insourcing oor Deens


naamwoord, werkwoord
The obtaining of goods or services using existing in-house resources or employees

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Deens


masculine, feminine
The group is organised according to the concept of insourcing of specific quantities.
Koncernens organisation hviler på princippet om insourcing af bestemte mængder.

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On-line materials in the field of contract awards, mergers and acquisitions, new captive center development and expansion activity, transaction structures and terms, industry adoption, geographic prevalence, service provider metrics, and geographic expansion by service providers, particularly in the fields of insourcing and outsourcing relating to applications development and maintenance, corporate real estate, customer relationship management, finance and accounting, human resources, information technology, business processes, and procurement
Onlinematerialer inden for kontraktaccept, fusioner og opkøb, udvikling af nye tiltag og udvidelsesaktiviteter, transaktionsstrukturer og -vilkår, industrielle tiltag, geografisk tilstedeværelse, oplysninger om serviceudbydere samt serviceudbyderes geografiske tilstedeværelse, særlig inden for insourcing og outsourcing i forbindelse med udvikling og vedligeholdelse af faciliteter, ejendomsmæglervirksomhed, styring af kundeforbindelser, finansiering og regnskabsførelse, menneskelige ressourcer, informationsteknologi, forretningsprocesser og indkøbtmClass tmClass
Preparing business reports for others in the field of contract awards, mergers and acquisitions, new captive center development and expansion activity transaction structures and terms, industry adoption, geographic prevalence, service provider metrics, and geographic expansion by service providers, including in the fields of insourcing and outsourcing relating to applications development and maintenance, corporate real estate, customer relationship management, finance and accounting, human resources, information technology, business processes, and procurement
Udarbejdelse af forretningsrapporter inden for kontraktaccept, fusioner og opkøb, udvikling af nye tiltag og udvidelsesaktiviteter, transaktionsstrukturer og -vilkår, industrielle tiltag, geografisk tilstedeværelse, oplysninger om serviceudbydere samt serviceudbyderes geografiske tilstedeværelse, også inden for insourcing og outsourcing i forbindelse med udvikling og vedligeholdelse af faciliteter, ejendomsmæglervirksomhed, styring af kundeforbindelser, finansiering og regnskabsførelse, menneskelige ressourcer, informationsteknologi, forretningsprocesser og indkøbtmClass tmClass
We call the concept " insourcing. "
Vi kalder det " insourcing ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In some cases, after all, it creates an incentive for an undertaking to minimise its own input VAT burden by ‘insourcing’, that is to say absorbing activities into its own organisation, since the scale of the VAT exemption enjoyed by the final consumer depends on the input VAT paid by the supplier to that consumer.
Den skaber nemlig eventuelt et incitament til at minimere virksomhedens egen momsbelastning i tidligere led gennem såkaldt »insourcing« af aktiviteter i virksomheden selv, da afgiftsfritagelsens størrelse hos den endelige forbruger afhænger af momsbelastningen i tidligere led for den virksomhed, som leverer til ham.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
I've already talked to Peter Gregory about insourcing a consultant.
Jeg har talt med Peter om en konsulent.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
While public authorities and bodies governed by public law are encouraged to consider the economic and other benefits of outsourcing to external service providers, they might have legitimate reasons to choose self-provisioning of services or insourcing.
Selv om de offentlige myndigheder og offentligretlige organer tilskyndes til at overveje de økonomiske og andre fordele ved outsourcing til eksterne tjenesteleverandører, kan de have legitime grunde til at vælge selvforsyning med tjenesteydelser eller insourcing.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Furthermore, the Commission notes that the fact that SEA expects that Airport Handling gains in the first 6 months from its entry in the market a market share [...] can only be seen as realistic due to the insourcing of business previously undertaken by SEAH.
