Kosovo question oor Deens

Kosovo question

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Initiative to resolve the Kosovo question
Skal jeg være imponeret over dig?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
France and Germany have launched an initiative to resolve the Kosovo question.
Hr. formand, Kommissionen og Rådet undskylde mig, men de vurderinger, vi foretager her i Europa-Parlamentet, sker på grundlag af de beslutninger, vi traf inden Johannesburg.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Subject: Initiative to resolve the Kosovo question
Det er nedværdigende for et land at stå øverst på en sådan negativliste.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I repeat that the Kosovo question is separate from the question of Serbia's integration into Europe.
Kun mig og FeIixEuroparl8 Europarl8
Moreover, a solution to the Kosovo question should have been made a precondition.
De sociale sikringssystemer mærker allerede virkningerne af den ændrede befolkningsdemografiEuroparl8 Europarl8
What other pressure can we exert to compel Belgrade to solve the Kosovo question once and for all?
Denne afgørelse træder i kraft # dage efter vedtagelsen, forudsat at Det Blandede EØS-udvalg har modtaget alle meddelelser i henhold til aftalens artikel #, stkEuroparl8 Europarl8
If he gets the chance to pursue his dictatorial policy unpunished, the Kosovo question will also assume the same proportions.
Åh, det er gassen!Europarl8 Europarl8
Milosevic has thus accepted that the Kosovo question is a federal issue and not merely a problem within the Serbian province.
Tabel # Pædiatriske ACR-responser i JIA-forsøgetEuroparl8 Europarl8
11) Recent events in Kosovo were a serious setback and confirm that the Kosovo question remains critical for the stability of the region.
Supplerende oplysninger, bilag, certifikater og bevillinger mvEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Of course, that is also closely connected with finding answers to the Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo questions, countries which have a right to develop independently.
I planen antages det, at den finansielle omstrukturering vil bestå af betalinger til bankerne af gæld på #,# mio. PLN på grundlag af akkorder med disse, tilbagebetaling af anden gæld på #,# mio. PLN og tilbagebetaling af offentligretlig gæld på #,# mio. PLNEuroparl8 Europarl8
We expect the Serbian leadership, government and opposition to find a rapid solution to the Kosovo question, failing which there can be no peace in the region.
Hvis De ikke reagerer på glucagonbehandlingen, skal De behandles på hospitaletEuroparl8 Europarl8
The best way to solve the Kosovo question is to obtain Serbia's support, and in order to do that we must support the democratic forces in that country.
I morgen har vi nået vores mål, og tilmed bliver fabrikanterne et hundrede procent ansvarlige for elektrisk og elektronisk affald.Europarl8 Europarl8
Let me therefore say plainly that the scope for a negotiated solution to the Kosovo question has been exhausted and that the European Union must jointly assume responsibility for Kosovo.
Så ringer jeg bare til tæppemandenEuroparl8 Europarl8
However, the more progress which Serbia and Macedonia make in the integration process, the sooner we will be able to resolve the Kosovo question and the other related open questions.
Doktor Giordano fra PaduaEuroparl8 Europarl8
It is a burning issue for us. And it is nonsensical that we should be dealing with a non-European matter instead of such a vitally important issue as the Kosovo question.
den magiske grund til, at hun måtte rejseEuroparl8 Europarl8
Continuing enlargement policy: it is important and must be extended in a coordinated manner to the remaining countries of the Western Balkans, especially in view of imminent developments on the Kosovo question.
Der er naturligvis stadig tid til en reel drøftelse af Europas fremtid.Europarl8 Europarl8
But you know and can rely on the fact that the European Parliament is on your side on the Kosovo question and in seeking ways to resolve the conflict, as it must be resolved!
årsager til overlast og beskyttelseEuroparl8 Europarl8
Kosovo’s status question is sui generis, and hence sets no precedent.
Til fremsendelse af de i stk. # omhandlede standard output og data benytter medlemsstaterne de edb-systemer, som Kommissionen (Eurostat) stiller til rådighed, og som muliggør elektronisk udveksling af dokumenter og information mellem den og medlemsstaterneEurLex-2 EurLex-2
But Mrs Lenz was right to say that Kosovo is a powder keg, and we also have to realize that the Kosovo question can only be solved within the context of the overall situation in Yugoslavia.
Til beregning af masseemissionen af gaskomponenter tidsjusteres sporene af de registrerede koncentrationer og sporet af udstødningsgassens massestrømshastighed ved hjælp af transformationstiden som defineret i punkt # i punktEuroparl8 Europarl8
Secondly, as a number of honourable Members have already said here, it is fundamental that the European Union maintains a united stance; in other words, the Member States must remain united with regard to the Kosovo question.
I lyset af de kraftige prisfald, der har fundet sted på visse vigtige landbrugsmarkeder, forventer EØSU, at der træffes effektive foranstaltninger til at sikre landbrugsleddet en mere rimelig andel af værditilvækstkædenEuroparl8 Europarl8
Both bodies having budgetary control presented their views on rebuilding Kosovo at the meeting held on 16 July. The rebuilding of Kosovo, and the solution to the Kosovo question, is the central prerequisite for the success of the budgetary procedure of the fiscal year 2000.
KontrolfarveEuroparl8 Europarl8
On 27 May 1999, the Council adopted conclusions on displaced persons in Kosovo, addressing protection questions in greater detail.
Indledende evaluering Aktiviteter efter godkendelse Lægemiddelovervågning og ajourføringsaktiviteter Videnskabelig rådgivning og protokolbistand Voldgifter og henvisninger af sager til Fællesskabet Paralleldistribution Lægemidler til sjældne sygdomme Arbejdsgrupper og ad hoc-grupper Internationale aktiviteterEurLex-2 EurLex-2
But it goes without saying that in the course of negotiations on the future status of Kosovo the question of establishment of a functionning self-administration including a Parliamentary dimension will be crucial.
Artikel #, stk. #, i overenskomst af #. februarEurLex-2 EurLex-2
To return to our debate, I just want to go into one point, the question of Kosovo.
Det er noget, de her idioter aldrig vil forståEuroparl8 Europarl8
There remains the unsolved question of Kosovo and Albania.
Forventede årlige udgifterEuroparl8 Europarl8
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