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Dim Priflythrennau Isenglishtainment-tm-yknlEHRk englishtainment-tm-yknlEHRk
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There has been no drop in the price to the consumer but farmers are getting much lower prices
Ni fu gostyngiad yn y pris i'r defnyddiwr ond mae'r ffermwyr yn cael prisiau llawer isenglishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui englishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui
No-one wants to drop the Treasury's guarantee : it provides security for pensioners
Ni fydd unrhyw un am ollwng gwarant y Trysorlys : mae'n darparu diogelwch i bensiynwyrenglishtainment-tm-jQK1UaGu englishtainment-tm-jQK1UaGu
Plaid Cymru's much-hyped free laptop scheme has been quietly dropped with no explanation.
Ar ôl cryn froliant, mae cynllun gliniaduron am ddim Plaid Cymru wedi'i roi o'r neilltu'n dawel bach heb ddim eglurhad.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Between 2001 and the end of 2008 the proportion with degree-level qualifications rose from 22 per cent to 28 per cent, and the proportion with no qualifications dropped from 22 per cent to 14 per cent.
Rhwng 2001 a diwedd 2008, cododd y gyfran sydd â chymwysterau lefel gradd o 22 y cant i 28 y cant, a gostyngodd y gyfran nad oes ganddynt gymwysterau o 22 y cant i 14 y cant.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
If one of those offers drops , there is no reason for the other offer to be maintained or improved
Os bydd un o'r cynigion hynny yn gostwng , nid oes unrhyw reswm dros barhau â'r cynnig arall neu ei wellaenglishtainment-tm-2Cd5lgBD englishtainment-tm-2Cd5lgBD
The party will no doubt seek to drop its independence policy , therefore can we have a debate on the national status of Wales before it does so ?
Mae'n siwr y bydd y blaid yn ceisio rhoi ei pholisi ar annibyniaeth o'r neilltu , felly a gawn ddadl ar statws cenedlaethol Cymru cyn iddi wneud hynny ?englishtainment-tm-MEcrEgtl englishtainment-tm-MEcrEgtl
It is funny how you have a Government fanfare when something is taken up, but there is no fanfare when it is dropped.
Mae'n ddoniol sut y ceir ffanffer gan y Llywodraeth ar ddechrau cynllun, ond dim ffanffer pan gaiff ei ollwng.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I have been in discussions with livestock auctioneers over the past week, and their predictions were that lamb would drop no lower in price than about £1.20 a kilogram in 2007-08; yesterday, in Northampton, lamb was down to 75p.
Yr wyf wedi cynnal trafodaethau gydag arwerthwyr da byw dros yr wythnos ddiwethaf, ac yr oeddent yn rhagweld na fyddai pris cig oen yn disgyn yn is na thua £1.20 y cilogram yn 2007-08; ddoe, yn Northampton, yr oedd cig oen i lawr i 75c.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
verse "26" And when the people were come unto the forest, behold, the honey dropped: but no man put his hand to his mouth; for the people feared the oath.
adnod "26" a phan ddaethant yno a gweld llif o fl, nid estynnodd neb ei law at ei geg, am fod y bobl yn ofni'r llw.langbot langbot
I find it regrettable that the decision was dropped the minute he was no longer in that post.
Yr wyf yn gresynu bod y Weinyddiaeth wedi newid ei meddwl cyn gynted ag y gadawodd ef y swydd honno.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I welcome the Minister for Finance , Local Government and Communities ' announcement of £12 million to be made available to local authorities , but in reality , it is no more than a drop in the ocean
Croesawaf gyhoeddiad y Gweinidog Cyllid , Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau y bydd £12 miliwn ar gael i awdurdodau lleol , ond mewn gwirionedd , swm bach iawn ydywenglishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui englishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui
Since Pollia berries have no pigment, they keep their color even after they drop from the plant.
Oherwydd nad oes pigment yn aeron y Pollia, maen nhw’n cadw eu lliw hyd yn oed ar ôl iddyn nhw gwympo o’r planhigyn.jw2019 jw2019
There is no doubt that there is evidence of house prices dropping, but they are dropping only slightly.
