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Coming from a rural constituency, I know all too well the problems with accessing public transport routes.
Fel un sy'n dod o etholaeth wledig, gwn yn dda iawn am y problemau sy'n gysylltiedig â defnyddio llwybrau cludiant cyhoeddus.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
My priorities for improving transport routes in mid Wales are set out in the national transport plan.
Mae'r cynllun trafnidiaeth cenedlaethol yn cynnwys fy mlaenoriaethau ar gyfer gwella llwybrau trafnidiaeth yng nghanolbarth Cymru.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
transport routes
ffordd gludiantlangbot langbot
After the closures, the nearest post office will often be nowhere near a public transport route.
Ar ôl iddynt gael eu cau, yn aml iawn ni fydd y swyddfa bost agosaf unlle'n agos at lwybr trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
As Leanne mentioned, many people cannot reach these places because they are not on public transport routes.
Fel y dywedodd Leanne, mae llawer o bobl yn methu cyrraedd y lleoedd hyn oherwydd nad ydynt ar lwybrau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
In the context of developing tourism , the gain would be increased access via a sustainable transport route
Yng nghyd-destun datblygu twristiaeth , y fantais fyddai mwy o fynediad drwy lwybr trafnidiaeth cynaliadwyenglishtainment-tm-O7lzuTo4 englishtainment-tm-O7lzuTo4
A strategic transport route into certain areas will be needed, and grid connections need to be discussed and planned.
Bydd angen llwybr trafnidiaeth strategol i mewn i rai ardaloedd, ac mae angen trafod a chynllunio cysylltiadau â'r grid.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Political expediency seems to dictate the north-south priority, rather than the economic necessity of the vital east-west transport routes.
Ymddengys mai hwylustod gwleidyddol sy'n gyfrifol am y flaenoriaeth a roddir i'r gogledd-de, yn hytrach nag anghenion economaidd y llwybrau trafnidiaeth dwyrain-gorllewin hollbwysig.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I am certain that our sense of social cohesion would also be stimulated as a result of good north-south transport routes
Yr wyf yn sicr y byddai llwybrau trafnidiaeth da rhwng y Gogledd a'r De yn rhoi hwb i'n hymdeimlad o gydlyniant cymdeithasol hefydenglishtainment-tm-2Cd5lgBD englishtainment-tm-2Cd5lgBD
There is no question about recognising the importance of the Heads of the Valleys road as a major transport route for the whole of Wales.
Nid oes unrhyw amheuaeth o ran cydnabod pwysigrwydd ffordd Blaenau'r Cymoedd fel un o'r prif lwybrau trafnidiaeth ar gyfer Cymru gyfan.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
In some areas, poverty might be the most important issue; in others, it might be an acute shortage of affordable housing, or issues around local public transport routes.
Mewn rhai ardaloedd, efallai mai tlodi fydd y broblem bwysicaf; mewn eraill, efallai mai prinder affwysol o dai fforddiadwy, neu faterion ynghylch llwybrau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn lleol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
On transport, we need to look at what we are doing to support the voluntary sector in rural areas to provide short transport routes to the main hub.
O ran trafnidiaeth, mae angen inni edrych ar yr hyn yr ydym yn ei wneud i gefnogi'r sector gwirfoddol mewn ardaloedd gwledig i ddarparu llwybrau trafnidiaeth byrrach i'r brif ganolfan.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Officials also felt that, on transport, there was a complete absence of a planned approach, with little linkage between housing, employment and transport provision, and a failure to specify core transport routes.
Roedd swyddogion hefyd yn teimlo nad oedd dull gweithredu wedi'i gynllunio ar gael ar gyfer trafnidiaeth, nad oedd llawer o gysylltiad rhwng darpariaeth tai, cyflogaeth a thrafnidiaeth, ac nad oedd llwybrau trafnidiaeth craidd wedi'u pennu.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The other point , and I know that The Isle of Anglesey County Council has been working on this , is to consider future settlement policies so that public transport routes can be married to settlement development
Y pwynt arall yw , a gwn fod Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn wedi bod yn gweithio ar hyn , ystyried polisïau anheddau yn y dyfodol fel y gall llwybrau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus weddu i ddatblygiad anheddauenglishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT englishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT
How often will you meet Arriva and the SRA ? When you meet them , will you ensure that we are kept informed on the progress on integrated transport routes ? Thirty such routes are mentioned , but there is no timescale suggested
Pa mor aml y byddwch yn cyfarfod ag Arriva a'r Awdurdod Rheilffyrdd Strategol ? Pan gyfarfyddwch â hwy , a wnewch sicrhau y cawn wybod am y cynnydd ar lwybrau trafnidiaeth integredig ? Sonnir am 30 llwybr o'r fath , ond nid awgrymir amserlen ar eu cyferenglishtainment-tm-bEmEVlwb englishtainment-tm-bEmEVlwb
You may be aware from the previous Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills Committee that Halcrow has been involved with the Assembly Government and others in doing some of the ground work and trying to deal with the risk assessment for transport routes and so on.
