grantor oor Deens


(law) a person who grants something.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Deens


masculine, feminine
Identification of the aid grantor
Den myndighed, der yder støtten

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Ryanair argues that according to the case law (48), a comparator analysis should be the primary test used to verify the presence of aid to airlines and the cost-based test should only be used if it was impossible to compare the situation of the alleged grantor of aid with that of a private group of undertakings.
Ryanair fremfører, at en sammenlignende analyse ifølge retspraksis (48), bør være det primære kriterium for at kontrollere tilstedeværelsen af støtte til flyselskaber, mens det omkostningsbaserede kriterium kun bør anvendes, hvis det er umuligt at sammenligne den påståede støtteyders situationen med en privat koncerns.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
After pointing out that, in order to distinguish contracts for the sale of goods from contracts for the provision of services, it is necessary to refer to the characteristic obligation of those contracts, (34) La Maison du Whisky maintains that an exclusive distribution agreement is characterised by the grantor’s obligation to provide the distributor with the products which are the subject of the agreement, an obligation which is a corollary of the distributor’s right to sell those products in a given territory.
Efter at have fremhævet, at det for at sondre mellem kontrakter om salg af varer og kontrakter om levering af tjenesteydelser er nødvendigt at henholde sig til den karakteristiske forpligtelse i forbindelse med disse kontrakter (34), hævdede La Maison du Whisky, at koncessionskontrakten er kendetegnet ved, at koncessionsgiveren er forpligtet til at levere de varer, der er omfattet af koncessionen, til koncessionshaveren, en forpligtelse, der er et resultat af koncessionshaverens ret til at sælge disse varer på et bestemt område.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Conversely, if for example, a contract purports to give the operator freedom to set prices, but any excess profit is returned to the grantor, the operator’s return is capped and the price element of the control test is met.
Hvis en kontrakt omvendt f.eks. betyder, at operatøren frit kan fastsætte priserne, men eventuel overskydende fortjeneste går til koncessionsgiver, lægges der loft over operatørens udbytte, og priselementet i kontroltesten er opfyldt.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission takes the view that the grantor rights should have been taxed at the same time and the same rate as the other accounting provisions created free of tax.
Dette betyder, at de 14,119 mia. FRF i koncessionsgivers rettigheder skulle have været lagt til de 38,5 mia.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Evaluating credit bureau data for credit grantors, financial and lending institutions, and insurance companies, insurance providers and insurance payors
Evaluering af data fra kreditinstitutter for kreditgivere og finansielle institutioner og forsikringsselskaber, forsikringsudbydere og forsikringsindbetaleretmClass tmClass
Items provided to the operator by the grantor
Elementer, som koncessionsgiver stiller til rådighed for operatørenoj4 oj4
Raise awareness of the rules, in particular among aid grantors, the business community and the judiciary.
Der skal skabes opmærksomhed om reglerne, især hos støtteyderne, erhvervslivet og retsvæsenet.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(b) when purely ancillary activities (such as a hospital shop) are unregulated, the control tests shall be applied as if those services did not exist, because in cases in which the grantor controls the services in the manner described in paragraph 5, the existence of ancillary activities does not detract from the grantor’s control of the infrastructure.
b) når rent accessoriske aktiviteter (såsom en sygehusbutik) er uregulerede, skal der foretages kontroltest, som om disse tjenester ikke var der, for i tilfælde, hvor koncessionsgiver kontrollerer tjenesteydelserne på den måde, der beskrives i afsnit 5, forringer tilstedeværelsen af accessoriske aktiviteter ikke koncessionsgivers kontrol med infrastrukturen.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In applying this condition, the grantor and any related parties shall be considered together.
Ved anvendelse af denne betingelse skal koncessionsgiver og eventuelle nærtstående parter betragtes samlet.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
As the Advocate General observes in point 41 of his Opinion, the parties often also lay down specific terms concerning the distribution by the distributor of the goods sold by the grantor.
Som generaladvokaten har anført i punkt 41 i forslaget til afgørelse, forekommer det ofte, at parterne ligeledes fastsætter særlige bestemmelser vedrørende koncessionshaverens distribution af de varer, som koncessionsgiveren har solgt.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
4. If Questions 2 and 3 are answered in the negative, is the contested obligation in the event of the termination of an exclusive distribution agreement the obligation of the seller-grantor or that of the buyer-distributor?’