Nid oes amheuaeth nad oes tystiolaeth bod prisiau tai'n gostwng, ond ychydig o ostyngiad sydd.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Jenny Randerson : Do you share my concern about the recent news that pension credit staff have been told that they can no longer run drop-in surgeries for people to come in to make inquiries about their eligibility for pension credit ? They will now rely entirely on telephone contact , which has already failed to attract a large percentage of the people who should get those credits
Jenny Randerson : A ydych yn rhannu fy mhryder ynghylch y newydd diweddar bod staff y credyd pensiwn wedi'u hysbysu na chânt gynnal cymorthfeydd galw heibio bellach fel y gall pobl ddod heibio a holi ynghylch eu cymhwyster i gael credyd pensiwn ? Byddant bellach yn dibynnu'n llwyr ar gyswllt dros y teleffon , sydd eisoes wedi methu â denu canran fawr o'r rhai a ddylai gael y credydau hynnyenglishtainment-tm-2U3yAgwG englishtainment-tm-2U3yAgwG
If there is one decision that ITV should immediately reverse, it is the one that you have just described to us, because there is no possible justification for dropping the signed news service just because it may not be available in all of the English regions or in Scotland or Northern Ireland.
Os oes un penderfyniad y dylai ITV ei wyrdroi'n syth, yna'r penderfyniad yr ydych newydd ei ddisgrifio inni yw hwnnw, oherwydd nid oes cyfiawnhad yn y byd dros roi'r gorau i'r gwasanaeth newyddion gydag iaith arwyddion oherwydd nad yw ar gael o bosibl ym mhob un o ranbarthau Lloegr, yn yr Alban nac yng Ngogledd Iwerddon.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I have dropped her a note to indicate that the Welsh Conservatives have no problem at all with it
Ysgrifennais nodyn ati yn nodi nad oes gan Geidwadwyr Cymru unrhyw wrthwynebiad i hynenglishtainment-tm-fcX3T6IM englishtainment-tm-fcX3T6IM
Phil is wrong to say that the decision was brought to the Economic Development Committee at the last minute and dropped on it like a bomb with no notice
Mae Phil yn anghywir wrth ddweud i'r penderfyniad gael ei ddwyn i'r Pwyllgor Datblygu Economaidd ar y funud olaf a'i ollwng arno fel bom yn ddirybuddenglishtainment-tm-mGlETbh5 englishtainment-tm-mGlETbh5
These were real advocates for it, but they said, 'No, it has got nowhere; it has been dropped; we are not referring to it much'—it was just part and parcel of yet another consultation, yet another strategy.
Yr oeddent yn bobl gryf o blaid yr adolygiad, ond meddent, 'Na, nid yw wedi mynd i unman; mae wedi cael ei ollwng; nid ydym yn cyfeirio ato lawer'—nid oedd yn ddim mwy na rhan o ymgynghoriad arall eto a strategaeth arall eto.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Once it is established that you can go to a particular area to abandon your car, drop your litter and add to the graffiti with no-one noticing, the situation deteriorates.
Cyn gynted ag y caiff pobl yr argraff y gallwch fynd i ardal arbennig i adael eich car, gollwng eich sbwriel ac ychwanegu at y graffiti heb i neb sylwi, mae'r sefyllfa'n dirywio.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The unit pointed out the short time that is spent on this on undergraduate courses—no more than one module at maximum; on postgraduate courses, that drops down to a few hours.
Tynnodd yr uned sylw at yr amser byr a dreulir ar hyn ar gyrsiau gradd—dim mwy nag un modiwl ar y mwyaf; ar gyrsiau ôl-radd, mae hynny'n gostwng i ychydig oriau.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
To refer briefly to Nick Bourne's point, I have had no representations on the issue but if Nick wishes to drop me a line, I will make sure that my officials respond in relation to the meeting with Network Rail.
I gyfeirio'n fyr at bwynt Nick Bourne, ni chefais unrhyw sylwadau am y mater ond petai Nick am anfon nodyn ataf, fe wnaf yn siŵr y bydd fy swyddogion yn ymateb ynglŷn â'r cyfarfod â Network Rail.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
No doubt, the Minister will say that it is a cost that these businesses will have to stand, but there is no evidence to prove that we must do this, with nitrate levels dropping.
Mae'n sicr y dywed y Gweinidog ei bod yn gost y bydd yn rhaid i'r busnesau hyn ei dwyn, ond nid oes tystiolaeth i ddangos ei bod yn rhaid inni wneud hyn, a lefelau'r nitradau'n gostwng.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
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