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Defnyddiwch Symud i Fyny a Symud i Lawr i gydweddu meysydd y llyfr cyfeiriadau ar y chwith gyda'r data cywir i'w fewnforio ar y dde.englishtainment-tm-d5JFlXzr englishtainment-tm-d5JFlXzr
(Ezra 1:2, 3, 5) They left a place they knew well to move to a land that most of them had never seen.
(Esra 1:2, 3, 5) Gadawon nhw wlad roedden nhw’n ei hadnabod yn dda a symud i wlad nad oedd y rhan fwyaf ohonyn nhw wedi ei gweld o’r blaen.jw2019 jw2019
We should make absolutely clear that it is not in our interests to move anywhere without United Nations backing , and that we should not provide more troops to fill the gaps left by other countries
Dylem egluro'n gadarn nad yw o fudd inni symud i unrhyw le heb gefnogaeth y Cenhedloedd Unedig , ac na ddylem ddarparu mwy o filwyr i lenwi'r bylchau a adawyd gan wledydd eraillenglishtainment-tm-MEcrEgtl englishtainment-tm-MEcrEgtl
It is about a vulnerable group of people who live in the border areas of Wales; those in the 16-plus age group who have left care in their local area and have moved to live in nearby towns in England.
Mae'n ymwneud â grŵp o bobl agored i niwed sy'n byw ar y gororau; rhai yn y grŵp oedran 16+ sydd wedi gadael gofal yn eu hardal leol ac wedi symud i fyw mewn trefi cyfagos yn Lloegr.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
This is a fast-moving situation , but you can rest assured that no stone will be left unturned in trying to help rural businesses through their current predicament
Mae hon yn sefyllfa sydd yn newid yn gyflym , ond gallwch fod yn hollol sicr y caiff popeth posibl ei wneud i geisio helpu busnesau gwledig drwy eu trafferthion presennolenglishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui englishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui
The problem with a mass sell-off of council houses in particular , is that Cardiff , for example , is left with flats and maisonettes in areas that many people are not keen to move into
Y broblem ynghylch gwerthu tai cyngor mewn crynswth yn benodol yw bod gan Gaerdydd , er enghraifft , fflatiau unllawr a deulawr ar ei ddwylo mewn ardaloedd nad yw llawer o bobl yn awyddus i symud iddyntenglishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19 englishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19
Peter Black can have five minutes to move the amendments and the Minister can have eight minutes , and then there will be three or four minutes left for winding up
Caiff Peter Black bum munud i gynnig y gwelliannau a chaiff y Gweinidog wyth munud , ac wedyn bydd tri neu bedwar munud ar ôl i gloienglishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA englishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA
However , listening to the Minister responding to the statement earlier , and moving the amendment on behalf of the Government this afternoon , I am left with the impression , as will be my constituents who are seeking an answer to this fundamental problem , that this Government is looking for excuses not to act and is trying to argue that there is no problem
Fodd bynnag , wrth wrando ar y Gweinidog yn ymateb i'r datganiad yn gynharach , a hefyd o wrando arni'n cynnig y gwelliant ar ran y Llywodraeth y prynhawn yma , yr argraff a gaf innau , a'm hetholwyr sy'n ceisio ateb i'r broblem sylfaenol hon , yw bod y Llywodraeth hon yn chwilio am esgusodion i beidio â gweithredu ac yn ceisio dadlau nad oes problem yn bodolienglishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD englishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD
Without thinking that as yet he didn't know anything about his present ability to move and that his speech possibly -- indeed probably -- had once again not been understood, he left the wing of the door, pushed himself through the opening, and wanted to go over to the manager, who was already holding tight onto the handrail with both hands on the landing in a ridiculous way.
