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78 Acino also claims that the reliance on breaches of the rules on good practice, echoed by the General Court, is not sufficient.
Væk dem, brormandEurLex-2 EurLex-2
According to those conclusions, the information subsequently sent by Acino was not such as to cancel out the shortcomings observed.
Udviklingspolitikken har i en vis udstrækning sine egne mål, hvilket også kræver en vis specialisering af instrumenterne, hvad angår såvel planlægning som gennemførelseEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Since the Committee’s opinion is, according to Acino, unlawful, it infers from this that the Commission’s decisions are likewise unlawful.
Slagvolumen (hvis relevantEurLex-2 EurLex-2
124 In those circumstances, the General Court was correct to find that the reasons given in the contested decisions were sufficient in order to allow Acino to understand the reasons why those decisions had been adopted.
Der findes f.eks. forskellige definitioner på organiseret kriminalitet eller forskellige aldersgrænser for det, der betragtes som seksuel udnyttelse af børn.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
65 Finally, in so far as Acino claims that the General Court failed to have regard to the fact that the contested decisions clearly exceed the limits of the Commission’s discretion, it suffices to note that that argument overlaps with the argument put forward in the fourth ground of appeal, with which it will, consequently, be examined.
Rådet fulgte i vidt omfang Kommissionens forslag om at præcisere og harmonisere retsreglerneEurLex-2 EurLex-2
69 Since the argument put forward by Acino criticising paragraph 73 of the judgment under appeal is restricted to contesting merely the conclusion reached by the General Court, and does not put forward any legal argument capable of calling into question the latter’s reasoning, it must be rejected as inadmissible, in accordance with the case-law cited in paragraph 35 of the present judgment.
fastlægge et velegnet simuleret driftsmæssigt og teknisk miljø, der svarer til det faktiske driftsmiljøEurLex-2 EurLex-2
31 The Commission contends that the Court should dismiss the appeal and order Acino to pay the costs of the appeal proceedings.
Det er min kone SarahEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Appeal brought on 16 May 2013 by Acino AG against the judgment of the General Court (Seventh Chamber) delivered on 7 March 2013 in Case T-539/10 Acino AG (formerly Acino Pharma GmbH) v European Commission
fyldte injektionssprøjter med #, # mlEurLex-2 EurLex-2
On the basis of those documents, Acino Pharma requested a new examination.
For at tage pistolen fra migEurLex-2 EurLex-2
104 The General Court inferred from this, in paragraph 97 of that judgment, that, by adding that the corrective measures proposed by Acino at the hearing on 17 March 2010 could not, a posteriori, guarantee the quality of the medicinal products, the Committee’s opinion referred to a comprehensible link between the measures recommended and the scientific findings and data provided by Acino at that hearing.
at luften over fuglens vinger har et lavere tryk end underEurLex-2 EurLex-2
45 Secondly, Acino considers that the Commission’s reasoning based on lack of confidence is incompatible with the requirements arising from the case-law of the Court to the effect that a measure may not be based solely on the fact that it is impossible to know or exclude all the risks that may arise if the prohibition in question is not imposed.
Doseringen til børn med nedsat nyre-og/eller leverfunktion er ikke undersøgtEurLex-2 EurLex-2
42 First of all, Acino complains that the General Court misconstrued the meaning of Article 116(1) of Directive 2001/83.
Siden # har Danmark som følge af de gældende EF-bestemmelser om offentlige tjenesteydelsesaftaler (Rådets direktiv #/#/EØF af #. juni # omsamordning af fremgangsmåderne ved indgåelse af offentlige tjenesteydelsesaftaler) været forpligtet til at udlicitere offentlige tjenesteydelsesaftaler om varetagelse af busdrift, medmindre bustrafikken udføres inhouseEurLex-2 EurLex-2
First, the applicant challenges the Commission's decisions of 29 March 2010 by which it suspended the placing on the market of batches of the medicinal products ‘Clopidogrel Acino — Clopidogrel’, ‘Clopidogrel Acino Pharma GmbH — Clopidogrel’, ‘Clopidogrel ratiopharm — Clopidogrel’, ‘Clopidogrel Sandoz — Clopidogrel’, ‘Clopidogrel 1A Pharma — Clopidogrel’, ‘Clopidogrel Acino Pharma — Clopidogrel’, ‘Clopidogrel Hexal — Clopidogrel’, and ‘Clopidogrel ratiopharm GmbH — Clopidogrel’, and withdrew batches which were already on the European Union market.
