quarter of an hour oor Wallies

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Despite my fondness for literature , you have had a quarter of an hour to speak
Er gwaethaf fy hoffter o lenyddiaeth , yr ydych wedi cael chwarter awr i siaradenglishtainment-tm-fcX3T6IM englishtainment-tm-fcX3T6IM
The general belief is that quarter of an hour is not enough to be effective
Dywed pawb nad yw chwarter awr yn ddigon i fod yn effeithiolenglishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM englishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM
That is a classic case of what I was saying earlier, some three quarters of an hour ago.
Dyna enghraifft glasurol o'r hyn yr oeddwn yn ei ddweud yn gynharach, ryw dri chwarter awr yn ôl.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
and Holyhead a quarter of an hour later
ac i Gaergybi chwarter awr yn ddiweddarachenglishtainment-tm-mGlETbh5 englishtainment-tm-mGlETbh5
Cynog Dafis : I hope my comments will not last longer than a quarter of an hour
Cynog Dafis : Gobeithiaf na fydd fy sylwadau yn parhau am fwy na chwarter awrenglishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa englishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa
Is the Secretary for Post-16 Education and Training getting another quarter of an hour to wind up ?
A gaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Addysg a Hyfforddiant Ôl-16 chwarter awr arall i ddirwyn i ben ?englishtainment-tm-I6bvByKy englishtainment-tm-I6bvByKy
In general , it enables about a quarter of an hour a week of instrument tuition
Yn gyffredinol , mae'n galluogi tua chwarter awr yr wythnos o hyfforddiant offerynnolenglishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM englishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM
One cannot possibly give a comprehensive rundown of the health problems in Bro Taf in quarter of an hour
Ni allai neb roi dadansoddiad cynhwysfawr o'r problemau iechyd ym Mro Taf mewn chwarter awrenglishtainment-tm-I6bvByKy englishtainment-tm-I6bvByKy
The Deputy Presiding Officer : Before we continue , I want to say that this statement took about three-quarters of an hour
Y Dirprwy Lywydd : Cyn inni barhau , hoffwn ddweud bod y datganiad hwn wedi cymryd tua thri chwarter awrenglishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT englishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT
Owen John Thomas : I will speak for about quarter of an hour and I have received requests to speak from Jenny Randerson , David Melding and Sue Essex
Owen John Thomas : Byddaf yn siarad am ryw chwarter awr , ac yr wyf wedi derbyn cynigion oddi wrth Jenny Randerson , David Melding a Sue Essex i siaradenglishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa englishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa
We owe the Conservative group a quarter of an hour and I am keen that they do not lose any more time , and that we might add some time if possible
Mae arnom chwarter awr i'r grwp Ceidwadol ac yr wyf yn awyddus nad ydynt yn colli rhagor o amser , a bod modd inni ychwanegu amser os yn bosiblenglishtainment-tm-O7lzuTo4 englishtainment-tm-O7lzuTo4
It is right that you and the Executive understand how important it is that ordinary Members can stand here for a quarter of an hour , or however long , and make a speech
Mae'n briodol eich bod chi a'r Weithrediaeth yn deall pa mor bwysig yw i Aelodau cyffredin sefyll yn y fan hon am chwarter awr , neu ba mor hir bynnag , a gwneud araithenglishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG englishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG
I have travelled on the north-south air link, and I fully understand the convenience of the hour or three-quarters of an hour that it sometimes takes to travel north to south.
Yr wyf wedi defnyddio'r cyswllt awyr rhwng y gogledd a'r de, a deallaf yn iawn mor gyfleus yw'r ffaith mai awr neu dri chwarter awr a gymer weithiau i deithio rhwng y gogledd a'r de.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
No matter how much the mother and sister might at that point work on him with small admonitions, for a quarter of an hour he would remain shaking his head slowly, his eyes closed, without standing up.
Ni waeth faint y fam a'i chwaer a allai ar y gwaith ymlaen iddo bach admonitions, am chwarter awr y byddai'n parhau i fod yn ysgwyd ei ben yn araf, ei llygaid ar gau, heb sefyll i fyny.QED QED
I will contact all Members to remind them that , in order to indicate their desire to contribute , they should send a message to seat 01 from quarter of an hour before Plenary is due to start onwards
Cysylltaf â'r Aelodau i gyd i'w hatgoffa y dylent anfon neges at sedd 01 o chwarter awr cyn dechrau'r Cyfarfod Llawn ymlaen er mwyn nodi eu dymuniad i gyfrannuenglishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi englishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi
I will contact all Members to remind them that , in order to indicate their desire to contribute , they should send a message to seat 01 from a quarter of an hour before Plenary is due to start onwards
Cysylltaf â'r Aelodau i gyd i'w hatgoffa y dylent anfon neges at sedd 01 o chwarter awr cyn dechrau'r Cyfarfod Llawn ymlaen er mwyn nodi eu dymuniad i gyfrannuenglishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi englishtainment-tm-oy6ewzvi
He will make his statement in less than three-quarters of an hour and therefore there is no point in trying to anticipate his comments when you can watch the statement on the television , if you are given permission to leave the Chamber
Bydd yn gwneud ei ddatganiad mewn llai na thri chwarter awr ac nid oes pwrpas felly ceisio rhagweld ei sylwadau pan allwch wylio'r datganiad ar y teledu , os y cewch ganiatâd i adael y Siambrenglishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM englishtainment-tm-ud3TPyOM
I never ceased to be amazed by the size of the audiences that we would get for the North Wales Regional Committee and for the scrutiny session of three-quarters of an hour, or an hour, or whatever for members of the public.