4) Såfremt de to foregående spørgsmål besvares benægtende, er den omtvistede forpligtelse, i tilfælde af at en koncessionskontrakt bringes til ophør, da sælger/koncessionsgivers forpligtelse eller køber/koncessionshavers forpligtelse?«EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Next, the applicants submit that, if Geodis were to be regarded as the current beneficiary of the incompatible aid, it should, on that basis, be considered jointly and severally liable, together with the other beneficiaries and grantors of that aid, for compensating the Mory companies for the harm caused.
Endvidere har appellanterne gjort gældende, at hvis det blev fastslået, at Geodis er den aktuelle modtager af den med fællesmarkedet uforenelige støtte, måtte Geodis af denne grund anses for at være den, det påhviler at erstatte støttens skadevirkninger for Mory-selskaberne in solidum med de øvrige modtagere og tildelerne af støtten.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The amount due from or at the direction of the grantor is accounted for in accordance with IFRS 9 as measured at:
Det skyldige beløb fra koncessionsgiver eller efter dennes anvisning behandles regnskabsmæssigt i overensstemmelse med IFRS 9 som målt til:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In accordance with paragraph #, infrastructure items to which the operator is given access by the grantor for the purposes of the service arrangement are not recognised as property, plant and equipment of the operator
I overensstemmelse med afsnit # skal infrastrukturelementer, hvortil operatøren får adgang af koncessionsgiver ifølge koncessionsaftalen, ikke indregnes som operatørens materielle anlægsaktiveroj4 oj4
The ►M9 grantor ◄ may be a public or private sector entity, including a governmental body.
Koncessionsgiveren kan være en statsejet eller privat virksomhed, herunder en offentlig myndighed.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Inclusion of provisions enabling grantors to lay down technical and/or functional requirements for the works or services that are the subject of concessions.
Der indføres bestemmelser, der giver koncessionsgiveren mulighed for at fastsætte de tekniske og/eller funktionelle krav til de bygge- og anlægsarbejder eller tjenesteydelser, der er genstand for koncessionen.not-set not-set
the grantor controls or regulates what services the operator must provide with the infrastructure, to whom it must provide them, and at what price; and
koncessionsgiver kontrollerer eller regulerer, hvilke tjenesteydelser operatøren skal levere med infrastrukturen, hvem de skal leveres til og til hvilken pris, ogoj4 oj4
34 In the light of the answer to the second and third questions, it suffices to state that the fact that the grantor of the licences in respect of the two proprietary medicinal products in question is situated outside the European Community does not affect the answer given above.
34 I lyset af svarene paa det andet og det tredje spoergsmaal er det tilstraekkeligt at bemaerke, at det ikke har nogen betydning for ovenstaaende svar, at licensgiveren for de to omhandlede farmaceutiske specialiteter er hjemmehoerende uden for Faellesskabet.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
For the purpose of condition (b), the grantor’s control over any significant residual interest should both restrict the operator’s practical ability to sell or pledge the infrastructure and give the grantor a continuing right of use throughout the period of the arrangement.
Ifølge betingelse (b) skal koncessionsgivers kontrol over en eventuel betydelig resterende kapitalandel både begrænse operatørens praktiske mulighed for at sælge eller pantsætte infrastrukturen og give koncessionsgiver en fortsat brugsret i hele aftaleperioden.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I would point out that, within the framework of the privileged relationship he enjoys with the grantor, the distributor provides an added value in relation to the activities of mere retailers in that, in general, he offers continuity of supply needs for the grantor’s products as a result of stockpiling, he provides after-sales services if those goods are durable, and/or he is likely to promote those products by means of special offers. (47)
Jeg skal fremhæve, at koncessionshaveren som følge af de privilegerede forbindelser, som denne har med koncessionsgiveren, skaber en merværdi i forhold til simple videresalgsaktiviteter, idet denne generelt tilbyder en uafbrudt afsætning af koncessionsgiverens varer takket være et lager, han sikrer eftersalgsservice, hvis varerne er varige, og/eller fremmer sandsynligvis afsætningen af de pågældende varer via særlige tilbud (47).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In accordance with paragraph 11, infrastructure items to which the operator is given access by the grantor for the purposes of the service arrangement are not recognised as property, plant and equipment of the operator.
I overensstemmelse med afsnit 11 skal infrastrukturelementer, hvortil operatøren får adgang af koncessionsgiver ifølge koncessionsaftalen, ikke indregnes som operatørens materielle anlægsaktiver.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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