Flere rapporter fremhæver sikkerhedsstyrkernes gentagne praksis med at tvinge bjergbefolkningen til at give afkald på deres kristne tro og nævner dødsfald eller mishandlinger i fængslet, skønt myndighederne på det alvorligste nægter detteEurLex-2 EurLex-2
87 Since Acino has not even alleged such a distortion in the present case, its arguments relating to the evidence relied on by the General Court must be rejected as inadmissible.
En prioritering af det kollektive og en prioritering af det individuelleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
110 Consequently, in the light of the detailed account provided by the General Court in paragraph 119 of the judgment under appeal concerning the Agency’s rules of procedure, Acino’s claim in that regard must be rejected as unfounded.
Hydrogenperoxid og perboratEurLex-2 EurLex-2
While acknowledging, as the General Court observed in paragraph 120 of the judgment under appeal, that the Commission is not bound by the opinion of that inspector, Acino considers that the latter’s independent assessment raises the standard of the burden of proof incumbent on the Commission concerning the solid and persuasive evidence of the existence of danger to health.
Jeg håber, det vil være muligt at opnå en politisk aftale på Rådets møde næste mandag eller tirsdag.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
15 By letter of 25 March 2010, the Agency indicated that the information provided by Acino Pharma had been reviewed by the Committee, but that the conclusions in the Committee’s opinion remained unchanged.
På den ene side erstattes betalingen af udligningsbidraget fra sektorens virksomheder med bidrag med frigørende virkning til de almenretlige ordninger (basisordningen og de obligatoriske suppleringsordningerEurLex-2 EurLex-2
84 It is apparent from the foregoing, first, that Acino cannot complain that the General Court failed to state that the burden of proof was borne by the Commission and that the latter was required to produce solid and persuasive evidence allowing reasonable doubt concerning the declared qualitative and quantitative composition of the medicinal products at issue, since those arguments are based on a misreading of paragraphs 79 to 81 of that judgment.
Lad mig lige erindre jer om, at vor mission er hemmeligEurLex-2 EurLex-2
63 With regard to the case concerning the contamination of the vaccine for children, Rotarix, it should be noted that Acino failed to have regard to the fact that the General Court, in paragraph 118 of the judgment under appeal, notwithstanding the fact that it dismissed that argument as inadmissible since it had been raised for the first time in the reply, also examined the substance of that argument and rejected it as unfounded.
Der kan være afskærmede områder eller funktionsforstyrrede sensorerEurLex-2 EurLex-2
95 In so far as the third ground of appeal is restricted, in essence, to recommending, as a less restrictive measure, that the marketing authorisations should be varied only with respect to the future, it suffices to note that Acino merely reproduces the arguments that it has already expounded at first instance, without, however, adopting a position specifically on the reasoning followed by the General Court in paragraphs 87 to 89 of that judgment, to reject those arguments and without expounding legal arguments that would have enabled the General Court to conclude that the principle of proportionality had been infringed.
Almindelige forholdEurLex-2 EurLex-2
93 With regard to the alleged infringement of the principle of proportionality, the General Court found, in paragraph 88 of the judgment under appeal, that the Commission was entitled to consider that varying the marketing authorisations only with respect to the future, as envisaged by Acino as a less restrictive measure, was not a sufficiently appropriate measure, in the light of the aim of protecting human health.
Den nuværende manglende fleksibilitet gør det faktisk umuligt at optimere vores aktioner.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
According to Acino, the correct application of the precautionary principle presupposes that there is a probability of actual harm to public health.
Det præciseres, at den regionale myndighed for nylig har igangsat specifikke programmer, der dels skal forbedre de sardinske bestandes genetiske egenskaber, dels afhjælpe problemerne i forbindelsemed genindsættelse med genetisk resistente dyr i de bedrifter, hvor der er sket nedslagtningEurLex-2 EurLex-2
126 As none of the grounds put forward by Acino has been successful, the appeal must be dismissed.
Hvis formanden er fraværende, udfører næstformanden hans opgaverEurLex-2 EurLex-2
48 Finally, Acino claims that, by incorrectly applying the precautionary principle, the General Court failed to have regard to the fact that the contested decisions clearly exceed the limits of the Commission’s discretion.
Der bør også fastsættes en særlig støtte til områder og regioner i Fællesskabet med økonomiske eller sociale problemerEurLex-2 EurLex-2
125 It follows from the foregoing that the fifth and last ground of appeal relied on by Acino must be rejected as unfounded.
I den periode er præsident Mugabes rolle og ansvar afgørende,idet han jo er valgt for to år endnu.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
93 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.