vat oor Wallies


/væt/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A large tub, such as is used for making wine or for tanning.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies




conjunction verb



Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Initialism of [i]value added tax[/i].

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies



treth ar werth


Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

final VAT return
ffurflen TAW derfynol
outstanding VAT
TAW heb ei thalu · TAW sy'n ddyledus
VAT sub-office
is-swyddfa TAW
prices include vat
prisiau’n cynnwys taw
vat number
rhif taw
VAT return
ffurflen TAW
zero-rated for VAT
ni chodir TAW


Advanced filtering
n. a tub, a vat
twrnellangbot langbot
First Minister , why has your Government's economic development strategy produced economic inactivity levels , excluding those in education , as high as 33 .9 per cent in Wrexham , 27 .8 per cent in Flintshire , and 25 .7 per cent in Ynys Môn ? Why is the number of VAT-registered companies per 1 ,000 still as low as 23 in Wrexham , 26 in Flintshire and 31 in Ynys Môn , against a UK figure of 44 ? Finally , why are both Experian and Cambridge Econometrics reporting a fall in Welsh per capita income to 2004 , and projected to 2005 , as a proportion of UK per capita income ? All those figures came from Assembly statistics
Brif Weinidog , pam y mae strategaeth datblygu economaidd eich Llywodraeth wedi creu lefelau anweithgarwch economaidd , heb gyfrif y rhai sydd mewn addysg , sydd cyn uched â 33 .9 y cant yn Wrecsam , 27 .8 y cant yn sir y Fflint , a 25 .7 y cant yn Ynys Môn ? Pam y mae nifer y cwmnïau a gofrestrwyd ar gyfer TAW am bob 1 ,000 yn parhau i fod cyn ised â 23 yn Wrecsam , 26 yn sir y Fflint a 31 yn Ynys Môn , o'i gymharu â ffigur ar gyfer y DU o 44 ? Yn olaf , pam y mae Experian a Cambridge Econometrics ill dau'n cofnodi gostyngiad yn yr incwm y pen yng Nghymru hyd at 2004 , a amcanestynnwyd hyd at 2005 , fel canran o'r incwm y pen yn y DU ? Yr oedd yr holl ffigurau hynny'n dod o ystadegau'r Cynulliadenglishtainment-tm-5pRN6JQt englishtainment-tm-5pRN6JQt
(n.) cawsellt [-ydd, -i, -au, m.]langbot langbot
You are also wrong to say that they are ranking behind the Inland Revenue or VAT
Yr ydych hefyd yn anghywir wrth ddweud eu bod y tu ôl i Gyllid y Wlad neu Dreth ar Werthenglishtainment-tm-Y3NcC2Fj englishtainment-tm-Y3NcC2Fj
The fact is that the less money you earn, the greater the percentage of it that you will pay with a regressive tax such as VAT. I do not think that that is fair.
Y ffaith yw, lleiaf y byddwch yn ei ennill, mwyaf fydd y ganran o'r arian hwnnw y byddwch yn ei thalu gyda threth anflaengar megis TAW. Ni chredaf fod hynny'n deg.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It is likely that it will not reduce the toll in line with the reduction in VAT, and, as you know, the tolls are due to increase next month.
Mae'n debyg na wnaiff ostwng y doll yn unol â'r gostyngiad mewn TAW, ac, fel y gwyddoch, bwriedir cynyddu'r tollau y mis nesaf.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Everyone has felt the strain since the Tories got in in May, and everyone has toasted a more prosperous 2011. Do you agree that such families across Wales do not deserve to lose an additional £850 due to the VAT increase that the Tories have introduced?
Mae pawb wedi teimlo'r straen ers i'r Torïaid ddod i rym ym mis Mai, ac mae pawb wedi codi'u gwydrau i flwyddyn fwy llewyrchus yn 2011. A ydych yn cytuno nad yw teuluoedd fel hyn ledled Cymru yn haeddu colli £850 arall oherwydd y cynnydd mewn TAW y mae'r Torïaid wedi'i gyflwyno?Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
However , representatives of the museum tell me that they would like to match the national museum's initiative in terms of expanding free access to their museum but that they have been prevented from doing this because offering free admission would mean losing the museum's VAT registration status , which brings it many benefits
Fodd bynnag , dywed cynrychiolwyr o'r amgueddfa wrthyf yr hoffent efelychu menter yr amgueddfa genedlaethol o ran ehangu mynediad am ddim i'w hamgueddfa ond ni allent wneud hynny am y byddai rhoi mynediad am ddim yn golygu colli statws cofrestriad TAW yr amgueddfa , sy'n dod â llu o fanteision yn ei sgîlenglishtainment-tm-MEcrEgtl englishtainment-tm-MEcrEgtl
