Styx oor Deens


/stɪks/ eienaam, naamwoord
(Greek mythology) the river, in Hades, over which the souls of the dead are ferried by Charon

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Deens


river of the underworld
So they could pay the ferryman to take them across the river Styx.
Så de kunne blive sejlet over floden Styx.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Deens


Agent Starling, meet Mr Acherontia styx.
Agent Starling, mød Mr Acherontia styx.

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They're standing there on the far bank of the River Styx.
De står på den modsatte bred af floden Styx.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Young, guitarist of multi-platinum rock band Styx, has been using a Stratocaster as his principal guitar almost exclusively since 1967.
Young, guitarist i bandet Styx, har næsten udelukkende spillet Stratocaster siden 1967.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the latter film the moth is used as a calling card by the serial killer Buffalo Bill, and though the movie script refers to Acherontia styx, the moths that appear in the film are Acherontia atropos.
I sidstnævnte film bruges natsværmeren som seriemorderen Buffalo Bills kendemærke, selvom manuskriptet bruger Acherontia styx, og natsværmeren i filmen er Acherontia atropos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was a Greek tradition, you know, to pay the boatman to ferry you across the River Styx, but...
Det var en græsk tradition, du ved, til at betale bådmanden for færgen over floden Styx, men...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And they vowed to keep on warrin'until one of them didn't have a single man left above Styx.
Og de svor at vedblive med at kæmpe, indtil en af dem ikke havde én eneste mand tilbage.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Charon required payment for his ferry service [across the river Styx], and the Greeks often buried their dead with a coin under the tongue to make sure that they had the proper fare.
Karon krævede betaling for sin færgetjeneste, og grækerne begravede ofte deres døde med en mønt under tungen for at sikre sig at de havde færgepenge.jw2019 jw2019
What you saw done was only helping a weak man to his seat on the boat across the Styx.
Hvad De så, var kun et forsøg på at hjælpe en svag mand med at sætte båden ud over floden Styx!Literature Literature
There's a club called Styx.
Der er en klub, der hedder Styx.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He carries the dead across the River Styx to Hades.
Det er ham, der sejler de døde til Hades over floden Styx.Literature Literature
A man like that... a poet, he doesn't take a woman to a Styx concert.
Sådan en mand, en poet, han tager ikke en kvinde med til en Styx koncert.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The damned here are worse off than the Styx.
De fortabte her har det værre end dem i Styx.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Clearing such names as Billy Joel, Cheap Trick, the Grateful Dead, Rush, Styx, The Moody Blues, The Who, and Van Halen required much of the show's budget.
Kendte navne som The Who, Van Halen, Rush, Styx, The Grateful Dead, The Moody Blues, og Billy Joel skulle vise sig at kræve en stor del af showets budget.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One mercifully hopes there are water nymphs in the Styx.
Man må barmhjertigt håbe, at der er vandnymfer i Styx.Literature Literature
You're a Styx newbie?
Er du Styx nybegynder?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Agent Starling, meet Mr Acherontia styx.
Agent Starling, mød Mr Acherontia styx.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In his book Orpheus —A General History of Religions, French scholar Salomon Reinach wrote of the Greeks: “A widely spread belief was that [the soul] entered the infernal regions after crossing the river Styx in the boat of the old ferryman Charon, who exacted as the fare an obolus [coin], which was placed in the mouth of the dead person.
I sin bog Orpheus — A General History of Religions skriver den franske videnskabsmand Salomon Reinach om grækerne: „En udbredt forestilling var at [sjælen] betrådte underverdenen efter at være blevet færget over floden Styx i den gamle færgemand Karons båd mod betaling af en obol [en mønt], som blev lagt i den dødes mund.jw2019 jw2019
Fauster, you and your hapless accomplices are up the River Styx without a paddle.”
Fauster, befinder du og din uduelige medsammensvorne jer nu på Floden Styx uden en åre.”Literature Literature
Our second appearance at the Broadfield was also our swansong, but our first as Styx.
Vores anden optræden på Broadfield var også vores svanesang, men vores første som Styx.Literature Literature
Styx concert.
Styx koncert.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Crossing the Styx as described in Dante’s “Inferno”
Sejladsen over Styx, skildret i Dantes „Inferno“jw2019 jw2019
My priests will float their Queen down the River Styx in a vessel of gold and laurel leaves.
Mine præster vil sejle dronningen i en guldbåd på river Styx.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Styx is the goddess of the river with the same name.
Styx er også navn på gudinden over floden af samme navn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That should ensure that your journey over the River Styx to Hades will be a comfortable one.’
Det skulle sikre, at din rejse over floden Styx til Hades bliver bekvem.”Literature Literature
Every night, all the sewage from the Stage goes through the River Styx down to...the other place.
Hver nat ryger al kloakspildet fra Scenen ned igennem floden Styx til ... det andet sted.Literature Literature
93 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.