithio shifftiau hyblyg i alluogi staff i ateb anghenion teulu yn hanfodol , gan ein bod yn colli nyrsys oherwydd yr oriau anhyblygenglishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa englishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa
In some cases , patients had to wait eight hours to see a doctor
Mewn rhai achosion , rhaid oedd aros am wyth awr cyn gweld meddygenglishtainment-tm-Vx3qPkw7 englishtainment-tm-Vx3qPkw7
Only a fortnight ago, a constituent complained to me that his elderly father had been kept waiting for seven and a half hours for the result of an x-ray at Cardiff's accident-and-emergency department.
Bythefnos yn unig yn ôl, cwynodd un o'm hetholwyr wrthyf fod ei dad oedrannus wedi gorfod disgwyl am saith awr a hanner am ganlyniad pelydr X yn adran damweiniau ac achosion brys Caerdydd.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
calls on the Minister to ensure that where GP practices opt out of out-of-hours services that local health boards are adequately funded to secure alternative arrangements for Welsh patients
yn galw ar y Gweinidog i sicrhau , mewn achosion pan fydd practis meddyg teulu yn eithrio o'r gwasanaethau y tu allan i oriau , bod y byrddau iechyd lleol yn cael digon o arian i wneud trefniadau eraill ar gyfer cleifion yng Nghymruenglishtainment-tm-2U3yAgwG englishtainment-tm-2U3yAgwG
The First Minister : I draw your attention to the Audit Commission's 2003 report , which provided figures that you should be promoting to your English colleagues , namely that 96 per cent of accident and emergency attendances in Wales were admitted within four hours , compared to 81 per cent in England
Y Prif Weinidog : Tynnaf eich sylw at adroddiad y Comisiwn Archwilio am 2003 , a ddarparodd ffigurau y dylech eu tynnu i sylw'ch cydweithwyr yn Lloegr , sef bod 96 y cant o'r rhai a ddaeth i adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys yng Nghymru wedi'u derbyn o fewn pedair awr , o'i gymharu ag 81 y cant yn Lloegrenglishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD englishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD
As a committee , we spent hours collating all the economic research from around the globe
Fel pwyllgor , treuliwn oriau yn coladu'r holl ymchwil economaidd o bob rhan o'r bydenglishtainment-tm-Vx3qPkw7 englishtainment-tm-Vx3qPkw7
The difference between a short debate and a minority party debate has also been raised -- the difference between half an hour and an hour
Codwyd hefyd y gwahaniaeth rhwng dadl fer a dadl plaid leiafrifol -- y gwahaniaeth rhwng hanner awr ac awrenglishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR englishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR
Huw Lewis : You know that I am concerned about the provision of pharmacy services in Wales and , in particular , the provision of 24-hour coverage in the Valleys
Huw Lewis : Gwyddoch fy mod yn pryderu ynghylch y ddarpariaeth o wasanaethau fferyllol yng Nghymru ac , yn enwedig , y ddarpariaeth o wasanaeth 24 awr yn y Cymoeddenglishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM englishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM
atypical hours
oriau annodweddiadolenglishtainment-tm-IYZVVSjc englishtainment-tm-IYZVVSjc
That shows that this Government is committed to working towards extending GP hours for the good of all.
Mae hynny'n dangos bod y Llywodraeth hon wedi ymrwymo i weithio tuag at ymestyn oriau meddygon teulu er lles pawb.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Earth Hour will be the biggest ever global demonstration for action on climate change and will take place on 28 March at 8.30pm.
Awr Ddaear fydd yr ardystiad byd-eang mwyaf erioed dros weithredu ar y newid yn yr hinsawdd, ac fe'i cynhelir ar 28 Mawrth am 8.30pm.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I have been doing some work in conjunction with Dr Chris Jones on providing better care, access, and out-of-hours services, and I will certainly feed your comments into that work.
Yr wyf wedi bod yn gwneud ychydig o waith ar y cyd â Dr Chris Jones ar ddarparu gwell gofal, mynediad a gwasanaethau y tu allan i oriau gwaith, a byddaf yn sicr yn bwydo eich sylwadau i mewn i'r gwaith hwnnw.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
You are right , Leighton , that we will use collaboration money to fund the expansion of Welsh-medium provision , and I am delighted that we have students in the public gallery from Aberystwyth , who I spent an hour talking to earlier about issues around Welsh-medium provision , for example
Yr ydych yn gywir , Leighton , y byddwn yn defnyddio arian cydweithredu i ariannu'r broses o ehangu darpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg , ac yr wyf yn falch bod gennym fyfyrwyr o Aberystwyth yn yr oriel gyhoeddus , a threuliais awr yn siarad â hwy yn gynharach am y materion o ran darpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg , er enghraifftenglishtainment-tm-5pRN6JQt englishtainment-tm-5pRN6JQt
If you want to spend the next few hours or the next few debates simply rehearsing what is going on, Kirsty, you can do that, but you will not have helped a single farmer, a single community or the agricultural industry in Wales as a whole.
Os ydych eisiau treulio'r ychydig oriau nesaf neu'r ychydig ddadleuon nesaf yn ailadrodd yr hyn sy'n digwydd, Kirsty, gallwch wneud hynny, ond ni fyddwch wedi helpu'r un ffermwr, yr un gymuned na'r diwydiant amaethyddol yng Nghymru drwyddo draw.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Michael German : Thank you Mr Llywydd for saying that we are going to have a full hour
Michael German : Diolch ichi Mr Llywydd am ddweud y byddwn yn cael awr gyfanenglishtainment-tm-GTRoCGg1 englishtainment-tm-GTRoCGg1
This is the subject of ongoing negotiations with Europe , but it looks promising at present , and that contractors can receive payments , provided that they spend more than 16 hours on Treaty of Paris sites , if you like , that is , iron and steel making or processing sites
Mae hyn yn destun negodiadau parhaus gydag Ewrop , ond mae'n argoeli'n dda ar hyn o bryd , ac y caiff contractwyr daliadau , ar yr amod eu bod yn treulio mwy na 16 awr ar safleoedd Cytundeb Paris os hoffech , hynny yw , safleoedd cynhyrchu neu brosesu haearn a durenglishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG englishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG
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