incidence oor Wallies


(physics) The striking of radiation or a projectile upon a surface

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incident grading policy
polisi graddio digwyddiadau
Patient Safety Incidents and Untoward Event Reporting
Adrodd am Ddigwyddiadau'n Ymwneud â Diogelwch Cleifion a Digwyddiadau Anffafriol
adverse incident and hazard reporting
cofnodi achosion niweidiol a pheryglon
incidence of rainfall
dygwydd glawiad
Serious Adverse Incident Reporting
Adrodd am Ddigwyddiadau Niweidiol Difrifol
Category:Maritime incidents
Categori:Trychinebau ar y môr
Incident Management Team
Tîm Rheoli Achos Lluosog
Category:Accidents and incidents involving helicopters
Categori:Damweiniau hofrenyddion


Advanced filtering
The total risk of crime has gone down substantially, and, although there was a blip in the incidence of violent crime last year, I am glad to say that the most current statistics show that the overall level of violent crime has gone down, notwithstanding the leader of the opposition's report of the increase in violent crime.
Mae cyfanswm risg trosedd wedi mynd i lawr yn sylweddol, ac bod cynnydd bach yn niferoedd y troseddau treisiol y llynedd, mae'n dda gennyf ddweud bod yr ystadegau mwyaf cyfredol yn dangos bod lefel gyffredinol troseddu treisiol wedi gostwng, er gwaethaf adroddiad arweinydd yr wrthblaid am y cynnydd mewn troseddu treisiol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The ambulance trust realised that it needed to look at procedures and put measures in place to ensure that these regrettable incidents are not repeated
Sylweddolodd yr ymddiriedolaeth ambiwlans fod angen iddi edrych ar weithdrefnau a rhoi mesurau ar waith i sicrhau na welwn ddigwyddiadau anffodus o'r fath etoenglishtainment-tm-DMbxFW6J englishtainment-tm-DMbxFW6J
That racist crime is recognised as such , and that people are encouraged to make incidents known , is down to rigorous legislation and the impact of certain key reports , such as the Macpherson report on the inquiry into the death of Stephen Lawrence
Mae'r un peth yn wir am ffigurau cam-drin yn y cartrefenglishtainment-tm-hztI5KF3 englishtainment-tm-hztI5KF3
Evidence given to the former Social Justice and Regeneration Committee by Shelter Cymru in the second Assembly highlighted incidents in which young people were deemed to be intentionally homeless because they were kicked out of home for not being on time.
Yn y dystiolaeth a roddwyd i'r cyn Bwyllgor Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol ac Adfywio gan Shelter Cymru yn ystod yr ail Gynulliad tynnwyd sylw at achlysuron lle y cesglid bod pobl ifanc yn fwriadol ddigartref am eu bod wedi'u troi o'u cartref am fod yn hwyr.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
A few days before the incident in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus told those same disciples to make supplication to Jehovah.
Ychydig ddyddiau cyn y digwyddiad yng Ngardd Gethsemane, dywedodd Iesu wrth yr un grŵp o ddisgyblion i ddeisyfu ar Jehofa.jw2019 jw2019
Kirsty Williams : Minister , will you clarify when you expect the inspectorate to begin its work and which bodies will be inspected ? Will there be provision for the new inspectorate to consider each service provided by organisations , or will it be a whole-organisation approach ? At what intervals can we expect bodies to be inspected ? Will the inspectorate have a rolling programme that it decides itself , or will it seek our approval for its suggested regime ? Will it also have the power to respond to specific incidences of concern , or only those in a setting if asked to do so by you ? Who will carry out the inspections ? What qualifications and experience can we expect of the inspectors ? On what basis will inspections be carried out ? Will you publish inspectors ' methodologies ? Can you also clarify the inspectorate's accountabilities ? On the one hand , you seem to be saying that it is independent , but on the other that we must ensure that it is responsible and accountable