Finally, as the Minister will be aware, producers have been short-changed on several occasions because of abattoirs going under and taking the levy that they held in trust with them, because it is not considered a preferential debt, as VAT or income tax are.
Yn olaf, fel gŵyr y Gweinidog, mae cynhyrchwyr wedi cael cam sawl tro oherwydd bod lladd-dai wedi mynd i'r wal gan fynd â'r ardoll a ymddiriedwyd iddynt gyda hwy, oherwydd nad yw'n cael ei ystyried yn ddyled sy'n flaenoriaeth, fel y mae TAW neu dreth incwm.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I strongly believe that a lower VAT rate, of 5 per cent, should be introduced for the tourism industry.
Yr wyf yn credu'n gryf y dylid cyflwyno graddfa treth ar werth is, o 5 y cant, ar gyfer y diwydiant twristiaeth.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I look forward to its deliberations and hope that it will announce business rate holidays , VAT holidays and that the meetings with the Minister for Economic Development will lead to a more sympathetic approach from banks
Edrychaf ymlaen i'w drafodaethau a gobeithiaf y bydd yn cyhoeddi gwyliau ardollau busnes , gwyliau TAW , ac y bydd y cyfarfodydd gyda'r Gweinidog dros Ddatblygu Economaidd yn arwain at ymagwedd fwy cydymdeimladol gan fanciauenglishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui englishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui
I intended to say that Gordon Brown asked me to get in touch with the Millennium Stadium authorities , which we did , but he has made a public statement since then that any concert that charges for tickets in such a way that VAT might be payable , will have that VAT repaid
Yr oeddwn wedi bwriadu dweud bod Gordon Brown wedi gofyn imi gysylltu ag awdurdodau Stadiwm y Mileniwm , a gwnaethom hynny , ond gwnaeth ddatganiad cyhoeddus ers hynny gan ddweud y bydd unrhyw gyngerdd sy'n codi tâl am docynnau yn y fath fodd fel y gallai TAW fod yn daladwy arnynt , yn cael ad-daliad TAW ar eu cyferenglishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA englishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA
If you make a charge , it incurs VAT , but he has said that all VAT will be returned via a Treasury instruction to HM Customs and Excise
Os codwch dâl , mae'n agored i TAW , ond dywedodd y bydd yr holl TAW yn cael ei dychwelyd drwy gyfarwyddyd gan y Trysorlys i Dollau Tramor a Chartref EMenglishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA englishtainment-tm-n3DlgJnA
As a Government, we have to consider the impact of VAT on procurement contracts and on the NHS. An increase in VAT means an increase in the amount of money that we have to make available to meet the extra costs.
Rhaid i ni'r Llywodraeth ystyried effaith TAW ar gontractau caffael ac ar y GIG. Mae cynyddu TAW yn golygu cynnydd yn yr arian y mae'n rhaid inni ei ddarparu i dalu am y costau ychwanegol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Before the last election, David Clegg said that, proportionately, the poorest 20 per cent of our population pay twice as much of their income through VAT as the richest 20 per cent.
Cyn yr etholiad diwethaf, dywedodd David Clegg, ynghylch yr incwm y mae pobl yn ei dalu drwy dreth ar werth, fod yr 20 y cant tlotaf o'n poblogaeth yn talu dwywaith gymaint â'r 20 y cant cyfoethocaf, o'i ystyried fel cyfran o'u hincwm.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
If you had more differentiated rates—and there is already a 5 per cent rate on certain items—we would have to make sure that those rates, which were not the normal VAT rates that should apply to certain categories, were negotiated with Europe, and that certainly could not be done quickly to make it part of a fiscal stimulus.
Byddwch wedi clywed y feirniadaeth gennym ei bod eisoes yn anodd i gwmnïau manwerthu ac i werthwyr eraill ymgorffori'r newid yn ystod y dyddiau nesaf cyn 1 Rhagfyr.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
