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Christine Gwyther : It is incumbent upon any regime to ensure that the househusband or housewife , who is out buying the weekly shop , knows what he or she is buying
Christine Gwyther : Mae'n rheidrwydd ar unrhyw drefn i sicrhau fod gwr y ty neu'r wraig ty , sydd allan yn gwneud y siopa wythnosol , yn gwybod beth mae'n ei brynuenglishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa englishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa
Freedom food is a means of labelling that enables the purchaser to know what he or she is buying and that the meat has been reared in a welfare-friendly way
Mae bwyd rhyddid yn fodd o labelu sydd yn galluogi'r prynwr i wybod beth y mae'n ei brynu a bod y cig wedi'i fagu mewn modd sydd yn gofalu am les yr anifailenglishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa englishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa
This is not the time to say, 'He is suffering, she is suffering, or companies are suffering'; the Bank of England is trying to buy quality debts back to increase liquidity.
Nid dyma'r amser i ddweud, 'Mae e'n dioddef, mae hi'n dioddef, neu mae cwmnïau'n dioddef'; mae Banc Lloegr yn ceisio prynu dyledion o ansawdd yn ôl i gynyddu hylifedd.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
She is a farmer's wife who was quite concerned that she was buying meat that was supposed to be from Wales or England but , actually , when she looked in detail -- and I wrote to the Minister about this matter at the time , as I was fairly new to the Assembly -- she found that it was actually from Ireland
Gwraig i ffermwr ydyw a oedd yn eithaf pryderus gan ei bod wedi prynu cig y tybiai ei fod yn deillio o Gymru neu Loegr ond , mewn gwirionedd , pan edrychodd yn fanwl -- ac ysgrifennais at y Gweinidog am y mater hwn ar y pryd , gan mai newydd ddod i'r Cynulliad yr oeddwn -- gwelodd ei fod yn deillio o Iwerddonenglishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS englishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS
Perhaps, in her response, she can address this issue and tell us what evidence is available to prove that suspending the right to buy will result in more affordable housing.
Efallai y bydd yn gallu rhoi sylw i'r mater hwn yn ei hymateb a dweud wrthym ba dystiolaeth sydd ar gael i ddangos y bydd atal yr hawl i brynu'n rhoi mwy o dai fforddiadwy .Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Because of the costs that she is forced to pay , Sue Auld has found herself reducing her dosage of medication over recent years and postponing buying her prescriptions to make ends meet
Oherwydd y costau y mae'n gorfod eu talu , mae Sue Auld wedi cael ei bod yn lleihau ei dognau o feddyginiaeth dros y blynyddoedd diweddar ac yn gohirio prynu ei phresgripsiynau er mwyn cael deupen llinyn ynghydenglishtainment-tm-5YbdggP1 englishtainment-tm-5YbdggP1
It is about the pensioner's right to go to the Spar shop at 9 pm to buy the tin of baked beans that he or she has forgotten or whatever without feeling threatened by a gang of youths sitting on a low wall outside the shop.
Mae a wnelo â hawl y pensiynwr i fynd i'r siop Spar am 9 pm i brynu'r tun ffa pob y mae ef neu hi wedi'i anghofio neu beth bynnag y bo heb deimlo dan fygythiad gan griw o bobl ifanc yn eistedd ar wal isel y tu allan i'r siop.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Will the Minister consider checking , as the consultation process proceeds , the financial projections against the costs of school uniforms ? Will she consider working with LEAs and schools to try to ensure that school uniform costs are kept to a minimum that is consistent with the costs of buying uniforms that are of a decent quality ? Young people raised that issue with Kirsty Williams , Glyn Davies and I
Wrth i'r broses ymgynghori fynd rhagddi , a wnaiff y Gweinidog ystyried gwirio'r rhagamcaniadau ariannol yn erbyn costau gwisgoedd ysgol ? A wnaiff ystyried gweithio gydag AALl ac ysgolion i geisio sicrhau y cedwir costau gwisgoedd ysgol ar y lefel isaf posibl sy'n gyson â chost prynu gwisgoedd sydd o ansawdd derbyniol ? Gwnaeth pobl ifanc godi'r mater hwnnw gyda Kirsty Williams , Glyn Davies a minnauenglishtainment-tm-88906sbd englishtainment-tm-88906sbd
David Davies : Is Christine Gwyther aware that in Ireland , carcasses of stray dogs are fed to poultry and pigs , some of whose meat is imported into this country ? Does she accept that this poses a health risk to consumers in this country ? Will she advise consumers against buying Irish poultry and pig meat ? Will she discuss with the Minister for Agriculture , Fisheries and Food the possibility of a ban on Irish poultry and pig meat coming into this country ?