Kirsty Williams : Weinidog , a wnewch egluro pryd yr ydych yn disgwyl i'r arolygiaeth ddechrau ar ei gwaith a pha gyrff a gaiff eu harchwilio ? A fydd darpariaeth i'r arolygiaeth newydd ystyried pob gwasanaeth a ddarperir gan gyrff , neu a ymdrinnir â'r corff yn ei gyfanrwydd ? Pa mor aml y gallwn ddisgwyl i gyrff gael eu harchwilio ? Ai rhaglen dreiglol a fydd gan yr arolygiaeth y bydd yn ei phenderfynu drosti ei hun , neu a fydd yn ceisio cymeradwyaeth gennym ni i'w chyfundrefn arfaethedig ? A fydd hefyd yn meddu ar bwer i ymateb i ddigwyddiadau penodol sy'n peri pryder , ynteu ai dim ond y rhai mewn lleoliad ar ôl cael cais gennych chi ? Pwy fydd yn cyflawni'r archwiliadau ? Pa gymwysterau a phrofiad y gallwn ddisgwyl i'r arolygwyr feddu arnynt ? Ar ba sail y cynhelir archwiliadau ? A wnewch gyhoeddi methodolegau arolygwyr ? A allwch hefyd egluro i bwy y mae'r arolygiaeth yn atebol ? Ar y naill law , ymddengys eich bod yn dweud ei bod yn annibynnol , ond ar y llaw arall bod yn rhaid i ni sicrhau ei bod yn gyfrifol ac yn atebolenglishtainment-tm-mytVJTAb englishtainment-tm-mytVJTAb
We should not fall into the trap of creating a league table of schools on the basis of the incidents recorded
Ni ddylem ddisgyn i'r fagl o greu cynghrair ysgolion ar sail nifer y digwyddiadau a gofnodirenglishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi englishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi
Incident Control Team
Tîm Rheoli Digwyddiadaulangbot langbot
Michael German : When you talk of multi-agency work , I wonder whether you could look at how the police use the guidance given to them on anti-social behaviour , and indicate whether it is adequate to serve the needs of Welsh anti-social behaviour incidents
Michael German : Pan soniwch am waith amlasiantaeth , tybed a allech edrych ar y ffordd y mae'r heddlu yn defnyddio'r canllawiau a roddir iddynt ar ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol , a dynodi pa un a yw'n ddigonol i ddiwallu anghenion sy'n deillio o achosion o ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol yng Nghymruenglishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe englishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe
resolves that the Health and Social Services Committee should consider the strategy for combating the high incidence of heart disease in Wales being developed by the steering group set up to implement the national service framework for coronary heart diseas ; and that
yn penderfynu y dylai'r Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ystyried y strategaeth ar gyfer dileu nifer uchel achosion afiechyd y galon yng Nghymru sydd yn cael ei datblygu gan y grwp llywio a sefydlwyd i roi'r fframwaith gwasanaeth cenedlaethol ar gyfer clefyd y galon ar wait ; acenglishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK englishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK
The results of the Wales Badger Found Dead survey were consistent with this, because they showed that levels of infection in badgers were highest in Gwent, Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire and other areas of the highest incidence of TB in cattle.
Yr oedd canlyniadau'r arolwg o foch daear trig yn cadarnhau hyn; yr oedd cyfran uwch o foch daear wedi'u heintio yng Ngwent, sir Benfro, sir Gâr ac ardaloedd eraill lle'r oedd TB mewn gwartheg ar ei fwyaf cyffredin.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It defused an anti-social incident: they might have punched the policemen, but they found it mildly amusing to be invited instead to mop it up.