Byddwn yn synnu'n gyson at faint y gynulleidfa ym Mhwyllgor Rhanbarth y Gogledd ac yn y sesiwn graffu am dri chwarter awr, neu awr, neu beth bynnag y bo i aelodau'r cyhoedd.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We request a report every time there is any possible error in the voting because , like you , First Minister , I am not keen to return to the days of traipsing through lobbies , wasting a quarter of an hour each time we vote
Ceisiwn adroddiad bob tro ar unrhyw amryfusedd posibl ynglyn â phleidleisio gan nad ydwyf yn awyddus , fel chithau , Brif Weinidog , i ddychwelyd i'r dyddiau o fynd drwy lobïau , gan wastraffu chwarter awr bob tro yr ydym yn pleidleisioenglishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN englishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN
As I said not quarter of an hour ago, the finance director of the Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust stated, when speaking on behalf of the directors from across Wales, that as much as £1 billion could be saved annually in the health service.
Fel y dywedais dim ond chwarter awr yn ôl, dywedodd pennaeth cyllid Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Caerdydd a'r Fro, gan siarad ar ran y penaethiaid drwy Gymru gyfan, y gellid arbed cymaint ag £1 biliwn yn flynyddol yn y gwasanaeth iechyd.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I would like to remind you of the important event taking place outside the Chamber within the next quarter of an hour , namely to receive the artwork presented to the Assembly by the Post Office following the designing of the definitive stamps for Wales
Hoffwn eich atgoffa bod digwyddiad pwysig oddi allan y Siambr yn y chwarter awr nesaf , sef derbyn gwaith celfyddyd a gyflwynwyd i'r Cynulliad gan Swyddfa'r Post yn dilyn dyluniad y stampiau diffiniol ar gyfer Cymruenglishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa englishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa
1 .10A Any Member , other than a member of the Assembly Cabinet , may , at the request of the Presiding Officer or Deputy , when either is occupying the Chair , act as temporary chair of a Plenary meeting of the Assembly for not more than a quarter of an hour on any one occasion , but a temporary chair shall not exercise any of the powers of the Presiding Officer or Deputy except those necessary to maintain order in Plenary meetings
1 .10A Gall unrhyw Aelod , ac eithrio aelod o Gabinet y Cynulliad , ar gais y Llywydd neu'r Dirprwy Lywydd pan fo'r naill neu'r llall yn y Gadair , ymddwyn fel cadeirydd dros dro mewn Cyfarfod Llawn o'r Cynulliad am ddim mwy na chwarter awr ar unrhyw un achlysur , ond ni fydd cadeirydd dros dro yn arfer unrhyw un o swyddogaethau'r Llywydd neu'r Dirprwy ac eithrio'r rheini sy'n angenrheidiol er mwyn cadw trefn yn y Cyfarfodydd Llawnenglishtainment-tm-O7lzuTo4 englishtainment-tm-O7lzuTo4
After about a quarter of an hour had already gone by, his mother said it would be better if they left the chest of drawers where it was, because, in the first place, it was too heavy: they would not be finished before his father's arrival, and leaving the chest of drawers in the middle of the room would block all Gregor's pathways, but, in the second place, they could not be certain that Gregor would be pleased with the removal of the furniture.
Ar ôl tua chwarter awr wedi mynd yn barod gan, ei fam dywedodd y byddai fod yn well os ydynt yn gadael y cist ddillad lle'r oedd, oherwydd, yn y lle cyntaf, ei bod yn rhy drwm: na fyddent yn gorffen cyn cyrraedd ei dad, a gadael y cist ddillad yn y canol Byddai yr ystafell bloc holl lwybrau Gregor, ond, yn yr ail le, maent yn ni allai fod yn sicr y byddai Gregor yn falch o gael gwared ar y dodrefn.QED QED
BENVOLlO An I were so apt to quarrel as thou art, any man should buy the fee simple of my life for an hour and a quarter.
BENVOLIO Mae wyf mor dueddol i ffrae fel tithau, dylai unrhyw ddyn brynu y ffi syml o fy mywyd am awr a chwarter.QED QED
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