political scandal oor Wallies

political scandal

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies

Sgandal wleidyddol

action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage

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Political scandal

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies

Sgandal wleidyddol


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Political scandals in the United States
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Political scandals in the United Kingdom
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Political scandals
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Political scandal
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Despite the fact that the MPs' expenses scandal has rocked politics to its very core, there is still no impetus for reform from this tired Government.
Mae nifer ohonynt erbyn hyn wedi colli ymddiriedaeth yn llwyr mewn gwleidyddion o bob math, ac nid ydynt wedi gweld fawr ddim ymdrech i ddiwygio na gweithredu i leddfu eu dicter.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
After the massive , inflation-busting council tax rises that have been imposed on every council tax payer in Wales , would not they have appreciated a bonus of a £6 million handout ? Would not our health service or our schools have welcomed a £6 million injection over and above what they have been allocated ? However , the biggest scandal is the political fix and the blatant way in which this has been done
Ar ôl y codiadau anferth , uwch na chwyddiant , yn nhreth y cyngor a orfodwyd ar bob talwr treth y cyngor yng Nghymru , oni fyddent wedi gwerthfawrogi bonws o rodd o £6 miliwn ? Oni fyddai ein gwasanaeth iechyd neu ein hysgolion wedi croesawu chwistrelliad o £6 miliwn ar ben yr hyn a ddyrannwyd iddynt ? Fodd bynnag , y sgandal fwyaf yw'r twyll gwleidyddol a'r modd digywilydd y gwnaethpwyd hynenglishtainment-tm-mGlETbh5 englishtainment-tm-mGlETbh5
If a majority of the membership is appointed and not elected , it simply means that the political establishment is rigging the system , and the democratic deficit will continue to be a national scandal
Os caiff y mwyafrif o'r aelodau eu penodi ac nid eu hethol , golyga'n syml fod y sefydliad gwleidyddol yn twyllo'r system , a bydd y diffyg democrataidd yn parhau i fod yn warth cenedlaetholenglishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X englishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X
Therefore , with a view to winning a few brownie points with its supporters , who are rapidly becoming disillusioned with a Government that came into office promising to clean up politics only to become embroiled in one sleazy scandal after another , from Bernie Ecclestone to Lakshmi Mittal to a row over flats and dodgy financial advisers , New Labour is trying to deflect its critics by throwing them a bone
Felly , gyda'r bwriad o ennill ffafr gyda'i chefnogwyr , sy'n cael eu dadrithio'n gyflym gan Lywodraeth a ddaeth i rym yn addo parchuso gwleidyddiaeth ond yn lle hynny , a aeth i helyntion gydag un sgandal di-chwaeth ar ôl y llall , o Bernie Ecclestone i Lakshmi Mittal i ffrae ynghylch fflatiau ac ymgynghorwyr ariannol amheus , mae Llafur Newydd yn ceisio tynnu sylw ei beirniaid oddi wrth hyn drwy gynnig gwobr gysur iddyntenglishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19 englishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19
Whatever , it is scandalous that a vital aspect of public policy , arousing a great deal of public concern , has been written out of political control
Beth bynnag , mae'n warthus bod agwedd hanfodol ar bolisi cyhoeddus , wedi mynd o ofal gwleidyddolenglishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG englishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG
The Government's failure to implement a cohesive transport strategy has been largely overshadowed by rising hospital waiting lists , larger class sizes , the shambolic handling of the foot and mouth disease crisis , scandals involving money for access to Ministers , and the ongoing political Punch and Judy show between Gordon Brown and Tony Blair
Rhoddwyd methiant y Llywodraeth i weithredu strategaeth drafnidiaeth gydlynol yn y cysgod i raddau helaeth gan y cynnydd yn rhestrau aros ysbytai , meintiau dosbarthiadau mwy , y modd di-glem yr ymdriniwyd ag argyfwng clwy'r traed a'r genau , sgandals ynglyn â thalu am gael mynediad at Weinidogion , a'r sioe ` Punch a Judy ' gwleidyddol parhaus rhwng Gordon Brown a Tony Blairenglishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY englishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY
Nerys Evans has already highlighted that some local authorities do not offer statements, which is a scandalous position for any local authority to be in, whichever party controls it, and whether it is in Wales or the rest of the UK. I do not mean that as a party-political point, but such a position is completely unacceptable.
Mae Nerys Evans wedi tynnu sylw eisoes at y ffaith bod rhai awdurdodau lleol nad ydynt yn cynnig datganiadau, sy'n sefyllfa warthus i unrhyw awdurdod lleol, pa blaid bynnag sy'n ei reoli, a pha un ai a yw yng Nghymru neu yng ngweddill y DU. Nid wyf yn bwriadu i hwnnw fod yn bwynt pleidiol, ond mae sefyllfa o'r fath yn gwbl annerbyniol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
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