parental responsibility oor Wallies

parental responsibility

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cyfrifoldeb rhieni


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1996 Hague Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children
Confensiwn yr Hag 1996 ar Awdurdodaeth, y Gyfraith Gymwys, Cydnabyddiaeth, Gorfodaeth a Chydweithrediad mewn perthynas â Chyfrifoldeb Rhieni a Mesurau Diogelu Plant
responsibility of parents
cyfrifoldeb rhieni


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However , it does little to encourage parental responsibility and their involvement in the educational welfare of their children
Fodd bynnag , ni wna lawer i annog cyfrifoldeb rhieni a'u cyfranogiad tuag at les addysgol eu plantenglishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui englishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui
I also imagine that they could get on with supporting and enhancing their corporate parenting responsibilities.
Tybiaf hefyd y gallent fwrw ati i gynnal a chryfhau eu cyfrifoldebau rhianta corfforaethol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
David Davies rightly made the point about parents ' responsibility
Gwnaeth David Davies bwynt priodol am gyfrifoldeb rhienienglishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN englishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN
I say to Jonathan that the Sure Start initiative is the starting point of encouraging parental responsibility
Dywedaf wrth Jonathan mai dechreubwynt annog cyfrifoldeb rhieni yw'r fenter Cychwyn Cadarnenglishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui englishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui
I am particularly concerned that the scheme does nothing to involve parents and address the issue of parental responsibility
Yr wyf yn arbennig o bryderus na wna'r cynllun unrhyw beth i gynnwys rhieni ac ymdrin â'r mater o gyfrifoldeb rhienienglishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui englishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui
Those of us with no parental responsibilities must be reticent in telling others how they should bring up their children
Dylai'r rheini ohonom sydd heb gyfrifoldebau magu plant fod yn dawedog o ran dweud wrth eraill sut y dylent fagu eu plantenglishtainment-tm-N620QJY0 englishtainment-tm-N620QJY0
'The amendment includes important provision that underlines parental responsibility, and it is supported by Care for the Family for the same reason.
'Mae'r gwelliant yn cynnwys darpariaeth bwysig sy'n tanlinellu cyfrifoldeb rhieni, ac am yr un rheswm hwnnw y mae Care for the Family yn ei gefnogi.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
There are also measures to strengthen local authorities' corporate parenting responsibility, accountability and improved outcomes for children in care and those leaving care.
Yr ydym yn ystyried y cynnig yn y ddadl dan Reol Sefydlog Rhif 31 gan Huw Lewis, sydd eisoes wedi arwain at welliannau mewn gofal iechyd i blant mewn gofal.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
With regard to parental responsibility, I take your point that this will raise the recognition of the role of the tribunal if necessary.
Gyda golwg ar gyfrifoldeb rhieni, yr wyf yn derbyn y pwynt a wnaethoch i'r perwyl y bydd hyn yn hybu'r gydnabyddiaeth i rôl y tribiwnlys os bydd angen.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
1996 Hague Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children
Confensiwn yr Hag 1996 ar Awdurdodaeth, y Gyfraith Gymwys, Cydnabyddiaeth, Gorfodaeth a Chydweithrediad mewn perthynas â Chyfrifoldeb Rhieni a Mesurau Diogelu Plant ( / )langbot langbot
1996 Hague Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children
Confensiwn yr Hag 1996 ar Awdurdodaeth, y Gyfraith Gymwys, Cydnabyddiaeth, Gorfodaeth a Chydweithrediad mewn perthynas â Chyfrifoldeb Rhieni a Mesurau Diogelu Plantenglishtainment-tm-bIGOAdqV englishtainment-tm-bIGOAdqV
This is also relevant to the parents ' code and will reinforce our backing for a universal approach to a corporate parenting responsibility across local authorities
Mae hyn hefyd yn berthnasol i'r cod ar gyfer rhieni a bydd yn atgyfnerthu ein cefnogaeth i ymagwedd gyffredinol tuag at gyfrifoldeb corfforaethol magu plant ar draws awdurdodau lleolenglishtainment-tm-N620QJY0 englishtainment-tm-N620QJY0
The only change that you have made to this policy is to extend the groups of eligible people to include disabled persons with parental responsibilities
Yr unig newid a wnaethoch i'r polisi hwn yw ymestyn y grwpiau o bobl gymwys i gynnwys pobl anabl â chyfrifoldebau fel rhienienglishtainment-tm-5pRN6JQt englishtainment-tm-5pRN6JQt
Many students on benefits , particularly mature students and women with parental responsibilities , believed that they were not eligible for Assembly learning grants even when they were
