sunlight oor Wallies


/ˈsʌnlaɪt/ naamwoord
All the electromagnetic radiation given off by the sun, especially that in the visible spectrum that bathes the earth.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies

golau haul


golau'r haul


goleuni'r haul



electromagnetic radiation given off by the sun

Geskatte vertalings

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Soortgelyke frases

in direct sunlight
yn llygad yr haul


Advanced filtering
I saw it in sunlight over the lake and it took my breath away
Fe'i gwelais yng ngolau'r haul dros y llyn ac fe'm syfrdanwyd ganddoenglishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm englishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm
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With the Arctic covered by ice , most sunlight near the north pole is reflected back into space but once the icecap disappears that sunlight will be absorbed into an ocean that will heat up further
Gyda'r Arctig dan orchudd o rew , mae'r rhan fwyaf o olau'r haul ym mhegwn y gogledd yn cael ei adlewyrchu yn ôl i'r gofod ond unwaith y diflanna'r capan rhew caiff golau'r haul ei sugno i mewn i'r cefnfor a bydd hwnnw yn cynhesu ymhellachenglishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK englishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK
It is very well to talk about the sunlight over the lake and bringing sandwiches and a flask to the site
Mae'n iawn siarad am yr haul yn disgleirio ar y llyn ac am ddod â brechdanau a fflasg i'r safleenglishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm englishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm
goleuni'r haulenglishtainment-tm-4kiMAG9v englishtainment-tm-4kiMAG9v
Issues such as converting sunlight into electricity need to be considered , as has been done by the Economic Development Committee
Mae angen ystyried materion fel troi golau'r haul yn drydan , fel y gwnaethpwyd gan y Pwyllgor Datblygu Economaiddenglishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw englishtainment-tm-WHU8TYbw
But high above the flying scud and dark - rolling clouds, there floated a little isle of sunlight, from which beamed forth an angel's face; and this bright face shed a distinct spot of radiance upon the ship's tossed deck, something like that silver plate now inserted into the Victory's plank where Nelson fell.
Ond yn uchel uwchben y scud hedfan a thywyll- dreigl cymylau, mae arnofio a Ynys ychydig yr haul, y mae thrawstiau allan wyneb angel hwnnw; ac mae hyn yn wynebu llachar sied fan a'r lle amlwg o lewyrch ar y llong dec tossed, rhywbeth fel ́na plât arian fewnosod yn awr yn planc y Victory yn lle syrthiodd Nelson.QED QED
We have signalled our readiness, willingness and determination to participate in ensuring that the disinfectant of sunlight applies to our proceedings and that we continue to operate in the open way in which we do.
Yr ydym wedi nodi ein bod yn barod i gymryd rhan ac yn fodlon, ac yn benderfynol o gymryd rhan i sicrhau bod ein trafodion yn hollol dryloyw a'n bod yn parhau i weithredu yn ein ffordd agored arferol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
That would be sunlight , which is the best disinfectant , as we all know
Byddai hynny'n taflu goleuni ar y mater , sef y peth gorau a allai ddigwyddenglishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d englishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d
(1) In an amazing process called photosynthesis, plants take in the carbon dioxide that we exhale, using it and the energy from sunlight to produce carbohydrates and oxygen.
(1) Mewn proses ryfeddol a elwir yn ffotosynthesis, mae planhigion yn cymryd i mewn y carbon deuocsid rydyn ni yn ei anadlu allan, ac yn defnyddio ynni’r haul i’w droi yn garbohydradau ac ocsigen.jw2019 jw2019
The latest solar technology allows homes to be heated all year round without necessarily any sunlight
Mae'r dechnoleg ynni'r haul ddiweddaraf yn cynnig modd i wresogi cartrefi drwy gydol y flwyddyn heb yr angen am olau'r haulenglishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19 englishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19
golau haullangbot langbot
But roses only bloom in summer; whereas the fine carnation of their cheeks is perennial as sunlight in the seventh heavens.
Ond dim ond rhosod blodeuo yn yr haf, tra bod y carnasiwn ddirwy eu bochau yn lluosflwydd fel golau'r haul yn y nefoedd seithfed.QED QED
We now know that the sharp drops in temperature over the past century were all the result of major volcanoes putting dust and aerosols into the atmosphere , which reduced the sunlight for a couple of years
Gwyddom fod y gostyngiadau amlwg mewn tymheredd dros y ganrif ddiwethaf i gyd i'w priodoli i folcanoau mawr yn rhyddhau llwch ac erosolau i'r atmosffer , gan dorri i lawr ar olau'r haul am gwpl o flynyddoeddenglishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK englishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK
If there were an outbreak of foot and mouth disease , it would be difficult to control it again because of the lack of direct sunlight during the autumn and winter months
Pe bai achos o glwy'r traed a'r genau , byddai'n anodd ei reoli eto oherwydd diffyg golau haul uniongyrchol yn ystod misoedd yr hydref a'r gaeafenglishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d englishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d
And inside, in the artificial darkness of the parlour, into which only one thin jet of sunlight penetrated, the stranger, hungry we must suppose, and fearful, hidden in his uncomfortable hot wrappings, pored through his dark glasses upon his paper or chinked his dirty little bottles, and occasionally swore savagely at the boys, audible if invisible, outside the windows.
A'r tu mewn, yn y tywyllwch artiffisial y parlwr, i ba dim ond un jet tenau yr haul treiddio, y dieithryn, newynog mae'n rhaid i ni dybio, ac yn ofnus, cudd yn ei lapio poeth anghyfforddus, pored drwy ei sbectol dywyll ar ei bapur neu chinked ei poteli bach budr, ac o bryd i'w gilydd rhegodd ffyrnig ar y bechgyn, os anweledig glywadwy, y tu allan i'r ffenestri.QED QED
In tabling this debate today, I hope that we have raised legitimate concerns that have not always been put by politicians in this Chamber, but in many instance by the wider medical and health fraternity, and expressed the desire that the sunlight of transparency comes into the Welsh health service to drive improvement and ownership of the service.
Wrth gyflwyno'r ddadl hon heddiw, gobeithio inni fynegi pryderon dilys, nad ydynt bob amser wedi'u cyflwyno gan wleidyddion yn y Siambr hon, ond gan y byd meddygaeth ac iechyd ehangach mewn llawer achos.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Imagine that you are walking near a riverbank and see what seems to be a tiny pebble reflecting the sunlight.
Dychmyga dy fod ti’n cerdded ar hyd glan afon ac yn gweld rhywbeth sy’n debyg i garreg fechan yn adlewyrchu golau’r haul.jw2019 jw2019
golau haullangbot langbot
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