Kommissionen bemærker desuden, at det faktum, at SEA forventer, at Airport Handling i de første seks måneder efter sin indtræden på markedet vil vinde en markedsandel på [...], kun er realistisk på grund af SEAH's forudgående insourcing af aktiviteter.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Business consulting services in the fields of strategy and business case for change, operational assessments, service management and governance, mergers, acquisitions and divestitures, financial analysis, insourcing, shared services, outsourcing, offshoring and captive offshore
Virksomhedsrådgivning vedrørende strategi og virksomhedsændringer, driftsurdering, serviceledelse og -administration, fusioner, opkøb og afhændelser, udarbejdelse af finansanalyser, insourcing, aktiehandel, outsourcing, offshoring og offshoreselskaber til dækning af egen risikotmClass tmClass
Only one customer provided a concrete example of insourcing of raw bandwidth, which was done in one country only.
Kun en enkelt kunde gav et konkret eksempel på insourcing af rå båndbredde, som kun fandt sted i ét land.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Educational services, namely, providing podcasts, telephonic instruction via conference calls and seminars in the field of contract awards, mergers and acquisitions, new captive center development and expansion activity, transaction structures and terms, industry adoption, geographic prevalence, service provider metrics, and geographic expansion by service providers, particularly in the fields of insourcing and outsourcing relating to applications development and maintenance, corporate real estate, customer relationship management, finance and accounting, human resources, information technology, business processes, and procurement
Uddannelsesvirksomhed, nemlig udbydelse af podcasts, telefonisk instruktion via konferenceopkald og seminarer vedrørende kontraktaftaler, fusioner og opkøb, udvikling af nye tiltag og udvidelsesaktiviteter, transaktionsstrukturer og -vilkår, industrielle tiltag, geografisk udbredelse, oplysninger om serviceudbydere samt serviceudbyderes geografiske udbredelse, særlig inden for insourcing og outsourcing i forbindelse med udvikling og vedligeholdelse af applikationer, ejendomsmæglervirksomhed, styring af kundeforbindelser, finansiel virksomhed og regnskabsførelse, human resources, informationsteknologi, forretningsprocesser og indkøbtmClass tmClass
Business advisory and consultancy services relating to outsourcing and insourcing
Rådgivning og bistand vedrørende forretningsvirksomhed i forbindelse med outsourcing og insourcingtmClass tmClass
There may be legitimate interests that would warrant choosing this kind of ‘self-provisioning’ of data processing services, such as ‘insourcing’ or mutual arrangements between public administrations.
Valget af denne "selvforsyning" af databehandlingstjenester, herunder "insourcing" eller gensidige aftaler mellem offentlige myndigheder, kan begrundes i legitime interesser.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Business educational and training services in the nature of conference calls, podcasts, broadcasts and seminars in the field of contract awards, mergers and acquisitions, new captive center development and expansion activity, transaction structures and terms, industry adoption, geographic prevalence, service provider metrics, and geographic expansion by service providers, particularly in the fields of insourcing and outsourcing relating to applications development and maintenance, corporate real estate, customer relationship management, finance and accounting, human resources, information technology, business processes, and procurement
Virksomhedsuddannelse og -undervisning i form af konferenceopkald, podcasts, udsendelser og seminarer vedrørende kontraktaftaler, fusioner og opkøb, udvikling af nye tiltag og udvidelsesaktiviteter, transaktionsstrukturer og -vilkår, industrielle tiltag, geografisk udbredelse, oplysninger om serviceudbydere samt serviceudbyderes geografiske udbredelse, særlig inden for insourcing og outsourcing i forbindelse med udvikling og vedligeholdelse af applikationer, ejendomsmæglervirksomhed, styring af kundeforbindelser, finansiel virksomhed og regnskabsførelse, menneskelige ressourcer, informationsteknologi, forretningsprocesser og indkøbtmClass tmClass
In its 2014 opening decision, the Commission took the preliminary view that Airport Handling’s expected market shares for the first 6 months of operations could only be seen as realistic due to the insourcing of business previously undertaken by SEAH.
