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/ɪˈnɪʃiˌeɪt/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
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Community Initiative Programme
Rhaglen Menter Gymunedol
initial sponsor
noddwr cychwynnol
initialization procedure
gweithdrefn ymgychwyn · trefn ymgychwyn
initial investment
buddsoddiad gwreiddiol
Adult Omnibus Survey 2013: Initial Release of Headline Data
Arolwg Omnibws Oedolion 2013: Cyhoeddi Data Cychwynnol
Teacher Supply and Initial Training
Cyflenwi Athrawon a Hyfforddiant Cychwynnol
language initiatives
National Pedagogy Initiative
Menter Addysgeg Genedlaethol
Project Initiation Document
Dogfen Cychwyn Prosiect


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Finally, I was pleased to hear your commitment to the Welsh language in terms of funding regeneration, and regeneration to promote initiatives that will strengthen the Welsh language.
Yn olaf, yr oeddwn yn hapus i glywed eich ymrwymiad i'r iaith Gymraeg o ran cyllido adfywio, ac adfywio i hyrwyddo mentrau a fydd yn cryfhau'r iaith Cymraeg.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It is a made in Wales initiative and the unit provides an important monitoring and information service to social partners and policy initiatives , and advises the Assembly on how best to consult with and involve social partners
Menter a wnaed yng Nghymru yw ac mae'r uned yn cynnig gwasanaeth monitro a gwybodaeth pwysig i bartneriaid cymdeithasol a mentrau polisi , ac yn cynghori'r Cynulliad ar y dull gorau o ymgynghori â phartneriaid cymdeithasol ac o'u cynnwysenglishtainment-tm-h6b7VeKS englishtainment-tm-h6b7VeKS
The Welsh Assembly Government is supporting a range of initiatives to help reduce waste and increase recycling, reduce our carbon and ecological footprints, develop small-scale energy generation, and increase the number of species and habitats in favourable condition.
Mae Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru yn cefnogi cyfres o fentrau a fydd yn helpu: lleihau gwastraff a chynyddu ein gweithgarwch ailgylchu, lleihau ein hôl-troed carbon a'n hôl-troed ecolegol, cynhyrchu ynni ar raddfa fach, a chynyddu nifer y rhywogaethau a'r cynefinoedd sydd mewn cyflwr da.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Deputy First Minister, will you make the community transport concessionary fares initiative one of your priorities?
Ddirprwy Brif Weinidog, a fyddwch yn gwneud y fenter tocynnau teithio rhatach ar gludiant cymunedol yn un o'ch blaenoriaethau?Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It is an important initiative for the future preservation of our heritage
Mae'n fenter bwysig i ddiogelu'n treftadaeth ar gyfer y dyfodolenglishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY englishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY
However , the advance notice that I have received of these points of order has given me the opportunity to reflect on the issue of whether letters from officials to Members that have been initiated by ministerial replies to Assembly questions should be published as part of our proceedings
Fodd bynnag , mae'r rhybudd ymlaen llaw a gefais o'r pwyntiau o drefn hyn wedi rhoi cyfle imi fyfyrio ynghylch a ddylid cyhoeddi fel rhan o'n trafodion lythyrau oddi wrth swyddogion at Aelodau sy'n ganlyniad i atebion gweinidogol i gwestiynau Cynulliadenglishtainment-tm-h6b7VeKS englishtainment-tm-h6b7VeKS
That process has given confidence to some of the people who were , initially , against the Act in principle , but nevertheless feel that , as an organisation , CCW has done its best to include people
Mae'r broses honno wedi rhoi hyder i rai o'r bobl a oedd , ar y dechrau , yn erbyn y Ddeddf mewn egwyddor , ond sydd serch hynny'n teimlo bod y cyngor cefn gwlad , fel corff , wedi gwneud ei orau i gynnwys poblenglishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK englishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK
If they do not listen, which I suspect they may not, what is he doing about providing a rescue package and looking at other ways of tackling this, such as the Pub is the Hub initiative, with new ways of providing post office services?
