steepness oor Wallies


(uncountable) The state or quality of being steep.

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Soortgelyke frases

steep; slabber
steeping, small beer, washbrew, gruel, flummny
steepness; obscenity
extremely steep
flat aspect; side of the head; the steep or shelving of a
bread steeped
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steep climb
steep cliff


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Then, politics became the available tool of every person, providing that they were not female, black, gay, too young, or, indeed, anything other than a white man steeped in politics and the power of politics—whether from a union or landowning perspective, or the many shades in between.
Yna, rhoddwyd arf gwleidyddiaeth yn nwylo pob unigolyn, ar yr amod nad oedd yn fenyw, yn ddu, yn hoyw, yn rhy ifanc, neu, yn wir, yn unrhyw beth ac eithrio'n dyn gwyn a oedd wedi'i drwytho mewn gwleidyddiaeth a'i phŵer—boed hwnnw cynrychioli buddiannau'r undebau ynteu'r tirfeddianwyr, ynteu'r llu o liwiau rhyngddynt.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It has been a steep learning curve for me today in proposing the Liberal Democrat amendments.
Bu cynnig gwelliannau'r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol heddiw yn broses ddysgu fawr i mi.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Little Steeping
Little Steepinglangbot langbot
verse "4" And the mountains shall be melted under him, and the valleys shall be cleft, as wax before the fire, as waters that are poured down a steep place.
adnod "4" Y mae'r mynyddoedd yn toddi dano, a'r dyffrynnoedd yn hollti'n agored, fel cwyr o flaen tn, fel dyfroedd wedi eu tywallt ar oriwaered.langbot langbot
The route also took us down a steep hill, which would make it extremely difficult for older people to walk it.
Yr oedd y ffordd hefyd yn mynd â ni i lawr rhiw serth, a fyddai'n ei gwneud yn anodd iawn i bobl hŷn gerdded arni.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
steep slope
llethr serthlangbot langbot
n. a pale, a wainscot; the steep of a rock
palislangbot langbot
I am sure that committee members and others who were involved in the scrutiny of the proposed Order will agree that it was a steep learning curve.
Yr wyf yn siŵr bod aelodau'r pwyllgor a phobl eraill a fu'n ymwneud â chraffu ar y Gorchymyn arfaethedig yn cytuno inni orfod dysgu llawer mewn cyfnod byr.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
(v.) steep, saturate, permeate, pervade, infuse, imbue, decoct, impregnate
trwytho [trwyth-]langbot langbot
n. steepings, washings
sicionlangbot langbot
I would challenge Post Office Ltd on whether it has considered all of the factors in coming to this decision, as Perthcelyn is situated at the top of a very steep hill, and walking to the nearest branch would be extremely difficult for many residents.
Byddwn yn herio Swyddfa'r Post Cyf ynghylch a yw wedi ystyried yr holl ffactorau wrth ddod i'r penderfyniad hwn, gan fod Perthcelyn ar ben bryn serth iawn, a byddai llawer o breswylwyr yn ei chael yn anodd iawn cerdded i'r gangen agosaf.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
(v.) mwydo [mwyd-], rhoi yng ngwlych, trwytho [trwyth-]langbot langbot
However , do you agree that the revenue support grant comprises a large proportion of local government funding ? With only a 2 .4 per cent indicative increase for local government next year , are you not consigning your colleagues in local government to oblivion ? Many councils will have to resort to steep increases in council tax to maintain the levels of service to which people have become accustomed
Fodd bynnag , a gytunwch fod y grant cynnal refeniw yn gyfran fawr o gyllid llywodraeth leol ? Gan mai dim ond 2 .4 y cant yw'r cynnydd dynodol i lywodraeth leol y flwyddyn nesaf , onid ydych yn bwrw eich cyd-aelodau mewn llywodraeth leol i ebargofiant ? Bydd llawer o gynghorau'n gorfod cynyddu'r dreth gyngor yn sylweddol er mwyn cadw'r lefelau o wasanaeth y mae pobl wedi ymgyfarwyddo â hwyenglishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK englishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK
n. bread steeped in broth or pot liquor
bryweslangbot langbot
Steeplangbot langbot
n. a steep, a hanging
dibynlangbot langbot
a. extremely steep
traserthlangbot langbot
n. steepness
serthiantlangbot langbot
The incline to the new development is fairly steep and takes your breath away, but what takes away the breath of people who live below it is the fact whenever it rains—it does not have to be particularly heavy rain—they are affected by water cascading down as a consequence of all the additional hard surfaces.
Mae'r llethr sy'n arwain at y datblygiad newydd yn eithaf serth ac mae'n gwneud ichi golli'ch gwynt.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
What is the reason for that steep rise, and what is the Government doing about those worrying figures?
Beth yw'r rheswm dros y cynnydd mawr hwnnw, a beth y mae'r Llywodraeth yn ei wneud ynglŷn â'r ffigurau hynny sy'n destun gofid?Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The West Monmouthshire Golf Club overlooks the town of Tredegar that, despite having developed only over the past 200 or so years, is steeped in history.
Mae Clwb Golff Gorllewin Sir Fynwy yn edrych dros dref Tredegar.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Gibbons had heard nothing of the morning's occurrences, but the phenomenon was so striking and disturbing that his philosophical tranquillity vanished; he got up hastily, and hurried down the steepness of the hill towards the village, as fast as he could go.
Gibbons wedi clywed unrhyw beth o ddigwyddiadau yn y bore, ond y ffenomenon mor trawiadol a aflonyddu fod ei llonyddwch athronyddol diflannu; cafodd i fyny ar frys, ac yn brysio i lawr y serthrwydd yr allt tuag at y pentref, mor gyflym ag y gallai fynd.QED QED
mwydolangbot langbot
Richard Edwards : I represent the constituency of Preseli Pembrokeshire , notable for a steep decline in economic prosperity over 18 years of Mr Richards ' Government
Richard Edwards : Yr wyf yn cynrychioli etholaeth Preseli Sir Benfro , sydd yn nodedig oherwydd dirywiad cyflym yn ei ffyniant economaidd dros 18 mlynedd o Lywodraeth Mr Richardsenglishtainment-tm-GTRoCGg1 englishtainment-tm-GTRoCGg1
We cannot create mountains that are too steep to clim ; objectives must , therefore , be realistic
Ni allwn greu mynyddoedd rhy serth i'w dring ; rhaid , felly , i'r amcanion fod yn realistigenglishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp englishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp
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