parents’ expectations oor Wallies

parents’ expectations

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disgwyliadau rhieni


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As a youth, ask yourself: ‘Am I participating in spiritual activities just because my parents expect me to?
Os wyt ti’n ifanc, gofynna i ti dy hun: ‘Ydw i’n mynd i’r cyfarfodydd ac ar y weinidogaeth oherwydd dyna beth mae fy rhieni eisiau imi ei wneud?jw2019 jw2019
Confidence between schools, parents and the local education authority will take a long time to rebuild, but schools and parents expect to see the LEA starting to act as soon as possible.
Fe gymer amser hir i ailadeiladu'r hyder rhwng ysgolion, rhieni a'r awdurdod addysg lleol, ond mae ysgolion a rhieni'n disgwyl gweld yr AALl yn dechrau gweithredu cyn gynted â phosibl.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I think that parents expect their children to be learning core skills , yet it seems that the Minister's top priority , according to this document , is something rather nebulous called ` personal and social development and wellbeing '
Credaf fod rhieni yn disgwyl bod eu plant yn dysgu sgiliau craidd , ond ymddengys fod prif flaenoriaeth y Gweinidog , yn ôl y ddogfen hon , yn rhywbeth braidd yn annelwig o'r enw ` datblygiad personol a chymdeithasol a lles 'englishtainment-tm-8Qf0eLCh englishtainment-tm-8Qf0eLCh
(b) What should parents not expect of their children?
(b) Beth na ddylai rhieni ei ddisgwyl gan eu plant?jw2019 jw2019
A godly parent is expected to be loving and considerate, yet firm in adhering to godly principles.
Tra mae disgwyl i riant duwiol fod yn gariadus ac ystyriol, rhaid hefyd gadw at egwyddorion duwiol.jw2019 jw2019
That means that we have to disappoint 150 parents whose expectations were sky high after the success of Flying Start in year one.
Golyga hynny ei bod yn rhaid inni siomi 150 o rieni yr oedd eu disgwyliadau mor uchel ar ôl llwyddiant blwyddyn gyntaf Dechrau'n Deg.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
New minimum standards must better reflect the real cost of school clothing and the full range of school clothing for which parents are expected to pay
Rhaid i safonau gofynnol newydd adlewyrchu cost wirioneddol dillad ysgol yn well a'r ystod lawn o ddillad ysgol y mae disgwyl i rieni dalu amdanyntenglishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7 englishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7
(Ephesians 6:1-3) He expects parents to instruct and correct their children.
(Effesiaid 6:1-3) Mae e’n disgwyl i rieni hyfforddi a chywiro eu plant.jw2019 jw2019
God expects parents to instruct their children and to correct them
Mae Duw yn disgwyl i rieni hyfforddi a chywiro eu plantjw2019 jw2019
His parents may not expect him to do so, but they accept his gift.
Efallai na fydd ei rieni yn disgwyl iddo wneud hyn, ond, maen nhw’n derbyn ei anrheg.jw2019 jw2019
18. (a) What does Jehovah expect parents to do?
18. (a) Beth mae Jehofa yn disgwyl i rieni ei wneud?jw2019 jw2019
However , parents , teachers and pupils expect action , and voting in favour of the motion will provide that action
Fodd bynnag , mae rhieni , athrawon a disgyblion yn disgwyl gweithredu , a bydd pleidlais o blaid y cynnig yn esgor ar y gweithredu hwnnwenglishtainment-tm-88906sbd englishtainment-tm-88906sbd
16 Jehovah expects Christian parents to give their children proper guidance and care.
16 Mae Jehofah yn disgwyl i rieni sy’n Gristnogion ofalu am eu plant a rhoi cyfarwyddyd addas iddyn’ nhw.jw2019 jw2019
This is mainly for the child's parents to do , but the Government is expected to give suitable help to parents
Dyletswydd y rhieni yw gwneud hyn yn bennaf oll , ond disgwylir i'r Llywodraeth gynorthwyo'r rhieni'n briodolenglishtainment-tm-mGlETbh5 englishtainment-tm-mGlETbh5
