repetitions oor Wallies


Plural form of repetition.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies





Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

counter repetition
repetitive strain injury
anaf straen ailadroddus
recital; repetition
intent, extent, severity, permanence and repetition
pa mor fwriadol, mawr, difrifol, parhaol ac ailadroddus
1st repetition
y tro 1af
Ailadrodd (barddoniaeth) · ailadrodd · ailadroddiad · dadgan · mynychiad
digit repetition test
prawf ailadrodd rhifau
One-repetition maximum
Uchafswm un rep


Advanced filtering
repetition breach
tramgwydd ailadroddusenglishtainment-tm-4VhuraYB englishtainment-tm-4VhuraYB
However , as it is controllable under Standing Orders , I will not allow time wasting in the Assembly through repetition of points which are clearly intended to prevent the progress of business and that have a party political nature
Fodd bynnag , gan fod modd ei reoli o dan y Rheolau Sefydlog , ni chaniatâf wastraffu amser yn y Cynulliad drwy ailadrodd pwyntiau a fwriedir yn amlwg i atal cynnydd busnes ac sydd o natur plaid wleidyddolenglishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8 englishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8
negligent repetition breach
tramgwydd esgeulustod ailadroddusenglishtainment-tm-4VhuraYB englishtainment-tm-4VhuraYB
Repetition (rhetorical device)
Ailadrodd (barddoniaeth)langbot langbot
Employers should perhaps ensure that physiotherapists carry out risk assessments on employees at their workstations to ensure that they do not suffer from stress-related illnesses or repetitive stress syndrome
Dylai cyflogwyr sicrhau efallai bod ffisiotherapyddion yn cynnal asesiadau risg ar gyflogeion wrth eu gweithfannau er mwyn sicrhau nad ydynt yn dioddef o afiechydon sy'n gysylltiedig â straen neu syndrom straen ailadroddolenglishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d englishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d
Do we want the UK Government to keep interfering ? The least it should do is to keep away from such controversial projects so as to prevent the repetition of past mistakes
A ydym am i Lywodraeth y DU ddal i ymyrryd ? Y peth lleiaf y dylai ei wneud yw cadw draw oddi wrth brosiectau mor ddadleuol fel nad ailadroddir camgymeriadau'r gorffennolenglishtainment-tm-Y3NcC2Fj englishtainment-tm-Y3NcC2Fj
The Counsel General has described the process of transferring legislative powers through LCOs to the Assembly as repetitive and expensive, costing £2 million a year.
Mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi disgrifio'r broses o drosglwyddo pwerau deddfwriaethol drwy gyfrwng LCOs i'r Cynulliad fel proses ailadroddus a drud sy'n costio £2 filiwn y flwyddyn.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
People are aware of major problems with eye damage and repetitive strain injury from sitting for excessively long periods in front of screens and in chairs that are not ergonomic
Mae pobl yn ymwybodol o broblemau mawr gyda niwed i'r llygaid ac anaf straen ailadroddus wrth eistedd am gyfnodau rhy hir o flaen sgrin ac mewn cadeiriau anergonomaiddenglishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp englishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp
It is time to replace old bureaucratic practices of verbosity , confusion and repetition with clarity and -- dare I say it -- transparency in the form of a coherent and concise presentation of the facts
Mae'n bryd disodli hen ymarferiadau biwrocrataidd o eiriogrwydd , dryswch ac ailadrodd a rhoi eglurder yn eu lle a -- mentraf ddweud -- tryloywder ar ffurf cyflwyniad cydlynol a chryno o'r ffeithiauenglishtainment-tm-oOpftn6G englishtainment-tm-oOpftn6G
Most of the other points are repetitive , vague , and aspirational
Mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r pwyntiau eraill yn ailadroddus , yn annelwig ac yn llawn dyheadenglishtainment-tm-8Qf0eLCh englishtainment-tm-8Qf0eLCh
Enter the number of months between repetitions of the alarm
Rhowch y nifer o fisoedd rhwng ailadroddion y larwmKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Alarm Sub-Repetition
Ffurfwedd LarwmKDE40.1 KDE40.1
intentional repetition breach
tramgwydd bwriadol ailadroddusenglishtainment-tm-4VhuraYB englishtainment-tm-4VhuraYB