Efallai eich bod yn ymwybodol o'r Pwyllgor Addysg, Dysgu Gydol Oes a Sgiliau blaenorol bod Halcrow wedi bod mewn cysylltiad â Llywodraeth y Cynulliad ac eraill er mwyn gwneud rhywfaint o'r gwaith sylfaenol a cheisio ymdrin â'r asesiad risg ar gyfer llwybrau trafnidiaeth ac ati.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The cost of transport on commercial routes in rural areas is particularly worrying
Mae cost trafnidiaeth ar lwybrau masnachol mewn ardaloedd gwledig yn achos pryder arbennigenglishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT englishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT
The study will look at existing and potential travel demand for all types of transport and will , in line with the Assembly's integrated transport policies , consider all reasonable options for future provision of transport , including the use of car , bus , rail and air between north and south Wales , and between destinations along the existing transport routes
Bydd yr astudiaeth yn edrych ar y galw teithio presennol a dichonol am bob math o drafnidiaeth ac , yn unol â pholisïau trafnidiaeth integredig y Cynulliad , bydd yn ystyried pob dewis rhesymol ar gyfer darparu cludiant yn y dyfodol , gan gynnwys y defnydd o geir , bysiau , rheilffyrdd a'r awyr rhwng gogledd a de Cymru , a rhwng cyrchfannau ar hyd y llwybrau trafnidiaeth presennolenglishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp englishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp
My priorities, as outlined in 'One Wales', include improving road and rail links, planning and supporting new bus routes, and investing in community transport and safe routes in communities.
Mae fy mlaenoriaethau, fel y'u hamlinellir yn 'Cymru'n Un', yn cynnwys gwella cysylltiadau ffordd a rheilffordd, cynllunio a chynnal llwybrau newydd i fysiau, a buddsoddi mewn cludiant cymunedol a llwybrau diogel mewn cymunedau.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It is one of the most difficult -- if not the most difficult -- of the transport blockages on routes into south Wales
Mae'n un o'r anhawsaf -- os nad yr anhawsaf un -- o'r rhwystrau i drafnidiaeth ar lwybrau yn y Deenglishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19 englishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19
We need a big picture for Wales, and a bigger dream for Wales: one of creating and maintaining sustainable transport routes, of having an opportunity to make a difference to new developments, of having the chance to provide more employment opportunities for people in rural Wales and the opportunity to educate people about making different choices that could provide a better quality of life for them.
Mae arnom angen darlun eang ar gyfer Cymru, a breuddwyd ehangach ar gyfer Cymru: un lle bydd llwybrau trafnidiaeth cynaliadwy'n cael eu creu a'u cynnal, lle bydd cyfle i wneud gwahaniaeth i ddatblygiadau newydd, a lle bydd cyfle i gynnig mwy o gyfleoedd gwaith i bobl yng Nghymru wledig a chyfle i addysgu pobl sut i wneud dewisiadau gwahanol a allai wella ansawdd eu bywydau.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We all know that budgets are tight, but when public transport on routes such as the A5 between the tourism honey pots of Llangollen, Cerrigydrudion, Betws-y-Coed and Llandudno are being threatened and cut, we should be worried.
Gwyddom i gyd fod cyllidebau'n dynn, ond pan fydd cludiant cyhoeddus ar lwybrau fel yr A5 rhwng canolfannau twristiaeth fel Llangollen, Cerrigydrudion, Betws-y-Coed a Llandudno dan fygythiad ac yn cael ei docio, dylem boeni.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
This involves funding all types of transport , including the Safe Routes to School programme , which has risen by 237 per cent
Mae hyn yn cynnwys arian ar gyfer pob math o drafnidiaeth , gan gynnwys y rhaglen Ffyrdd Diogel i'r Ysgol , sydd wedi codi 237 y cantenglishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK englishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK
This will be used for integrated transport projects and for safe routes to school projects
Defnyddir hwn ar gyfer y prosiectiau trafnidiaeth integredig ac ar gyfer prosiectau ffyrdd diogel i'r ysgolenglishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa englishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa
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