Tynnodd y ffiws ar ddigwyddiad gwrthgymdeithasol: gallent fod wedi rhoi dyrnod i'r plismyn, ond profiad ychydig yn ysmala iddynt oedd cael eu gwahodd yn hytrach i lanhau'r llanast.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Recent rises in the incidence of gonorrhoea are believed to reflect an increase in less safe sexual behaviour -- the rate is three times as high as it was in 1995 -- and the cases of diagnosed HIV continue to rise and predominantly affect young adults , with 900 reported as diagnosed with HIV by the end of June 2004
Credir bod y cynnydd diweddar yn nifer yr achosion o hadlif yn adlewyrchu cynnydd mewn ymddygiad rhywiol llai diogel -- mae'r gyfradd yn dair gwaith yn uwch nag yr oedd yn 1995 -- ac mae'r achosion o HIV a ganfuwyd yn dal i godi ac yn effeithio'n bennaf ar oedolion ifanc , a , hyd at ddiwedd Mehefin 2004 , adroddwyd bod 900 y canfuwyd bod HIV arnyntenglishtainment-tm-P3zj5tFf englishtainment-tm-P3zj5tFf
That does not mean that it will never happen again , but I was told that there had been no repeat of the incident that caused such unhappiness and criticism back in June 2003
Nid yw hynny'n golygu na wnaiff byth ddigwydd eto , ond dywedwyd wrthyf na fu digwyddiad wedyn o'r math a achosodd y fath anfodlonrwydd a beirniadaeth yn ôl ym Mehefin 2003englishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA englishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA
We realise , especially after the appalling incident at the Royal Gwent Hospital a few weeks ago , that racial tensions are rising
Sylweddolwn , yn enwedig ar ôl y digwyddiad arswydus yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Gwent ychydig o wythnosau'n ôl , fod tensiynau hiliol yn cynydduenglishtainment-tm-I6bvByKy englishtainment-tm-I6bvByKy
Aviation accidents and incidents
Damweiniau a digwyddiadau cludiant awyrlangbot langbot
The health authority has acted swiftly and has also built on our work to revise the guidelines on dealing with meningitis scares and incidents of meningitis , which was revised last year
Gweithredodd yr awdurdod iechyd yn gyflym a hefyd adeiladodd ar ein gwaith i ddiwygio'r canllawiau wrth ymdrin ag achosion brawychus o lid yr ymennydd , a ddiwygiwyd y llyneddenglishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8 englishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8
[OPTIONS] [PROGRAM_NAME] OPTIONS: --help - print this help message. --report - program should be one of mandrake tools --incident - program should be one of mandrake tools
[DEWISIADAU] [ENW_RHAGLEN] DEWISIADAU: --help - argraffu'r neges cymorth. --report - dylai'r rhaglen fod yn un o offer mandrake --incident - ylai'r rhaglen fod yn un o offer mandrakeenglishtainment-tm-8Rbrtexn englishtainment-tm-8Rbrtexn
Firefighters received more than 100 calls to flooding incidents in Newport, Monmouthshire and Torfaen.
Cafodd diffoddwyr tân dros 100 o alwadau i ymateb i ddigwyddiadau'n gysylltiedig â llifogydd yng Nghasnewydd, Sir Fynwy a Thor-faen.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
An example of such an incident has just come up on my screen here.
Mae enghraifft o ddigwyddiad o'r fath newydd ymddangos ar fy sgrin yma.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I urge the Welsh Assembly Government to initiate urgent talks with the company in question to find out what the issues are behind this particular incident.
Yr wyf yn annog Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru i gychwyn trafodaethau brys gyda'r cwmni dan sylw i ganfod beth sydd wrth wraidd y digwyddiad arbennig hwn.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I understand that birds of prey were involved in 24 incidents in Wales in 2009. Of those, six were identified as pesticide poisonings and all involved red kites.
Deallaf bod 24 o ddigwyddiadau'n ymwneud ag adar ysglyfaethus yng Nghymru yn 2009. O'r rheini, nodwyd bod chwech yn achosion o wenwyno gan blaladdwyr, a bob un ohonynt yn ymwneud â barcutiaid.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Hopefully, no-one will become ill, but should any incidents be reported, what action would be taken?
Gobeithio na fydd neb yn mynd yn sâl, ond pe byddai adroddiadau am unrhyw ddigwyddiadau, pa gamau a gymerid?Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
With regard to hospital-acquired infections, the design briefs for new developments are being pursued with the aim of reducing their incidence.
O ran yr heintiau a geir mewn ysbytai, eir i'r afael â'r briffiau dylunio ar gyfer datblygiadau newydd gyda'r bwriad o leihau nifer yr achosion hynny.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The Welsh Office was informed of the incident on 15 June , the Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre was informed on 16 June and the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food was also informed
Hysbyswyd y Swyddfa Gymreig am y digwyddiad ar 15 Mehefin , hysbyswyd y Ganolfan Goruchwylio Clefydau Heintus ar 16 Mehefin a hysbyswyd y Weinyddiaeth Amaeth , Pysgodfeydd a Bwyd hefydenglishtainment-tm-GTRoCGg1 englishtainment-tm-GTRoCGg1
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