However , do you agree that one of the best ways to help amateur sport is to help professional sport ? What discussions have you had with the Treasury on the reduction of VAT on sports and , dare I add , theatre seats ? It has been said in the past that it could not be altered , but as VAT regulations have now been altered to allow free access to museums , there must be a chink there
Fodd bynnag , a gytunwch mai un o'r ffyrdd gorau i helpu chwaraeon amatur yw helpu chwaraeon proffesiynol ? Pa drafodaethau a gawsoch gyda'r Trysorlys ar ostwng TAW ar chwaraeon , ac , a gaf i feiddio ag ychwanegu , seddau theatr ? Dywedwyd yn y gorffennol nad oedd modd ei newid , ond yn sgîl y ffaith bod rheoliadau TAW bellach wedi cael eu haddasu i ganiatáu mynediad am ddim i amgueddfeydd , mae'n rhaid bod bwlch ynaenglishtainment-tm-jQK1UaGu englishtainment-tm-jQK1UaGu
Are you prepared to take the view previously expressed by the Assembly to the Chancellor on the need to do more on housing , particularly in equalising the rates of VAT for repairs and maintenance with that for new build on greenfield and other sites ? Will you take that forward in order to persuade the Chancellor that there is a greater need for more work to be done on this ?
A ydych yn barod i gyflwyno'r farn a fynegodd y Cynulliad yn flaenorol i'r Canghellor ar yr angen i wneud mwy ynglyn â thai , yn enwedig wrth gyfartalu cyfraddau TAW ar gyfer atgyweiriadau a chynnal a chadw gyda'r cyfraddau ar gyfer prosiectau adeiladu newydd ar feysydd glas a safleoedd eraill ? A weithredwch ar hynny er mwyn darbwyllo'r Canghellor bod mwy o angen am i waith pellach gael ei wneud ar hyn ?englishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT englishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT
We already know that the impact from the VAT rise on the current NHS capital programme will be £7.5 million this year.
Rydym eisoes yn gwybod y bydd effaith cynyddu TAW ar raglen gyfalaf gyfredol y GIG yn £7.5 miliwn eleni.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The imposition of VAT at 20 per cent, for example, will not help many of them in terms of what they are trying to sell.
Ni fydd codi TAW ar gyfradd o 20 y cant, er enghraifft, yn gymorth i lawer ohonynt gyda'r hyn y maent yn ceisio'i werthu.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Returning to jobs , I add that in 1998 , the Department of Trade and Industry released figures that stated that 153 ,335 VAT and non-VAT rated businesses were recorded in Wales
Gan ddychwelyd at swyddi , ychwanegaf y cyhoeddodd yr Adran Masnach a Diwydiant ffigurau yn 1998 a nodai y cofnodwyd 153 ,335 o fusnesau sydd yn codi TAW a busnesau nad ydynt yn codi TAW yng Nghymruenglishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG englishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG
Some of the policies that have been announced by the UK Government, such as the decision to increase VAT to 20 per cent, will depress demand and cost jobs.
Bydd rhai o'r polisïau a gyhoeddwyd gan Lywodraeth y DU, megis y penderfyniad i gynyddu TAW i 20 y cant, yn gostwng lefelau galw ac yn arwain at golli swyddi.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I hope that we make urgent representations to the UK Government -- if we have not done so already -- to set VAT at its lowest level , and to ensure that our work to meet the needs of disabled people is not means tested
Gobeithiaf y byddwn yn cyflwyno sylwadau brys i Lywodraeth y DU -- onid ydym wedi gwneud hynny eisoes -- i bennu TAW ar ei lefel isaf , ac i sicrhau na chaiff ein gwaith i ddiwallu anghenion pobl anabl ei seilio ar brawf moddionenglishtainment-tm-8zrr14Kv englishtainment-tm-8zrr14Kv
I hope that Peter Law will get hold of Gordon Brown and urge him to resist any moves to put VAT on bridge tolls
Gobeithiaf y caiff Peter Law afael ar Gordon Brown a'i annog i wrthsefyll unrhyw gamau i roi TAW ar dollau pontyddenglishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa englishtainment-tm-RLeRILOa
We must remember that we can only estimate the impact of the VAT increase on the people and businesses that are experiencing it.
Rhaid inni gofio na allwn wneud dim ond rhagdybio beth fydd effaith codi'r TAW ar y bobl a'r busnesau sy'n profi hynny.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
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