privileged oor Wallies


adjektief, werkwoord
Simple past tense and past participle of privilege .

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Soortgelyke frases

qualified privilege
braint amodol
privilege against self-incrimination
braint yn erbyn hunangyhuddo
commercial privilege
braint fasnachol
privilege court
privileged; free
t privileged
attorney-client privilege
braint cyfreithiwr-cleient
privileged task
tasg freintiedig
royal privilege or prerogative


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We also have to acknowledge that veterans and armed service personnel already have a number of privileges available to them.
Rhaid i ni hefyd gydnabod bod nifer o freintiau eisoes ar gael i gyn-filwyr ac aelodau'r lluoedd arfog.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It is a privilege to have the opportunity to present a Measure to the Assembly.
Mae'n fraint cael y cyfle i gyflwyno Mesur i'r Cynulliad.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It has the privilege of irresponsibility and it can , as we have seen this afternoon , blame the UK Government for lack of funding
Mae ganddi'r fraint o anghyfrifoldeb a gallai , fel y gwelsom ni brynhawn heddiw , feio Llywodraeth y DU am ddiffyg arianenglishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa englishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa
legal professional privilege
braint broffesiynol gyfreithiol ( / )langbot langbot
Having had the privilege of hosting an event for Disability Wales to launch its report on its Streets Ahead campaign last year, which highlighted some of the issues that disabled people face in accessing high-street services and shops, I have no doubt that its independent living campaign will be a huge success.
Ar ôl cael y fraint o gynnal digwyddiad ar gyfer Anabledd Cymru i lansio ei adroddiad ar ei ymgyrch Sôn am Strydoedd y llynedd, a dynnai sylw at rai o'r problemau y mae pobl anabl yn eu hwynebu wrth geisio cael mynediad i wasanaethau a siopau ar y stryd fawr.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The 16 and 17-year-olds were quite happy with the lunch arrangements, because they had the wonderful privilege of going to the front of the queue.
Yr oedd y disgyblion 16 a 17 oed yn ddigon hapus gyda'r trefniadau cinio, oherwydd caent y fraint fawr o fynd i flaen y ciw.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I am so concerned about these allegations that I intend to refer them to Sir Richard Wilson , the Cabinet Secretary , and to the Standards and Privileges Committee of the House of Commons , because it was done at the time that Alun Michael was Secretary of State
Yr wyf mor bryderus ynghylch yr honiadau hyn fel fy mod yn bwriadu eu cyfeirio i Syr Richard Wilson , Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet , ac i Bwyllgor Safonau a Breintiau Ty'r Cyffredin , oherwydd gwnaethpwyd hyn pan oedd Alun Michael yn Ysgrifennydd Gwladolenglishtainment-tm-mGlETbh5 englishtainment-tm-mGlETbh5
After all, he is the Sovereign Lord of the universe, and friendship with him is the greatest of all privileges.
Wedi’r cwbl, ef yw Penllywydd y bydysawd, a braint o’r mwyaf yw bod yn ffrind iddo.jw2019 jw2019
Baptism is a serious decision and a great privilege
Penderfyniad mawr a braint aruthrol yw bedyddjw2019 jw2019
It is a privilege to chair any committee in this place, but it is a particular challenge to chair the Enterprise and Learning Committee, and I recognise committee members' ability and alacrity.
Mae'n fraint cael cadeirio unrhyw bwyllgor yn y lle hwn, ond mae'n her arbennig i gadeirio'r Pwyllgor Menter a Dysgu, ac yr wyf yn cydnabod galluogrwydd a bywiogrwydd aelodau'r pwyllgor.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I had the privilege of visiting the accident-and-emergency department at my local hospital in Bodelwyddan, Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, recently and it was inspiring to see, at first hand, the excellent work of staff and the dedication shown by them.
Cefais y fraint o ymweld â'r adran damweiniau ac achosion brys yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, fy ysbyty lleol ym Modelwyddan, yn ddiweddar ac yr oedd yn ysbrydoledig gweld, yn uniongyrchol, waith rhagorol y staff a'u hymroddiad.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