Os na fyddant yn gwrando, ac yr wyf yn tybio na fyddant, beth mae'n ei wneud ynghylch darparu pecyn achub ac edrych ar ffyrdd eraill o fynd i'r afael â hyn, megis cynllun 'the Pub is the Hub', gyda ffyrdd newydd o ddarparu gwasanaethau swyddfa'r post?Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Will the Deputy First Minister make a statement on economic regeneration initiatives in Swansea?
A wnaiff y Dirprwy Brif Weinidog ddatganiad am fentrau adfywio economaidd yn Abertawe?Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We have a raft of initiatives and funding sitting underneath that strategy, and we very much aim to drive it forward.
Mae gennym gyfres o gynlluniau a chyllid yn sail i'r strategaeth honno, a'n bwriad pendant yw bwrw ymlaen â hi.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Initiatives such as the Wales union learning fund, and the proposed union modernisation fund, are helping to engage with, and develop the skills of, those already in employment.
Mae mentrau fel cronfa ddysgu undebau Cymru, a'r gronfa foderneiddio undebau arfaethedig, yn helpu i ymgysylltu â rhai sydd eisoes mewn gwaith ac i ddatblygu'u sgiliau.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Michael German : Will there be a Welsh Assembly Government initiative to promote benefit take-up ? We have the experience of the pension credit , for which the promotion campaign has now been withdrawn , and probably a third of pensioners in Wales who are eligible for these benefits are not getting them
Michael German : A fydd Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru yn ymgymryd â menter i annog pobl i hawlio budd-daliadau ? Mae profiad gennym o'r credyd pensiwn , y mae'r ymgyrch hyrwyddo drosto wedi'i dynnu'n ôl erbyn hyn , ac mae tua un o bob tri phensiynwr yng Nghymru sy'n gymwys i gael y budd-daliadau hyn siwr o fod heb eu hawlioenglishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS englishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS
While continuing to focus on important campaigns and initiatives to persuade us all not to waste energy and to invest much more in energy efficiency in our homes and processes, we have also been looking at the potential for producing low carbon energy from our tremendous renewable energy resources.
Wrth barhau i ganolbwyntio ar ymgyrchoedd a chynlluniau pwysig i ddwyn perswâd ar bob un ohonom i beidio â gwastraffu ynni ac i fuddsoddi llawer mwy ar effeithlonrwydd ynni yn ein cartrefi a'n prosesau, yr ydym hefyd wedi bod yn edrych ar y potensial o gynhyrchu ynni carbon isel o'n hadnoddau ynni adnewyddadwy aruthrol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We recognise that action is necessary to sustain the Welsh language in the twenty-first century , and this is just one of the innovative and positive initiatives that I shall pursue to ensure that
Yr ydym yn cydnabod bod rhaid gweithredu i gynnal y Gymraeg yn yr unfed ganrif ar hunain , ac nid yw hon ond yn un o'r mentrau arloesol a chadarnhaol a weithredaf i sicrhau hynnyenglishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK englishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK
In that spirit, will you join me in welcoming the £49 million initiative that will help around £30,000 young people in Wales to improve their career opportunities?
Yn hynny o beth, a wnewch ymuno â mi wrth groesawu'r fenter £49 miliwn a fydd yn helpu tua 30,000 o bobl ifanc yng Nghymru i wella eu cyfleoedd gyrfa?Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The issue was raised earlier today during questions to the First Minister and there are some concerns about the initial response of the Welsh Assembly Government to the report, which seems quite dismissive of its conclusions despite the fact that data being used is as recent as of August 2009. There are also questions to be raised on other issues around the provision of child and adolescent mental health services, particularly the impact of the abolition of the joint working grant that is used by many local authorities around Wales to fund mental health work for children and adolescents.