David Davies : A yw Christine Gwyther yn ymwybodol bod celanedd cwn coll yn cael eu bwydo i ddofednod a moch yn Iwerddon , a bod peth o'r cig hwnnw'n cael ei allforio i'r wlad hon ? A yw'n derbyn bod hyn yn peryglu iechyd defnyddwyr yn y wlad hon ? A wnaiff hi gynghori defnyddwyr i beidio â phrynu dofednod a chig moch o Iwerddon ? A wnaiff hi drafod gyda'r Gweinidog Amaeth , Pysgodfeydd a Bwyd y posibilrwydd o wahardd dofednod a chig moch o Iwerddon rhag dod i'r wlad hon ?englishtainment-tm-GTRoCGg1 englishtainment-tm-GTRoCGg1
We assure the Minister that , if she is prepared to come before us and say , ` I will go away and draw up an action plan that will reform the health service in Wales ' and to set out her programme , we will listen to it , and if we can buy into it , we will do so
Sicrhawn y Gweinidog , os yw'n barod i ddod ger ein bron heddiw a dweud , ` Af oddi yma a pharatoi cynllun gweithredu a fydd yn diwygio'r gwasanaeth iechyd yng Nghymru ', ac i nodi ei rhaglen , y gwnawn wrando arni , ac os gallwn gytuno arni , gwnawn hynnyenglishtainment-tm-2Cd5lgBD englishtainment-tm-2Cd5lgBD
An'he says'Tuppence', an'mother she began fumblin'in her pocket an'she says to me,'Martha, tha's brought me thy wages like a good lass, an'I've got four places to put every penny, but I'm just goin'to take tuppence out of it to buy that child a skippin'- rope,'an'she bought one an'here it is. "
Mae ́meddai ́ dwy geiniog', yn ́ mam dechreuodd fumblin ́yn ei phoced yn ́ meddai i mi, ́Martha, tha wedi dod i mi dy gyflog fel LASS da, yn ́ Mae gen i bedwar lle i roi pob ceiniog, ond Im ́jyst goin ́ i cymryd dwy geiniog allan ohono i brynu bod plentyn skippin'- rhaff, ́yn ́ hi wedi prynu un yn ́fan hyn ydyw.QED QED
David Davies : Does Rosemary Butler agree that if teachers in England have access to more facilities than teachers in Wales , then that is an issue of cross-border relevance ? Does she agree that the fact that teachers in England can access all kinds of favourable grants to buy information technology equipment such as laptops and other computers , which teachers in Wales are not able to access , puts Welsh teachers are at a disadvantage ? Does she agree that the idea of devolution was not to put teachers at a disadvantage but to ensure that , if anything , professionals in Wales were at an advantage ? How will she address this problem ?
David Davies : A yw Rosemary Butler yn cytuno os oes gan athrawon yn Lloegr fynediad i fwy o gyfleusterau nag athrawon yng Nghymru , yna mae hynny'n fater sydd yn berthnasol ar draws ffiniau ? A yw yn cytuno bod y ffaith y gall athrawon yn Lloegr fanteisio ar bob math o grantiau ffafriol i brynu cyfarpar technoleg gwybodaeth megis cyfrifiaduron arffed a chyfrifiaduron eraill , pethau na all athrawon yng Nghymru fanteisio arnynt , yn rhoi athrawon Cymru dan anfantais ? A yw yn cytuno mai syniad datganoli oedd , nid rhoi athrawon dan anfantais ond sicrhau , os rhywbeth , fod pobl broffesiynol yng Nghymru yn ennill mantais ? Sut y bydd hi yn rhoi sylw i'r broblem hon ?englishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK englishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK
Plaid Cymru, the Labour Party and the Welsh Liberal Democrats all included commitments in their 2007 manifestos to suspend the right to buy in areas of high housing pressure, and after almost two years of trying to negotiate this costly and cumbersome system, which is outlined in the Government of Wales Act 2006, the Deputy Minister for Housing has finally managed to obtain the powers that she asked for.
Yr oedd Plaid Cymru, y Blaid Lafur a Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru i gyd wedi cynnwys ymrwymiadau yn eu maniffestos yn 2007 i atal yr hawl i brynu mewn ardaloedd lle y mae pwysau mawr ar dai, ac ar ôl bron ddwy flynedd o geisio mynd drwy'r system gostus a thrafferthus hon, a amlinellwyd yn Neddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006, mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog dros Dai wedi llwyddo o'r diwedd i gael y pwerau y gofynnodd amdanynt.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
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