registered setting oor Wallies

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registered setting
Beth i' w Ail-osodenglishtainment-tm-9PtRNASl englishtainment-tm-9PtRNASl
registered setting
Glanhau' r côdlangbot langbot
I am also pleased that the new losses and special payments register , set up by Jane Hutt and the Assembly , will allow solutions to be targeted more accurately
Dogfen Hyfforddwr GeirfaCommentenglishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X englishtainment-tm-Lrs2Xc5X
The council will set up a register of those working in the sector and set the entry requirements for that register
Dyma' r amser bu' r dasg yn rhedeg yn ystod y sesiwn ymaenglishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm englishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm
The Assembly has led the way in banning smacking in registered day care settings , and in its emphasis on the value of play
Creu Plygellenglishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw englishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw
Your parental control settings prevent you from registering.
Gweld y Ffeilenglishtainment-tm-hzP5d9je englishtainment-tm-hzP5d9je
This includes the set of delivery outcomes for registered social landlords, which I launched recently with Community Housing Cymru.
Gwrthod CysylltiadEnglishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It is a matter of balance , and we must balance the availability of information that is important for our health and wellbeing -- which is why these registers have been set up -- against the fear of terrorism and the fear that this information will get into the hands of terrorists
Wel, mae gwynt teg wedi chwythu hyd yn hyn, ond ni fyddai' r gêm yn llawer o hwyl heb elynion. Maent hwythau ar ôl yr aur, ond yn waeth fyth, maent ar eich ôl chi! Byddwch yn marw os y llwyddent eich dal, ond efallai bydd ganddoch ambell fywyd ar ôl ac yn gallu dechrau eto. Gallwch oresgyn gelynion drwy redeg i ffwrdd, palu twll, neu eu denu i ardal o' r maes lle ni allent ddianc. Os byddai gelyn yn syrthio i mewn i dwll, bydd yn gollwng unrhyw aur y mae' n ei gario, yna' n aros yn y twll am ychydig cyn dringo allan. Os bydd y twll yn cau tra ei fod ynddo, bydd yn marw ac yn ailymddangos yn rhywle arall ar y maes. Gallwch ladd gelynion yn fwriadol drwy balu sawl twll yn olynol. Yn bwysicach fyth, gallwch redeg ar draws ben gelyn. Fe fydd yn rhaid i chi wneud hyn ar ddechrau' r lefel yma. Palwch dwll, arhoswch i' r gelyn syrthio i mewn, yna rhedwch drosto cyn i' r llall ddal i fyny â chienglishtainment-tm-P3zj5tFf englishtainment-tm-P3zj5tFf
Brian Hancock : I welcome the Care Standards Act 2000 , as it will enable the National Assembly to register social care environments and set new standards for the physical care environment
& Disgleirdebenglishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm englishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm
The Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales has stated that it expects all registered play settings to meet the minimum national standards of having staff with appropriate qualifications by 2011. How do you, therefore, respond to a concern expressed by North East Wales Play Forum regarding the future of training delivered by Play Wales, which has been unsuccessful to date in securing further funding through European convergence funding to continue with the implementation and management of that training?
YmresymiadEnglishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
One problem is that several years ago the Government was moving towards setting up a register of brown-field sites so that we were aware of the situation and any problems
Lliw' r cefndirenglishtainment-tm-wTou7kgT englishtainment-tm-wTou7kgT
In Wales , rent setting policy is a matter for individual registered social landlords in accordance with our guidelines
Dangos Trywyddauenglishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY englishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY
The introduction of this new policy , with effect from 3 December , will mean that the NHS will be responsible for the provision of nursing care by a registered nurse in all settings , and will bring a substantial benefit to those paying for their own care
Cerdded Drwy Benbyrddau (Am yn ôlenglishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d englishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d
He would like the Welsh Government to be able to set and enforce standards to regulate his registered social landlord more effectively.
Ail-ddechrauEnglishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The Care and Social Services Inspectorate for Wales annual report for 2007-08, published today, shows that there are 1,035 registered child-minding and day-care settings providing 16,055 childcare places in South Wales Central.
CyffredinolEnglishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
` Betterwales .com ' set out the Assembly's commitment to improving the process of registering and inspecting social and independent healthcare services
Gêmau Bwrdd tebyg i Monopoly®Nameenglishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm englishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm
We were also delighted to form a partnership with the Betsi Cadwaladr University Local Health Board on a project looking at the feasibility of setting up a database or register for autism across north Wales.
Nifer setiau fframiau fformiwlaEnglishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I emphasise that child protection will be at the centre of these standards and that smacking will not be allowed by any registered childminder or in any other day-care setting
& Cyfyngu pob Trywyddenglishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY englishtainment-tm-IAEsU7uY
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Cychwyn y & golygydd allanol yn ymysgogolenglishtainment-tm-RlZPduwG englishtainment-tm-RlZPduwG
We are content with the arrangements for the setting of standards, which registered social landlords will be required to meet under section 35, provided that guidance in relation to those standards is issued under section 36 and that the consultation required under section 37 is conducted before standards are set.
Defnyddio chwarae digidol uniongyrcholEnglishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
You refer to the partnership with Betsi Cadwaladr University Local Health Board regarding a feasibility project to set up a database or register for autism in north Wales, and in 18 months we will be looking closely at the results.
Dangos Amserau & LarwmEnglishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
At present in these settings , that person must have a level 3 qualification or be registered to train for such an award
Gwall wrth nà ́l y rhestr argraffyddionenglishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN englishtainment-tm-XGkieqDN
Janet Ryder : If an authority decides to transfer its stock and to set up a new registered social landlord in an area where there are existing registered social landlords , how will you ensure a level playing field so that all landlords have equal access to being able to build new houses , and one group is not favoured above another ?
Disgrifiadauenglishtainment-tm-C8nrWo8C englishtainment-tm-C8nrWo8C
However, if schools register with English examination boards, and follow the syllabus and examinations set by those boards, to what extent is that likely to undermine any development in terms of the Cwricwlwm Cymreig?
picseli/modfeddEnglishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Obviously, we could not have those youngsters moving around different learning settings to access wider choice, but if youngsters with special needs are registered in mainstream schools, then the whole Measure will apply to them.
Cuddio LlwybrEnglishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
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