Heb feddwl bod hyd yn hyn nad oedd yn gwybod unrhyw beth am ei allu presennol i symud a bod ei araith o bosib - yn wir, yn ôl pob tebyg - nid oedd unwaith eto deall, gadawodd yr adain y drws, gwthio ei hun drwy'r agoriad, ac eisiau mynd draw at y rheolwr, a oedd yn eisoes yn dal yn dynn ar y ganllaw gyda dwy law ar y landin mewn ffordd chwerthinllyd.QED QED
That is very healthy; it will be healthy for the Labour Party, eventually, although it has to live through the trauma of moving from being a dominant party to being a highly competitive party, although I have no doubt that there will always be a very strong centre-left party in the Welsh political system.
Mae hynny'n beth iach iawn; bydd yn beth iach i'r Blaid Lafur, yn y pen draw, er y bydd yn rhaid iddi ymdopi â'r trawma mai plaid gystadleuol iawn fydd hi bellach yn hytrach na phlaid sy'n tra-arglwyddiaethu.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Last November , town councillors were left stunned when a Health Commission Wales representative told them that if they wanted a better service , they would have to move to a better , bigger town
Fis Tachwedd diwethaf , syfrdanwyd cynghorwyr y dref pan ddywedodd cynrychiolydd o Gomisiwn Iechyd Cymru wrthynt y byddai'n rhaid iddynt symud i dref fwy a gwell os oeddent yn dymuno cael gwasanaeth gwellenglishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe englishtainment-tm-z1u5pYEe
We will be left with a shortfall in capacity , forcing people who have spent their lives in areas of my constituency , such as Anglesey , to move to other areas on the mainland
Cawn ein gadael â phrinder lle , gan orfodi pobl sydd wedi treulio eu bywydau mewn ardaloedd yn fy etholaeth , megis Ynys Môn , i symud i ardaloedd eraill ar dir mawr Cymruenglishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d englishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d
Image Positioning: Select a pair of radiobuttons to move image to the position you want on the paper printout. Default is 'center '. Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter:-o position=... # examples: " top-left " or " bottom "
Argraffir Labeli Tudalennau gan CUPS wrth ben a gwaelod pob tudalen. Maent yn ymddangos ar y tudalennau wedi' u amgylchynnu gan blwch bach ffrâm. Maent yn cynnwys unrhyw llinell yr ydych yn teipio i mewn i' r faes golygu am y llinellKDE40.1 KDE40.1
What has happened to bring about this moving on or revolution in Plaid Cymru's thought ? Is it the case of the left hand of Plaid not knowing what the right hand is doing or , should I say , the northern branch not knowing what the southern branch is thinking ? We are used to hearing some confused thoughts from Plaid Cymru , but this is more confused than usual
Beth sydd wedi digwydd i achosi'r symud ymlaen neu'r chwyldro hwn ym meddylfryd Plaid Cymru ? Ai mater ydyw nad yw llaw chwith y Blaid yn gwybod beth mae'r llaw dde'n ei wneud , neu , a ddylwn ddweud , nad yw'r gangen ogleddol yn gwybod beth mae'r gangen ddeheuol yn ei feddwl ? Yr ydym wedi arfer clywed syniadau dryslyd gan Blaid Cymru , ond mae hyn yn fwy dryslyd nag arferenglishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw englishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw
Also , are there any moves to increase capacity at Swansea's hospitals to deal with the amazing tide of illness that they face every day , or are we left with a long-term second offer scheme , without any increase in local capacity ?
