sensible, feeling oor Wallies

sensible, feeling

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feeling, preception: a. sensible; concerned; amazed
feel; be sensible
feel, be sensible


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a. sensible, feeling
teimladwylangbot langbot
There were his fine sensibilities, his fine feelings, his fine longings -- a sort of sublimated, idealised selfishness.
Roedd ei synwyrusrwydd gain, ei deimladau dirwy, ei gobeithion dirwy - rhyw fath o sublimated, hunanoldeb delfrydol.QED QED
n. feeling, preception: a. sensible; concerned; amazed
synlangbot langbot
v. to feel, to be sensible
teimlolangbot langbot
v. to feel; to be sensible
syniolangbot langbot
Therefore , three or four years after legislation , we can introduce sensible improvements to make members feel that theirs is a valuable job , to ensure that they are trained to do it , and to ensure that their views are listened to substantially
Felly , dair neu bedair blynedd ar ôl gwneud y ddeddf , gallwn gyflwyno gwelliannau synhwyrol i beri i aelodau deimlo bod eu gwaith yn werthfawr , i sicrhau eu bod wedi'u hyfforddi i'w wneud , ac i sicrhau gwrandawiad astud i'w barnenglishtainment-tm-8zrr14Kv englishtainment-tm-8zrr14Kv
It is sensible to do that , but I understand why people might have strong feelings about it
Synhwyrol yw gwneud hynny , ond deallaf pam y gallai pobl deimlo'n gryf yn ei gylchenglishtainment-tm-mytVJTAb englishtainment-tm-mytVJTAb
When a potential change of this magnitude is proposed it is sensible first to ensure that people are consulted, and that they feel they have been consulted, and secondly that people understand the principles upon which the proposed changes are based.
Pan gynigir newid posibl mor fawr â hwn, mae'n beth call yn y lle cyntaf sicrhau ein bod wedi ymgynghori â phobl, a'u bod yn teimlo ein bod wedi ymgynghori â hwy, ac yn ail, fod pobl yn deall yr egwyddorion sy'n sail i'r newidiadau a gynigir.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We feel that strengthening the inspection system in this way is sensible and the right way forward , particularly in terms of how the regulations will incorporate the use of an observer from the institution that is being inspected under the new arrangements
Teimlwn mai cryfhau'r system arolygu fel hyn yw'r ffordd iawn a synhwyrol ymlaen , yn enwedig o ran y modd y bydd y rheoliadau'n cynnwys defnyddio sylwebydd o'r sefydliad a arolygir dan y trefniadau newyddenglishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19 englishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19
Helen Mary Jones : Do you agree that the pressures on the Welsh budget to meet all those needs argues the case strongly for a needs-based formula to replace the Barnett formula ? Will you undertake to press for such a formula regardless of the views of your Scottish colleagues ? You may be bored with this question , First Minister , but we will continue to ask it until we feel that we have been given a sensible answer
Helen Mary Jones : A gytunwch fod y pwysau ar gyllideb Cymru i fodloni'r holl anghenion hynny yn dadlau'n gryf dros fformwla sydd yn seiliedig ar anghenion i gymryd lle fformwla Barnett ? A wnewch chi gytuno i bwyso am fformwla o'r fath waeth beth fo safbwyntiau eich cyd-Aelodau yn yr Alban ? Efallai eich bod wedi diflasu ar y cwestiwn hwn , Brif Weinidog , ond parhawn i'w ofyn hyd nes y teimlwn ein bod wedi cael ateb synhwyrolenglishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui englishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui
Will you take this opportunity to confirm that , if a school is able to deliver the national curriculum , it should not be closed ? There is widespread feeling that although some local authorities are applying the policy sensibly -- Powys local authority for example -- others such as Pembrokeshire local authority in relation to Moylgrove primary school , take an axe to rural schools
A wnewch fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn i gadarnhau na ddylid cau ysgol os yw'n gallu darparu'r cwricwlwm cenedlaethol ? Mae teimlad cyffredinol bod rhai awdurdodau lleol yn cymhwyso'r polisi'n synhwyrol -- awdurdod lleol Powys , er enghraifft -- ond bod eraill fel awdurdod lleol sir Benfro , mewn cysylltiad ag ysgol gynradd Trewyddel , yn torri ar ysgolion gwledigenglishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw englishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw
Parents may feel a great deal of pressure as a result of advertising to spend more than is sensible , particularly over the Christmas period , not only on presents for children but on all the other trappings of the festive period
Gall rhieni deimlo eu bod o dan bwysau sylweddol o ganlyniad i hysbysebion i orwario , yn arbennig dros gyfnod y Nadolig , nid yn unig ar anrhegion i blant ond ar yr holl bethau eraill sy'n gysylltiedig â chyfnod yr wylenglishtainment-tm-ORSVdjEB englishtainment-tm-ORSVdjEB
Many of the decisions taken, and many of the views that have been expressed, at the council meetings that I have attended have been among the most sensible to come forward, because it is done in such a relaxed and informal manner; people feel that they can volunteer to participate in local democracy.
Mae llawer o'r penderfyniadau a wneir, a llawer o'r safbwyntiau sydd wedi eu mynegi, yn y cyfarfodydd cyngor y bûm i iddynt, ymysg y mwyaf synhwyrol i ddod gerbron, oherwydd gwneir hyn mewn ffordd mor hwylus ac anffurfiol; mae pobl yn teimlo y gallant wirfoddoli i gymryd rhan mewn democratiaeth leol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It is a sensible option , but I want to consider other options , because I would like to find a vehicle that involves all Members so that everyone feels that they are involved , because that is important
Mae'n ddewis synhwyrol , ond yr wyf am ystyried dewisiadau eraill , oherwydd hoffwn ddod o hyd i gyfrwng sydd yn cynnwys pob Aelod fel bod pawb yn teimlo eu bod yn cael eu cynnwys , am fod hynny'n bwysigenglishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8 englishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8
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