Pelagius oor Deens


a British or Irish monk who denied the doctrines of original sin and predestination and defended human goodness and free will; his views were declared heretical by the Council of Ephesus in 431 (circa 360-418)

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pelagius, a man as close to me as any, is there now, teaching that all men are free, equal.
Pelagius, min nærmeste ven, lærer mig, at alle er fri og ligeværdige.
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Soon after this, Zosimus received from Pelagius a confession of faith, together with a new treatise on free will.
Snart efter modtog Zosimus ligeledes en snedigt udformet trosbekendelse fra Pelagius sammen med en ny afhandling om den kætterske tanke om den fri vilje.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He took a decided view on the Pelagian controversy, confirming the decisions of the synod of the province of proconsular Africa, held in Carthage in 416, confirming the condemnation which had been pronounced in 411 against Cælestius, who shared the views of Pelagius.
Han anlagde et beslutsomt synspunkt i den pelagiske kontrovers, hvor han bekræftede de beslutninger, som var taget på synoden for det prokonsulære Afrika, der afholdtes i Karthago i 416, og som var blevet tilsendt ham.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
they killed pelagius a year past.
De dræbte Pelagius for et år siden.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pelagius reigned for eighteen or nineteen years until his death in 737, when he was succeeded by his son Fafila.
Pelagius regerede i atten eller nitten år til sin død i 737.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to the later tradition, Munuza, the Berber governor of Iegione (either Gijón or León), became attracted to Pelagius' sister and sent word to Tariq ibn Ziyad, who ordered him to capture Pelagius and send him to Córdoba.
Ifølge den sene overlevering blev Munuza, den mauriske guvernør over Iegione (enten det nuværende Gijón eller León) tiltrukket af Pelagius' søster og sendte bud til Tariq ibn Ziyad, som beordrede ham til at fængsle Pelagius og sende ham til Córdoba.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The rightness of the feeling of human value found its defenders in Pelagius, a British monk, and Celestius, his pupil.
Retten til at føle menneskeligt selvværd fandt sin forsvarer i PELAGIUS, en britisk munk, og hans elev CAELESTIUS.Literature Literature
Wittiza is also said to have exiled Pelagius from Toledo upon assuming the crown in 702.
Wittiza siges også at have drevet Pelagius i landflygtighed fra Toledo, da han blev visigotisk konge i 702.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At some point Pelagius is said to have rebelled, but for what reasons is unknown; such rebellions by local authorities against their superiors formed a common theme in Visigothic Spain.
På et eller andet tidspunkt har Pelagius gjort oprør, men hans grunde kendes ikke, og den slags oprør fra lokale ledere mod deres herrer var en gentagen begivenhed i det visigotiske Spanien.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The pope held a new synod of the Roman clergy, before which both these writings were read; the assembly held the statements to be orthodox, and Zosimus again wrote to the African bishops defending Pelagius and reproving his accusers, among whom were the Gallic bishops Hero and Lazarus.
Pelagius' omhyggeligt valgte formuleringer skjulte det kætterske indhold, og forsamlingen opfattede udsagnene som ortodokse, hvorpå Zosimus igen skrev til de afrikanske biskopper og irettesatte Pelagius' anklagere, herunder de galliske biskopper Hero og Lazarus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, after a new synodal letter of the African council of May 1, 418 to the pope, and after the steps taken by the emperor Honorius against the Pelagians, Zosimus was convinced both Caelestius and Pelagius were heretics.
Efter en ny afrikansk synode 1. maj 418 blev der sendt et brev til paven, og dette sammen med kejser Honorius' opfattelse af pelagianisterne gjorde, at Zosimus omsider forstod kætteriets sande natur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Man could not blame his weaknesses on ‘original sin,’ said Pelagius.
Mennesket kan ikke give ’arvesynden’ skylden for sine svagheder, sagde Pelagius.jw2019 jw2019
Pelagius was a Visigoth nobleman, the son of Fafila.