Hefyd , a oes unrhyw fwriad i gynyddu capasiti yn ysbytai Abertawe i ymdrin â'r niferoedd rhyfeddol o gleifion y maent yn eu hwynebu bob dydd , neu ai dim ond cynllun ail gynnig hirdymor fydd gennym , heb unrhyw gynnydd mewn capasiti yn lleol ?englishtainment-tm-2Cd5lgBD englishtainment-tm-2Cd5lgBD
Hi! Welcome to KGoldrunner! The idea of the game is to pick up all the gold nuggets, then climb to the top of the playing area and move up to the next level. A hidden ladder will appear as you collect the last nugget. The hero, at the top left, is your deputy. To collect the nuggets, just point the mouse where you want him to go. At first gravity takes over and he falls
Heia! Croeso i KGoldrunner! Syniad y gêm yma yw pigo' r holl glapiau aur, yna dringo i frig yr ardal chwarae a symyd ymlaen i' r lefel nesaf. Bydd ysgol gudd yn ymddangos wrth i chi gasglu' r clap olaf. Yr arwr (y dyn bach gwyrdd) yw eich dirprwy. I gasglu' r clapiau, pwyntiwch y llygoden lle y mynnwch iddo fynd. Yn y dechrau, mae disgyrchiant yn cymryd drosodd a mae o' n syrthioKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Sadly, on the day when the Secretary of State for Scotland, Jim Murphy, moved to progress devolution in Scotland, heavily endorsing the findings of the Calman commission, many in this Chamber are left appalled by the statements and revised statements that you and your party issued on Welsh devolution yesterday.
Yn anffodus, ar y diwrnod pan gynigiodd yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros yr Alban, Jim Murphy, symud datganoli yn ei flaen yn yr Alban, gan gymeradwyo darganfyddiadau comisiwn Calman yn bendant iawn, cafodd llawer o bobl yn y Siambr hon eu harswydo gan y datganiadau a'r datganiadau diwygiedig a gyhoeddwyd gennych chi a'ch plaid ar ddatganoli yng Nghymru ddoe.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
If he wanted to bend one of them, then it was the first to extend itself, and if he finally succeeded doing what he wanted with this limb, in the meantime all the others, as if left free, moved around in an excessively painful agitation.
Os oedd am blygu un ohonynt, ac yna yr oedd y cyntaf i ymestyn ei hun, ac os yw ef llwyddo yn olaf gwneud yr hyn yr oedd am â hyn goes, yn y cyfamser yr holl bobl eraill, fel pe bai am ddim chwith, symud o gwmpas mewn cynnwrf rhy boenus.QED QED
I am also concerned that in south-east Wales services are moved from one area to another to deal with problems in towns such as Newport, which means that other areas—I saw this on a visit with Trish Law—are left out of the equation.
Yr wyf hefyd yn bryderus fod gwasanaethau yn y de-ddwyrain yn cael eu symud o un ardal i'r llall i ddelio â phroblemau mewn trefi fel Casnewydd, sy'n golygu bod ardaloedd eraill—gwelais hyn ar ymweliad gyda Trish Law—yn cael eu gadael allan o'r hafaliad.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We will move an amendment to the Proposed Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure this afternoon, to improve the situation and to give greater assurances as to the availability of Welsh-medium courses, so that people can continue to study through the medium of Welsh once they have left full-time education.
Byddwn yn cynnig gwelliant i'r Mesur Arfaethedig ynghylch Dysgu a Sgiliau (Cymru) y prynhawn yma i gryfhau'r sefyllfa ac i roi mwy o sicrwydd ynglŷn â'r gallu i ddod o hyd i gyrsiau drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, er mwyn i bobl barhau â'u hastudiaethau drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg wedi iddynt adael addysg amser llawn.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Although the nationalists are still left in the tax and spend period of the 1970s , which devastated public sector services and the prosperity of the private sector , I still live in hope and maybe , they will move into the twenty-first century one day and accept the reality of the situation and the benefits to everyone concerned
Er y gadawyd y cenedlaetholwyr yng nghyfnod trethu a gwario'r 1970au , a ddistrywiodd wasanaethau'r sector cyhoeddus a ffyniant y sector preifat , gobeithiaf o hyd y symudant efallai i'r unfed ganrif ar hugain ryw ddiwrnod ac y derbyniant realiti'r sefyllfa a'r manteision i bawb sydd ynghlwm â'r materenglishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT englishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT
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