introduce new staff oor Wallies

introduce new staff

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cyflwyno staff newydd


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Q5 David Davies : What new measures is the Minister proposing to introduce to protect school staff from abusive pupils and relatives of pupils ? ( OAQ12481 )
C5 David Davies : Pa fesurau newydd y mae'r Gweinidog yn bwriadau eu cyflwyno i amddiffyn staff ysgolion rhag disgyblion a pherthnasau disgyblion treisgar ? ( OAQ12481 )englishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi englishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi
They are going to introduce a new call-out scheme this year through the use of retained staff to improve response times and services in their rural areas.
Maent yn bwriadu cyflwyno cynllun galw-allan newydd eleni drwy ddefnyddio staff wrth gefn i wella'r amseroedd ymateb a'r gwasanaethau yn eu hardaloedd gwledig.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We are in the process of introducing a new strategy for the security service to provide better opportunities for staff and to enhance the professional services that they give.
Comisiynydd y Cynulliad sy'n Gwella Yr ydym wrthi'n cyflwyno strategaeth newydd ar gyfer y gwasanaeth diogelwch i ddarparu gwell cyfleoedd i staff ac i wella'r gwasanaethau proffesiynol a roddant.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
A new pay system has been introduced in the Ministry of Justice, which means that almost all ministry staff in Wales outside Cardiff, Swansea, Newport and Mold have been placed at the bottom of the pay range.
Cyflwynwyd system gyflogau newydd gan y Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder, sy'n golygu bod bron pob aelod o staff y weinyddiaeth yng Nghymru y tu allan i Gaerdydd, Abertawe a'r Wyddgrug wedi cael eu rhoi ar waelod y raddfa gyflog.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
How many additional staff has the Welsh Language Board employed to monitor local authorities ' Welsh-medium education schemes , and what criteria has the board introduced for local authorities in preparing their new schemes ?
Faint o staff ychwanegol a gyflogwyd gan Fwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg i fonitro cynlluniau addysg Gymraeg awdurdodau lleol , a pha feini prawf y mae'r bwrdd wedi eu gosod ar gyfer awdurdodau lleol wrth baratoi eu cynlluniau newydd ?englishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN englishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN
Principles established included that arrangements for staff would be fair , equitable , lawful , and compliant with current legislatio ; would recognise the value and skills of staf ; provide assurance that staff have a valuable contribution to make to the new agend ; be open , transparent and fully involve all staf ; that changes would be introduced in a timely and consistent manner across Wales , promoting and supporting the continued development of staff , and having clear channels of communication and consultation
Ymhlith yr egwyddorion a sefydlwyd yr oedd sicrhau y byddai'r trefniadau ar gyfer staff yn deg , yn gyfiawn ac yn cydymffurfio â deddfwriaeth gyfredo ; cydnabod gwerth a sgiliau staf ; darparu sicrwydd bod gan staff gyfraniad gwerthfawr i'w wneud i'r agenda newyd ; bod yn gwbl agored a thryloyw a chynnwys pob aelod o staf ; cyflwyno newidiadau mewn dull amserol a chyson ledled Cymru , gan hyrwyddo a chefnogi datblygiad parhaus y staff , a sefydlu cyfryngau cyfathrebu ac ymgynghori clirenglishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d englishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d
Who will be responsible for running and supervising these breakfasts , because the motion clearly states that it will be the primary school ? Minister , what discussions have you had with teachers ' unions on this new policy ? Will it be the responsibility of the school and its teaching staff to supervise these breakfasts ? Discussions have taken place on flexible working hours for secondary school staff : do you intend to introduce flexible hours for primary staff ? If so , what impact will that have on staff duties and the new workload agreement ? Do you really intend that teachers will be responsible for this -- will it be the school's responsibility ? Where free breakfasts are offered in school , have you thought of the problems that it could cause in terms of staff recruitment ? Many schools have problems in recruiting ancillary staff to provide and supervise school dinners
Pwy a fydd yn gyfrifol am redeg a goruchwylio'r brecwastau hyn , gan fod y cynnig yn datgan yn bendant mai yn yr ysgol gynradd y gwneir hynny ? Weinidog , pa drafodaethau a gawsoch ag undebau athrawon ar y polisi newydd hwn ? Ai cyfrifoldeb yr ysgol a'i hathrawon fydd goruchwylio'r brecwastau hyn ? Cynhaliwyd trafodaethau ar oriau gwaith hyblyg i staff ysgol uwchradd : a ydych yn bwriadu cyflwyno oriau hyblyg ar gyfer staff ysgol gynradd ? Os ydych , pa effaith a gaiff hynny ar ddyletswyddau staff a'r cytundeb newydd ar y baich gwaith ? Ai'ch gwir fwriad yw mai athrawon fydd yn gyfrifol am hyn -- ai cyfrifoldeb yr ysgol fydd hwn ? Lle y cynigir brecwastau am ddim yn yr ysgol , a ydych wedi ystyried y problemau y gallai hynny eu hachosi o ran recriwtio staff ? Mae llawer o ysgolion yn ei chael yn anodd recriwtio staff cynorthwyol i ddarparu a goruchwylio cinio ysgolenglishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN englishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN
Are you liaising closely with the soon-to-be-introduced local health boards, which will have a responsibility to deal with violence against staff, to ensure that this issue does not fall down the gap during the transition to the new boards?
A ydych yn cydweithio'n agos â'r byrddau iechyd lleol sydd i gael eu cyflwyno'n fuan ac a fydd yn gyfrifol am ymdrin â thrais yn erbyn staff, i sicrhau na fydd y broblem hon yn syrthio wrth ymyl y ffordd yn ystod y cyfnod pontio rhwng yr hen fyrddau a'r byrddau newydd?Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
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