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gregorian chant

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Gregorian chant

Style of unaccompanied monophonic singing in the Catholic Church.

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The Cistercians had a precise, clipped form of Gregorian chant, which he had always found particularly satisfying.
Stk. # finder dog ikke anvendelse, hvis indehaveren af en ældre ret inden for det område, hvor denne ret er beskyttet, i fem på hinanden følgende år har tålt brugen af EF-varemærket med kendskab til denne brug, medmindre ansøgningen om registrering af EF-varemærket er indgivet i ond troLiterature Literature
At some point around the eleventh century they switched to Gregorian chant.
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Gunnar Nyberg and Kerstin Holm were sitting there singing a complex Gregorian chant.
Og jeg vil ikke bare gå fra digLiterature Literature
Music is playing in an adjoining room, some kind of Gregorian chant.
den ikke så fjerne fremtidLiterature Literature
The Oratorium has published many books, e.g. about daily offices and gregorian chant.
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Pope Gregory the Great composes the eponymous Gregorian chants.
I overensstemmelse med grundforordningens artikel #, stk. #, blev det undersøgt, om det var sandsynligt, at dumpingen ville blive fornyet, når de gældende foranstaltninger over for Kina og Indonesien eventuelt udløberLiterature Literature
It was an odd collection: Gregorian chants, Don Cherrys Eternal Now and several ambient pieces by Brian Eno.
Om: Åbent brev fra organisationen Vetëvendosje (selvbestemmelse) i Kosovo og dens advarsel om de problemer, der kan opstå som følge af manglende demokratisk selvbestemmelseLiterature Literature
The music ranged from opera and Gregorian chant to heavy metal and rap.
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Gregorian chants are still sung in most monasteries and some churches, and in performances by groups dedicated to its preservation.
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Their music has been described as folk, folk rock, traditional Irish, Celtic and new-age, often incorporating elements of smooth jazz and Gregorian chant.
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The printing of music made possible the development of the first truly international musical style since the unification of Gregorian Chant in the 9th century.
Med dette system er det således muligt at finde frem til nøjagtige og aktuelle oplysninger ved kilden om, hvilke skibe der befinder sig i de europæiske farvande, om deres bevægelser og om deres farlige eller forurenende laster, samt om ulykker til søs, og at sende oplysningerne til andre myndighederWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the 11th century, Guido of Arezzo was one of the first to develop musical notation, which made it easier for singers to remember Gregorian chants.
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The Liber Usualis is a book of commonly used Gregorian chants in the Catholic tradition, compiled by the monks of the Abbey of Solesmes in France.
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Charlemagne sponsored changes in church liturgy, imposing the Roman form of church service on his domains, as well as the Gregorian chant in liturgical music for the churches.
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Metz has a rich 3,000-year-history, having variously been a Celtic oppidum, an important Gallo-Roman city, the Merovingian capital of Austrasia, the birthplace of the Carolingian dynasty, a cradle of the Gregorian chant, and one of the oldest republics in Europe.
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It is based at the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome, and was founded by the papal bull, Ratione congruit, issued by Sixtus V in 1585, which invoked two saints prominent in Western musical history: Gregory the Great, for whom the Gregorian chant is named, and Saint Cecilia, the patron saint of music.
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Its use has decreased since the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council (opened by Pope John XXIII in 1962), in the constitution on the liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium), allowed the local language to be used in Church rites, even though the same council mandated that Gregorian Chant should retain "pride of place" in the liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 116).
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A polite inquiry as to the reason for this rather unusual décor for a Catholic church brought forth from the local priest the reply that Mass “is a festival, not like Solesmes [the headquarters of the French Benedictine monks, experts in Gregorian chant], but like Woodstock [the scene of a huge hippie ‘pop’ festival in the United States]!”
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It is as if Bent Sørensen imagines the Gregorian chant sung in a space with endless reverberations.
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The first section, Ansgar, recalls the era of Catholicism by using snippets of Gregorian Chant.
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Incipit of the standard Gregorian chant setting of the Asperges, from the Liber Usualis.
finder, at det referencebeløb, der er angivet i lovgivningsforslaget, skal være foreneligt med loftet for udgiftsområde #a i den nuværende flerårige finansielle ramme #-# og med bestemmelserne i punkt # i den interinstitutionelle aftale (II A) af #. maj #; påpeger, at enhver finansiering efter # vil blive vurderet i forbindelse med forhandlingerne om den næste finansielle rammeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Herning Boys Choir sing a large and varied repertoire that ranges from Gregorian chant to contemporary works specially written for the choir.
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Since 1979 the monastery has housed a religious community again, this time French Cistercian monks who hold mass several times a day with Gregorian chanting.
Medlemsstaterne har endnu ikke gennemført bestemmelserne i dette direktiv i national retParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
While most people recognise the sound of gregorian chant, the greater part of polyphonic music is much less known and can at first seem weird and exotic.
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But Gregorian chant too makes itself heard at the beginning of the movement, where the individual string groups, and later the solo winds, unfold their long unaccompanied melody lines.
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36 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.