Codwyd y mater yn gynharach heddiw yn ystod cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog ac mae pryderon ynglŷn ag ymateb cychwynnol Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru i'r adroddiad, sydd fel pe bai'n wfftio'i gasgliadau er bod y data a ddefnyddir mor ddiweddar ag Awst 2009. Mae cwestiynau i'w codi hefyd ynglŷn â materion eraill ynghylch darpariaeth gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl i blant a'r glasoed, yn enwedig effaith diddymu'r grant cydweithio a ddefnyddir gan lawer o awdurdodau lleol ar hyd a lled Cymru i dalu am waith iechyd meddwl ar gyfer plant a'r glasoed.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
No-one in their right mind in the Chamber would want to go back to some of the terrible projects that were developed under the PFI initiative in Wales.
Ni fyddai ar neb yn ei iawn bwyll yn y Siambr eisiau dychwelyd at rai o'r prosiectau erchyll a ddatblygwyd dan y fenter cyllid preifat yng Nghymru.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Carbon Trust Wales is developing a powerful suite of initiatives for our business and public sectors through NHS Wales and the Assembly estate
Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Carbon Cymru yn datblygu cyfres bwerus o fentrau ar gyfer ein sectorau busnes a chyhoeddus drwy GIG Cymru ac ystad y Cynulliadenglishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK englishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK
You have admitted that this money is only for one yea ; I am of the opinion , as are the Auditor General and the Assembly , that we should not be putting money into short-term one-off initiatives
Yr ydych wedi cyfaddef mai dim ond am flwyddyn y mae'r arian hwn ar gae ; yr wyf o'r farn , fel y mae'r Archwilydd Cyffredinol a'r Cynulliad , na ddylem fod yn gwario arian ar fentrau tymor byr unigolenglishtainment-tm-P3zj5tFf englishtainment-tm-P3zj5tFf
The Assembly will be particularly interested to know whether you have had specific meetings with the First Minister, and in particular, the Deputy First Minister, who have been co-ordinating the Government's response to the economic recession to shape one of your major initiatives in this Assembly term.
Bydd o ddiddordeb arbennig i'r Cynulliad wybod a ydych wedi cael cyfarfodydd penodol gyda'r Prif Weinidog, a'r Dirprwy Brif Weinidog yn enwedig, sydd wedi bod yn cydlynu ymateb y Llywodraeth i'r dirwasgiad economaidd, i lunio un o'ch prif fentrau yn ystod y tymor hwn yn y Cynulliad.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Alcohol is glamorised through advertising , and while various health promotion and alcohol awareness initiatives try to warn people of the dangers of alcohol , such campaigns have been severely undermined by the multi-million pound alcohol advertising industry
Rhoddir cyfaredd i alcohol drwy hysbysebu , ac er bod amryfal gynlluniau hybu iechyd ac ymwybyddiaeth alcohol yn ceisio rhybuddio pobl am ei beryglon , tanseiliwyd yr ymgyrchoedd hynny'n ddifrifol gan y diwydiant hysbysebu alcohol , sy'n werth miliynau lawer o bunnoeddenglishtainment-tm-H0qO6EuL englishtainment-tm-H0qO6EuL
The public sector management initiative is a key part of this improvement agenda
Mae menter reolir sector cyhoeddus yn rhan allweddol or agenda wella honenglishtainment-tm-MEcrEgtl englishtainment-tm-MEcrEgtl
In terms of assistance to Betws Colliery , as I said in my initial response to Rhodri Glyn , we stand ready to help in any way that we can
O ran cymorth i lofa'r Betws , fel y dywedais yn fy ymateb cychwynnol i Rhodri Glyn , yr ydym yn barod i helpu mewn unrhyw fodd a allwnenglishtainment-tm-h6b7VeKS englishtainment-tm-h6b7VeKS
I also agree with her comments about Cardiff and the Sustainable Travel Towns initiative, and the way in which we have worked closely with Cardiff Council to deliver that.
Cytunaf hefyd â'i sylwadau am Gaerdydd a'r fenter trefi teithio cynaliadwy, a'r modd yr ydym wedi cydweithio'n agos â Chyngor Caerdydd i gyflawni hynny.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Many of us share the disappointment about the initiative that you mentioned
Mae llawer ohonom yn rhannu'r siom ynglyn â'r cynllun y cyfeiriasoch atoenglishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK englishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK
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