Yr oedd llawer o fyfyrwyr sy'n derbyn budd-daliadau , yn enwedig myfyrwyr hyn a menywod a chanddynt gyfrifoldeb fel rhieni , yn credu nad oeddent yn gymwys i dderbyn grantiau dysgu'r Cynulliad hyd yn oed os oeddentenglishtainment-tm-ORSVdjEB englishtainment-tm-ORSVdjEB
The Welsh Assembly Government has to conduct consultations in a reasonable way, which would include parents or those with a parental responsibility as a matter of course.
Mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru gynnal ymgynghoriadau mewn modd rhesymol, a fyddai'n cynnwys rhieni neu'r rheini â chyfrifoldeb rhiant fel mater o arfer.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It will include people with parental responsibilities for disabled children , for services for the family and 16 and 17-year-old disabled children , the services that meet their own assessed needs
Bydd yn cynnwys pobl sydd â chyfrifoldebau bod yn rhiant i blant anabl , ar gyfer gwasanaethau i deuluoedd a phlant anabl 16 a 17 oed , y gwasanaethau sydd yn diwallu eu hanghenion eu hunain a aseswydenglishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm englishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm
Although it is important to foster greater parental responsibility , compulsory action will either undermine families which are already dysfunctional , or it will simply punish those parents who have done all they can
Er ei bod yn bwysig meithrin mwy o gyfrifoldeb ymysg rhieni , bydd gweithredu gorfodol naill ai'n tanseilio teuluoedd sydd eisoes yn gamweithredol , neu ni wna ddim ond cosbi'r rhieni hynny sydd wedi gwneud y cwbl a allentenglishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR englishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR
It is an important question : what should be the parent's responsibility and what should be the responsibility of the state ? In my view , providing breakfast for children should be the responsibility of parents
Mae'n gwestiwn pwysig : beth a ddylai fod yn gyfrifoldeb i'r rhiant a beth a ddylai fod yn gyfrifoldeb i'r wladwriaeth ? Yn fy marn i , dylai darparu brecwast i blant fod yn gyfrifoldeb i rienienglishtainment-tm-DMbxFW6J englishtainment-tm-DMbxFW6J
Their effect will be to limit the assessment and referral requirement to any individual who is a parent, or has parental responsibility, for the child, or who has the care of the child.
Effaith y gwelliannau fydd cyfyngu'r gofyniad i asesu ac atgyfeirio i unrhyw unigolyn sy'n rhiant, neu y mae ganddo gyfrifoldeb rhiant dros y plentyn, neu sy'n gofalu am y plentyn.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Over the last 12 months we have extended the eligibility of the scheme to encompass people aged over 65 , carers , persons with parental responsibility for disabled children and 16 and 17-year-old disabled children
Dros y 12 mis diwethaf yr ydym wedi ymestyn cymhwyster y cynllun i gwmpasu pobl dros 65 oed , gofalwyr , pobl â chyfrifoldeb rhiant dros blant anabl a phlant anabl 16 ac 17 oedenglishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi englishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi
I also want your view on amendment 10. How will this amendment work in cases where a child is subject to a care order, and, hence, a local authority shares parental responsibility for the child?
Hoffwn glywed eich barn hefyd am welliant 10. Sut y bydd y gwelliant hwn yn gweithio mewn achosion pan fydd plentyn o dan orchymyn gofal, sy'n golygu bod awdurdod lleol yn rhannu'r cyfrifoldeb dros rianta'r plentyn?Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The direct payment provisions of the Act are also intended to give persons with parental responsibility for disabled children , and 16 and 17-year-old disabled children , more influence over the way services are provided
Bwriedir i ddarpariaethau'r Ddeddf ar daliadau uniongyrchol hefyd roi mwy o ddylanwad i bersonau â chyfrifoldeb rhiant dros blant anabl , a phlant 16 a 17 oed , dros y ffordd y caiff gwasanaethau eu darparuenglishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm englishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm
In their use of discretionary powers , local authorities must ensure that the people whom they recruit are of appropriate standing and are in no way a threat to those for whom they will be parentally responsible
Wrth iddynt arfer eu pwerau diamod , rhaid i awdurdodau lleol sicrhau bod y bobl y maent yn eu recriwtio yn briodol o ran statws ac nad ydynt yn fygythiad o gwbl i'r rhai y byddant yn gyfrifol amdanynt yn eu rôl fel rhienienglishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi englishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi
Jehovah gives parents the responsibility to discipline their children.
Mae Jehofa yn rhoi’r cyfrifoldeb o ddisgyblu plant i’r rhieni.jw2019 jw2019
Question: How can parents raise responsible children?
Cwestiwn: Sut gall rhieni helpu eu plant i fod yn gyfrifol?jw2019 jw2019
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