inject oor Wallies


/ɪnˈʤɛkt/ werkwoord
(transitive) To push or pump (something, especially fluids) into a cavity or passage.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies




Geiriadur Cymraeg-Rwsieg a Rwsieg-Cymraeg



rhoi pigiad


Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

75% slurry injection
chwistrellu 75% o’r slyri
control injection
pigiad rheoledig
fault injection
creu gwallau
pain relief injection
pigiad lleddfu poen
injection or throw
injective mapping
mapio mewnsaethol
Commit to slurry injection on eligible land
Ymrwymo i chwistrellu slyri ar dir cymwys
injection moulding
mowldio chwistrellu
injection or throw: bag or pouch


Advanced filtering
injecting drug user
person sy’n chwistrellu cyffuriauenglishtainment-tm-OIcusolF englishtainment-tm-OIcusolF
gold injections
pigiadau aur ( rhoi aur yn y cyhyrau ar gyfer pobl sy'n dioddef o arthritis / )langbot langbot
Therefore , doctors injected him to calm him in preparation for further examination
Felly , rhoddodd meddygon bigiad iddo i'w dawelu cyn yr archwiliad pellachenglishtainment-tm-2U3yAgwG englishtainment-tm-2U3yAgwG
The main north Wales theatre is crumbling and needs a cash injection
Mae cyflwr prif theatr gogledd Cymru yn dirywio ac mae angen arian arnoenglishtainment-tm-jQK1UaGu englishtainment-tm-jQK1UaGu
As you will be aware, First Minister, 2009 is the European Year of Creativity and Innovation, and the EU recently announced its intention to inject large-scale additional funding into research and development in its future budget plans, in an attempt to use innovation as a route out of the economic decline gripping countries all over the world.
Fel y byddwch yn gwybod, Brif Weinidog, 2009 yw Blwyddyn Creadigrwydd ac Arloesedd Ewrop, ac yn ddiweddar, cyhoeddodd yr UE ei fwriad i roi arian ychwanegol ar raddfa fawr ar gyfer cynnal ymchwil a datblygu yn ei gynlluniau ar gyfer y gyllideb yn y dyfodol, mewn ymgais i ddefnyddio arloesedd fel llwybr o'r dirywiad economaidd sy'n gwasgu gwledydd dros y byd i gyd.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
booster injections
pigiad atgyfnerthollangbot langbot
rhoi pigiadlangbot langbot
Skills Injection and Learning Distribution
Chwistrelliad Sgiliau a Dosbarthiad Dysgu ( SKiLD / )langbot langbot
I am sorry that you have injected a sour note into a constructive discussion
Mae'n ddrwg gennyf eich bod wedi cyflwyno nodyn sur i drafodaeth adeiladolenglishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT englishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT
We need a massive injection of resources into local government , not only to address that backlog , but also to improve and introduce new services that are needed desperately by our communities
Mae angen chwistrelliad enfawr o adnoddau i mewn i lywodraeth leol nid yn unig i fynd i'r afael â'r ôl-groniad , ond hefyd i wella gwasanaethau a chyflwyno'r gwasanaethau newydd sydd eu hangen yn ddybryd ar ein cymunedauenglishtainment-tm-rQkFBCLC englishtainment-tm-rQkFBCLC
It would benefit massively from a small injection of funds to help with the terrific tourism potential in the town , as well as providing a green line in the centre of Llandrindod Wells for local residents
Byddai'n elwa'n fawr o chwistrelliad bach o gyllid i helpu gyda'r potensial gwych i ddenu ymwelwyr i'r dref , yn ogystal â darparu llain werdd yng nghanol Llandrindod i'r trigolion lleolenglishtainment-tm-oOpftn6G englishtainment-tm-oOpftn6G
I have been to schools in Swansea where the headteacher has told me that there are seven and eight-year-olds who can describe the process of injecting oneself with heroin because they have observed their parents doing it.
Yr wyf wedi ymweld ag ysgolion yn Abertawe lle y mae'r pennaeth wedi dweud wrthyf fod plant saith ac wyth oed yn gallu disgrifio'r broses o chwistrellu heroin i'ch corff gan eu bod wedi gweld eu rhieni'n gwneud hynny.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
There are genuine concerns about whether or not it is possible to inject the bluetongue vaccine and not disturb other vaccines administered at this time.