Pelagius var som nævnt en visigotisk adelsmand og søn af Fafila.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The gradual formation of Asturian identity led to the creation of the Kingdom of Asturias after Pelagius' coronation and the victory over the Muslim garrisons in Covadonga in the early 8th century.
Den gradvise opståen af en asturisk identitet førte til dannelsen af Kongeriget Asturien efter kroningen af Pelayo og sejren over de muslimske garnisoner i Slaget ved Covadonga i begyndelsen af det 8. århundrede.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
PELAGIUSjw2019 jw2019
New Testament: Preface to the New Testament Interpretation of Hebrew names Gospels of Matthew, Mark, John and Luke Acts of the Apostles Epistles of Paul, including the Epistle to the Laodiceans with prefaces, chiefly by Pelagius Epistles of James, Epistles of Peter, Epistles of John Jude Book of Revelation St Jerome, Letter to Damasus Eusebius, Canon Tables The manuscript closes with the Life of St. Martin of Tours by Sulpicius Severus.
Oversigt Forord til det Nye Testamente Tolkning af hebræiske navne Evangelierne af Matthæus, Markus, Johannes og Lukas Apostlenes gerninger Epistler af Paulus, indbefattende Epistel til Laodikeia med forord, hovedsageligt af Pelagius Epistler af Jakob den Ældre, Epistler af Peter, Epistler af Johannes Judasbrevet Johannes' åbenbaring Hieronymus, Brev til Damasus Eusebius, Den eusebiske kanon Sidste del er Sankt Mortens gerninger, af Sulpicius Severus (? – 420/425) .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It started when a British monk named Pelagius made a trip to Rome.
Det var en britisk munk ved navn Pelagius der satte gang i denne debat.jw2019 jw2019
After his election as princeps (prince, principal leader) of the Asturians by the local magnates in the Visigothic manner, Pelagius made his capital at Cangas de Onís.
Da de lokale stormænd havde valgt ham til princeps (fyrste, høvding) over asturerne efter visigoternes tradition, valgte Pelagius Cangas de Onís som sin hovedstad.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Chronicle of Alfonso III identifies Pelagius as a grandson of Chindasuinth and says that his father was blinded in Córdoba, at the instigation of Wittiza.
Alfonso IIIs krønike kalder Pelagius sønnesøn af Chindasuinth og nævner, at hans far blev blindet i Córdoba, igen efter ordre fra Wittiza.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
pelagius, a man as close to me as any, is there now, teaching that all men are free, equal.
Pelagius, min nærmeste ven, lærer mig, at alle er fri og ligeværdige.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One evening in 813 C.E., a hermit by the name of Pelagius saw a celestial phenomenon.
En aften i 813 så en eremit ved navn Pelagius et himmelfænomen.jw2019 jw2019
He spread his orders between all the Astures, who gathered in council and elected Pelagius as their princeps.
Han gav sine ordrer til alle asturerne, som samledes i rådet og valgte Pelagius som deres princeps.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the 11th century, a cathedral was built over the burial place, and the city of Santiago de Compostela (literally, “Saint James of the star field”) arose on the very site where Pelagius saw his starry vision.
I det 11. århundrede blev der opført en domkirke over gravstedet, og byen Santiago de Compostela (bogstaveligt „Sankt Jakob af stjernemarken“) voksede frem dér hvor Pelagius havde fået sit stjernesyn.jw2019 jw2019
The kingdom was established by the nobleman Pelayo (Latin: Pelagius), possibly an Asturian noble.
Kongeriget blev etableret af adelsmanden Pelayo af Asturien (vulgærlatin: Pelagius), som muligvis stammede fra Asturien.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pelagius' kingdom initially was little more than a gathering point for the existing guerrilla forces.
Pelayos kongerige var fra begyndelsen ikke meget mere end et samlingsmærke for de eksisterende guerillastyrker.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And Pelagius unwittingly played right into their hands by favoring what was by then a popular custom —infant baptism.
Og uden at vide det gik Pelagius deres ærinde ved at stille sig velvilligt til barnedåben, der på det tidspunkt var blevet en populær skik.jw2019 jw2019
34 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.