Though the parents may not expect this, they may accept these gifts because it is a way for the child to show appreciation for all that they do for him.
Efallai na fydd ei rieni yn disgwyl iddo wneud hyn, ond, maen nhw’n derbyn ei anrheg oherwydd bod gwneud hynny yn rhoi cyfle iddo ddangos ei werthfawrogiad tuag at bopeth maen nhw wedi ei wneud ar ei gyfer.jw2019 jw2019
Before making an appeal , however , we would expect parents to have been offered an opportunity to avail themselves of the authority's disagreement resolution service , as set out in the code of practice
Cyn cyflwyno apêl , fodd bynnag , byddem yn disgwyl i rieni fod wedi cael cyfle i ddefnyddio gwasanaeth datrys anghydfodau'r awdurdod , fel y nodir yn y cod ymarferenglishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7 englishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7
Parents ' and pupils ' right to expect proper funding for their schools should take precedence over councils ' right to short-change schools
Dylai hawl rhieni a disgyblion i ddisgwyl y caiff eu hysgolion eu hariannu'n iawn gael blaenoriaeth dros hawl cynghorau i gadw arian oddi wrth ysgolionenglishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK englishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK
Parents play a great part in this too, and teachers should expect full support from the parents of the children whom they are looking after.
Mae llawer o'r sefyllfaoedd hyn, fel y pwysleisiodd Darren Millar, yn rhai y mae'n rhaid i gyfuniad o asiantaethau a phobl eu datrys.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
That is what schools, parents and learners in Denbighshire will expect.
Dyna y bydd ysgolion, rhieni a dysgwyr yn sir Ddinbych yn ei ddisgwyl.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I notice that you expect middle-class parents to pay for their children who should be independent at 18 years of age
Sylwaf eich bod yn disgwyl i rieni dosbarth canol dalu am eu plant a ddylai fod yn annibynnol yn 18 oedenglishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7 englishtainment-tm-N9pf75U7
I note that the Welsh Government will continue to work with the Consumer Financial Education Body and the Welsh financial education unit to improve understanding of financial issues by target groups, including employees, students and expectant parents.
Nodaf y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru'n parhau i gydweithio â'r Corff Addysg Ariannol Defnyddwyr ac uned addysg ariannol Cymru i wella dealltwriaeth o faterion ariannol yn ôl grwpiau targed, gan gynnwys, gweithwyr, myfyrwyr a darpar rieni.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
If they do not understand it , and we do not understand it , how can we expect that parents across Wales can have any confidence in the Assemblys budgeting ? ###
Os nad ydynt hwy yn ei deall , ac os nad ydym ni yn ei deall , sut y gallwn ddisgwyl i rieni ledled Cymru gael unrhyw hyder yng nghyllideb y Cynulliad ? ### &nbs ; ###englishtainment-tm-MEcrEgtl englishtainment-tm-MEcrEgtl
Codes of conduct should be issued to all pupils and their parents , setting out the standards expected and the penalties for failing to meet them
Dylid cyhoeddi codau ymddygiad i bob disgybl a'u rhieni , sy'n amlinellu'r safonau a ddisgwylir a'r cosbau am fethu cydymffurfio â hwyenglishtainment-tm-TrZ9yjiw englishtainment-tm-TrZ9yjiw
(Luke 22:42; John 8:28, 29) Jehovah also expects children to obey their parents. —Ephesians 6:1-3.
(Luc 22:42; Ioan 8:28, 29) Mae Jehofa yn disgwyl i blant fod yn ufudd i’w rhieni.—Effesiaid 6:1-3.jw2019 jw2019
Young ones also need to understand that God, the Father of us all, expects them to obey their parents.
Mae’n rhaid i rai ifanc hefyd ddeall bod Duw, ein Tad, yn disgwyl iddyn nhw fod yn ufudd i’w rhieni.jw2019 jw2019
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