Mae pryderon gwirioneddol ynglŷn â ph'un ai a yw'n bosibl chwistrellu brechiad y tafod glas a pheidio ag aflonyddu ar y brechiadau eraill a roddir yr un pryd ag ef.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The Welsh Assembly Government will be using EIB funding, however, in the near future, because Finance Wales is due to have a new injection of funding of approximately £150 million.
Bydd Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru yn defnyddio cyllid EIB, fodd bynnag, yn y dyfodol agos, oherwydd mae Cyllid Cymru i fod i gael chwistrelliad newydd o arian o ryw £150 miliwn.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
intramuscular injection
pigiad mewngyhyrolenglishtainment-tm-OIcusolF englishtainment-tm-OIcusolF
The industry asked us to try to inject some new blood into the board and it was felt that that was probably the best way to do it
Gofynnodd y diwydiant inni geisio chwistrellu ychydig o waed newydd i'r bwrdd a theimlwyd mai hynny oedd y ffordd orau i wneud hynny , yn ôl pob tebygenglishtainment-tm-Y3NcC2Fj englishtainment-tm-Y3NcC2Fj
This strategy is not just about delivering tablets and injections , it looks at people in a holistic way and promotes independent living
Nid darparu tabledi a chwistrelliadau yw unig nod y strategaeth hon , mae'n ystyried pobl mewn ffordd gyfannol ac yn hyrwyddo byw'n annibynnolenglishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG englishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG
chwistrellulangbot langbot
injectable TB vaccine for badgers
brechlyn TB ar gyfer moch daear ( / )langbot langbot
In addition , should there be a cash injection , it should be spent in an accountable manner and with some guarantee that the plant will stay
Ar ben hynny , os ceir chwistrelliad o arian , dylid ei wario mewn modd atebol a chyda rhyw fath o warant y bydd y ffatri'n arosenglishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR englishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR
This is the clot-buster injection that Geraint will discuss further
Hwn yw'r pigiad i chwalu ceulad gwaed , y bydd Geraint yn ei drafod ymhellachenglishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK englishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK
The Royal Welsh Show has a considerable impact on mid Wales: it injects between £40 million and £50 million into the economy.
Mae Sioe Frenhinol Cymru yn cael effaith sylweddol ar y Canolbarth: mae'n dod â rhwng £40 miliwn a £50 miliwn i mewn i'r economi.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Helen Mary Jones : Do you share my concern that child poverty will be perpetuated if single parents or poor parents are not able to access further and higher education ? If so , will you undertake to have an input into the current discussions with Westminster about benefit disregards to the Assembly learning grant in order to inject some urgency into that process ?
Helen Mary Jones : A rannwch fy mhryder y bydd tlodi plant yn parhau os na all rhieni sengl neu rieni tlawd fanteisio ar addysg bellach ac addysg uwch ? Os felly , a wnewch chi addo rhoi mewnbwn i'r trafodaethau presennol â San Steffan ynghylch diystyru budd-daliadau yng nghyd-destun grant dysgu y Cynulliad er mwyn cyflymu'r broses honno ?englishtainment-tm-N620QJY0 englishtainment-tm-N620QJY0
The second is the syringe and needle-exchange services designed to protect the health of injecting drug users and to reduce both drug-related deaths and acquired infections.
Yr ail wasanaeth yw'r gwasanaeth cyfnewid chwistrellau a nodwyddau a gynlluniwyd er mwyn diogelu iechyd defnyddwyr cyffuriau sy'n chwistrellu eu hunain a lleihau nifer y marwolaethau sy'n gysylltiedig â chyffuriau a'r heintiau a geir.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
That may well have inherent administrative costs in terms of veterinarians or trading standards officers, or whoever, attending farms when the injections are given.
Mae'n ddigon posibl bod costau gweinyddol ynghlwm wrth hynny o ran milfeddygon neu swyddogion safonau masnach, neu bwy bynnag, yn mynd i'r ffermydd pan roddir y brechiadau.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
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