As I have said on numerous occasions—I am beginning to sound rather monotonous and repetitive—it is a tough settlement, but, nevertheless, I do not believe that it is much tougher for local government than it is for the rest of the public sector.
Fel y dywedais droeon—yr wyf yn swnio'n eithaf undonog ac ailadroddus—mae'n setliad anodd, ond, serch hynny, ni chredaf ei fod yn anoddach i lywodraeth leol nag y mae i weddill y sector cyhoeddus.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Despite knowledge of longstanding, repetitive, failures, the Abattoir was allowed to continue functioning in breach of legislative requirements.
Er gwaethaf y wybodaeth a oedd ar gael am fethiannau'r lladd-dy dro ar ôl tro dros gyfnod maith, caniatawyd iddo barhau i weithredu gan fynd yn groes i ofynion deddfwriaethol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
In comparison to other Objective 1 areas , we are ahead of the field , despite the constant repetition of this claim that it is a disaster area or chaos or whatever Alun Cairns feels like saying it is on any particular day
O gymharu â meysydd Amcan 1 eraill , yr ydym ar y blaen , er gwaethaf yr honiad byth a beunydd ei fod yn draed moch neu'n drychineb neu beth bynnag y mae awydd ar Alun Cairns ei alw ar unrhyw ddiwrnod penodolenglishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8 englishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8
repetition breach
tramgwydd ailadroddus ( / )langbot langbot
However , do you think that the Assembly's rights in the memorandum could be strengthened to avoid a repetition of problems that we , and members of your Cabinet , have experienced with Whitehall departments ?
Fodd bynnag , a gredwch y gellid atgyfnerthu hawliau'r Cynulliad yn y memorandwm er mwyn sicrhau na fydd y problemau yr ydym ni , ac aelodau o'ch Cabinet wedi eu cael gydag adrannau Whitehall yn digwydd eto ?englishtainment-tm-rQkFBCLC englishtainment-tm-rQkFBCLC
Clearly, repetition is necessary in your case.
Yn amlwg, mae angen imi ailadrodd ar eich cyfer.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
ailadroddiadlangbot langbot
There is no such thing as proof -- it is a matter of judgment in the end -- but a decision cannot be based on the constant repetition of the assertion that without this grant a company will disappear , and that with this grant the company will stay or grow
Nid yw'r fath beth â phrawf yn bodoli -- mater o farnu ydyw yn y diwedd -- ond ni ellir gwneud penderfyniad drwy ailadrodd yr haeriad drosodd a throsodd y bydd y cwmni hwn yn diflannu heb y grant , a chyda'r grant hwn y bydd y cwmni yn aros ac yn tyfuenglishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK englishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK
Cannot defer past the alarm 's next sub-repetition (currently %
Methu gohirio tu hwnt i atgof nesaf y larwm (% # yn gyfredol) This refers to recurrences set up using the Recurrence tabKDE40.1 KDE40.1
We all want to ensure that Stuart Cunningham-Jones's death is not in vain , and that it results in improved procedures that will prevent a repetition of that dreadful accident
Yr ydym i gyd am sicrhau na fydd marwolaeth Stuart Cunningham-Jones yn ofer , ac y bydd yn arwain at well gweithdrefnau a fydd yn atal damwain ofnadwy o'r fath rhag digwydd etoenglishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD englishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD
Glyn Davies : That was a repetition of what you said in Committee , and I have some sympathy with regard to the position you are in
Glyn Davies : Yr ydych wedi ailadrodd yr hyn a ddywedasoch yn y Pwyllgor , ac mae gennyf rywfaint o gydymdeimlad gyda'ch sefyllfaenglishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD englishtainment-tm-BI4xlhUD
Therefore , we are still reviewing what we need for medium-term and long-term action to try to avert a repetition of the flooding disaster
Felly , yr ydym wrthi o hyd yn adolygu'r hyn sydd ei angen ar gyfer camau gweithredu tymor canolig a thymor hir er mwyn ceisio osgoi ailadrodd y drychineb llifogyddenglishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT englishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT
115 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.