parents night oor Wallies

parents night

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A meeting was organised by parents on Monday night in the local rugby club
Trefnwyd cyfarfod gan rieni nos Lun yn y clwb rygbi lleolenglishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp englishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp
Parents need at least two or three nights' rooming-in at the hospital with the support of staff before they make that transition home.
Cyn iddynt drosglwyddo adref, mae angen i rieni gael o leiaf dwy neu dair noson o ystafellu yn yr ysbyty gyda chymorth staff.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The most recent case in my constituency involved a young man who turned 18 in December, whose parents had been receiving one night of respite per week, one weekend per month, as well as additional help during the school holidays.
Yr achos diweddaraf yn fy etholaeth oedd achos gŵr ifanc a oedd yn 18 oed yn Rhagfyr, yr oedd ei rieni wedi bod yn cael un noson o seibiant bob wythnos, un penwythnos bob mis, yn ogystal â chymorth ychwanegol yn ystod gwyliau'r ysgol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The GP on television last night spoke of a potential disaster in our deprived communities, where services are unable to support parents who have children with behavioural difficulties.
Soniodd y meddyg teulu ar y teledu neithiwr am argyfwng a allai ddigwydd yn ein cymunedau difreintiedig, lle y mae gwasanaethau'n methu cynnal rhieni plant sydd ag anawsterau ymddygiadol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The light in the living room was turned off only late at night, and now it was easy to establish that his parents and his sister had stayed awake all this time, for one could hear clearly as all three moved away on tiptoe.
Mae'r golau yn yr ystafell fyw yn eu diffodd yn unig yn hwyr yn y nos, ac erbyn hyn roedd yn hawdd sefydlu bod ei rieni a'i chwaer wedi aros yn effro bob amser hwn, ar gyfer un Gallai glywed yn glir fel y tri symud i ffwrdd ar flaenau eich traed.QED QED
In fact, only last night I met a lone parent with two children who wanted to return to work and who told me that, when they went to the jobcentre, they were told that, as a result of the benefit cuts made in June 2010—in a budget that was not necessary—they would not be able to get the £250 back to work grant and that they would lose 40 per cent of the child tax credit.
Yn wir, dim ond neithiwr y cyfarfûm ag unig riant â dau o blant a oedd yn dymuno dychwelyd i'r gwaith ac a ddywedodd wrthyf, pan aeth i'r ganolfan waith, dywedwyd wrtho, o ganlyniad i'r toriadau budd-dal a wnaed ym mis Mehefin 2010—mewn cyllideb di-angen—na fyddai'n gallu cael y grant yn ôl i'r gwaith o £250 ac y byddai'n colli 40 y cant o'r credyd treth plant.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
You cannot, however, get away from the problem that deciding whether to remove a child from a parent or parents, to put it into the care system or not, is a delicate matter of judgment that causes sleepless nights for every child social worker involved in such a process, and I know because I was married to one—I am still married, but she is not doing that job any more.
Ni allwch, fodd bynnag, osgoi'r broblem bod penderfynu a ddylid tynnu plentyn oddi wrth riant neu rieni i'w roi yn y system gofal neu beidio, yn fater delicet o farn sy'n achosi nosweithiau di-gwsg i bob gweithiwr cymdeithasol plant sy'n ymwneud â phroses o'r fath, a gwn hyn oherwydd yr oeddwn yn briod ag un—yr wyf yn dal yn briod, ond nid yw hi'n gwneud y gwaith hwnnw mwyach.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Elin Jones : How many of us this evening , as we sit down to supper , or as we turn out the light before going to bed , will be thinking of the people of Iraq as they prepare for bed , not knowing whether they will be besieged by American and British bombs by dawn ? I wonder whether Tony Blair , Jack Straw , Iain Duncan Smith , and Clare Short will be thinking tonight of parents putting their children to bed in Baghdad not knowing what could happen during the night ? It is difficult to imagine the terror in the hearts of the people of Iraq and in the hearts of British soldiers this evening
Elin Jones : Faint ohonom heno , wrth eistedd i lawr i swper , neu wrth ddiffodd y golau wrth fynd i'r gwely , a fydd yn meddwl am bobl Irac wrth iddynt baratoi i noswylio , heb wybod a fyddant o dan warchae bomio America a Phrydain erbyn bore yfory ? Tybed a fydd Tony Blair , Jack Straw , Iain Duncan Smith , a Clare Short yn meddwl heno am rieni yn rhoi plant yn eu gwelyau yn Baghdad , heb wybod beth a all ddigwydd yn ystod y nos ? Mae'n anodd dychmygu'r ofn yng nghalonnau pobl Irac ac yng nghalonnau milwyr Prydain henoenglishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK englishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK
Ignorance is the parent of fear, and being completely nonplussed and confounded about the stranger, I confess I was now as much afraid of him as if it was the devil himself who had thus broken into my room at the dead of night.
Anwybodaeth yn rhiant i ofn, a bod yn nonplussed gyfan gwbl a waradwyddwyd am y dieithryn, yr wyf yn cyfaddef fy mod yn awr cymaint ofn iddo fel pe bai'n oedd y diafol ei hun a oedd wedi torri i mewn a thrwy hynny fy ystafell ar y meirw y nos.QED QED
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