If you have this privilege, how can you use the power of the Bible to reach your audience?
Os wyt ti wedi derbyn y fraint hon, sut gelli di ddefnyddio grym y Beibl i annog y rhai sy’n gwrando arnat ti?jw2019 jw2019
You are attempting to run "%s" which requires administrative privileges, but more information is needed in order to do so."
Rydych yn ceisio rhedeg "%s" sydd angen breintiau gweinyddol, ond mae angen gwybodaeth ychwanegol i wneud hynny."englishtainment-tm-bUQxvQOi englishtainment-tm-bUQxvQOi
David , as all Welsh Conservatives , describes what is , in reality , the defence of wealth and privilege , and dresses it up as frugality and efficiency
Mae David , fel Ceidwadwyr Cymru , yn disgrifio'r hyn sydd , mewn gwirionedd , yn gyfiawnhad dros gyfoeth a braint , gan eu cyflwyno fel darbodusrwydd ac effeithlonrwyddenglishtainment-tm-rQkFBCLC englishtainment-tm-rQkFBCLC
On UNIX systems, system administrator privileges are often required to uninitialize a device."
Ar gysodau Unix, y rhan fwyaf o'r amser mae angen hawliau gwasanaethydd cysawd i ddi-ymgychwyn dyfais."englishtainment-tm-yknlEHRk englishtainment-tm-yknlEHRk
It is a vital, priceless collection, and I am glad that we, as Assembly Members, are in the rare, privileged position of having a preview of this collection.
Mae'n gasgliad hollbwysig, amhrisiadwy, ac yr wyf yn falch ein bod ni, Aelodau'r Cynulliad, yn y sefyllfa freintiedig brin o gael rhagolwg ar y casgliad hwn.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
This user has super admin privileges.
Mae gan y defnyddiwr hwn freintiau uwchweinyddwr.englishtainment-tm-RlZPduwG englishtainment-tm-RlZPduwG
We have debated the issue of privilege in this Chamber and the fact that Members must be restrained not only in attacking other Assembly Members but also in the use of our matter of privilege
Yr ydym wedi cynnal dadl ar fater braint yn y Siambr hon a'r ffaith bod rhaid i Aelodau ymatal rhag ymosod ar Aelodau eraill o'r Cynulliad yn ogystal ag wrth ddefnyddio ein braintenglishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK englishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK
As one of the only Assembly Members able to be there—I was privileged to be there because the discussion was around all of these pertinent points—I believe that the biggest issue is the lack of progress on allocating of all of these moneys.
Fel un o'r unig Aelodau o'r Cynulliad a allai fod yn bresennol—yr oedd yn fraint imi fod yno oherwydd yr oedd y drafodaeth yn ymwneud â'r pwyntiau perthnasol hyn i gyd—credaf mai'r brif broblem yw'r diffyg cynnydd o ran dyrannu'r holl arian hwn.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I do not know whether you were as privileged as some of us were to hear Ed Miliband being interviewed by David Cornock a few days after he was elected to serve as our leader, when he said that we are looking at all our policies in detail.
Ni wn a oeddech mor ffodus â rhai ohonom i glywed Ed Miliband yn cael ei gyfweld gan David Cornock rai diwrnodau ar ôl iddo gael ei ethol fel ein harweinydd, pan ddywedodd ein bod yn edrych yn fanwl ar ein holl bolisïau.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
13 What a privilege it is to be part of Jehovah’s organization!
13 Am fraint yw bod yn rhan o gyfundrefn Jehofa!jw2019 jw2019
I find it a huge challenge and a huge privilege to speak to our youth.
Teimlaf fod siarad â'n pobl ifanc yn her enfawr ac yn fraint enfawr.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
However , every captial city has responsibilities that come with privileges
Fodd bynnag , mae gan bob prifddinas gyfrifoldebau a ddaw yn sgîl y breintiauenglishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw englishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw
That is one of the privileges of opposition that is not conferred upon us in Government.
Mae hynny'n un o'r breintiau sydd gan y gwrthbleidiau nas rhoddir i ni fel Llywodraeth.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Like Moses, are we not pleased when others receive privileges that might otherwise have come to us?
Fel Moses, onid ydyn ninnau’n hapus pan fydd eraill yn derbyn breintiau a fyddai wedi gallu dod i ni?jw2019 jw2019
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