I åbningsafgørelsen fra 2014 fandt Kommissionen indledningsvis, at Airport Handlings forventede markedsandele for de første seks driftsmåneder kun kunne anses for realistiske på grund af SEAH's forudgående insourcing af aktiviteter.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Research will address important new challenges and opportunities from increased globalisation, emerging economies, relocation, and EU enlargement; as well as socio-economic stability, the role of technology and international transfer of technology, various forms of innovation and economic renewal, outsourcing and insourcing, youth and youth policy, economic and social entrepreneurship, and the economic potential of European cultural heritage and the creative sector.
Forskningen vil fokusere på vigtige nye udfordringer og muligheder som følge af den voksende globalisering, nye vækstøkonomier, udflytning af virksomheder og EU's udvidelse samt samfundsøkonomisk stabilitet, teknologiens og den internationale teknologioverførsels rolle, forskellige former for innovation og økonomisk fornyelse, outsourcing og insourcing, ungdom og ungdomspolitik, økonomisk og social iværksætterkultur, den europæiske kulturarvs økonomiske potentiale og den kreative sektor.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Promoting a strong trade relationship and working with India to better understand the global economy and, more specifically, to understand the benefits for both economies with regard to outsourcing and insourcing-related matters;
fremme af stærke handelsforbindelser og samarbejde med Indien omkring bedre forståelse for den globale økonomi og mere specifikt en forståelse for fordelene for begge økonomier med hensyn til jobudflytnings- og indflytningsspørgsmål;not-set not-set
Business management consultancy in the field of insourcing, namely, assisting businesses in the development of processes for the analysis and the implementation of the delegation of operations or jobs from production within a business to an internal entity that specializes in that operation
Virksomhedsrådgivning inden for insourcing, nemlig assistance til virksomheder i forbindelse med udvikling af processer til analyse og implementering af uddelegering af job og processer fra produktionen i en virksomhed til en intern entitet, som er specialiseret i den procestmClass tmClass
This cancellation stems from savings made as a result of rationalisation of security policy and insourcing of the service.
Dette bortfald skyldes besparelser opnået ved rationalisering af sikkerhed organiseringen og internalisering af tjenesteydelser.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Promoting a strong trade relationship and working with India to better understand the global economy and, more specifically, to understand the benefits for both economies with regard to outsourcing and insourcing-related matters
fremme af stærke handelsforbindelser og samarbejde med Indien omkring bedre forståelse for den globale økonomi og mere specifikt en forståelse for fordelene for begge økonomier med hensyn til spørgsmål vedrørende outsourcing og insourcingoj4 oj4
Business advisory services in the nature of conference calls, podcasts, broadcasts and seminars in the field of contract awards, mergers and acquisitions, new captive center development and expansion activity, transaction structures and terms, industry adoption, geographic prevalence, service provider metrics, and geographic expansion by service providers, particularly in the fields of insourcing and outsourcing relating to applications development and maintenance, corporate real estate, customer relationship management, finance and accounting, human resources, information technology, business processes, and procurement
Virksomhedsrådgivning i form af konferenceopkald, podcasts, udsendelser og seminarer vedrørende kontraktaftaler, fusioner og opkøb, udvikling af nye tiltag og udvidelsesaktiviteter, transaktionsstrukturer og -vilkår, industrielle tiltag, geografisk udbredelse, oplysninger om serviceudbydere samt serviceudbyderes geografiske udbredelse, særlig inden for insourcing og outsourcing i forbindelse med udvikling og vedligeholdelse af applikationer, ejendomsmæglervirksomhed, styring af kundeforbindelser, finansiel virksomhed og regnskabsførelse, menneskelige ressourcer, informationsteknologi, forretningsprocesser og indkøbtmClass tmClass
The main savings stem from the deferral of invitations to tender (in connection with the item for construction of buildings) and from insourcing and rationalising security activities.
De primære besparelser stammer fra udsættelsen af udbudsprocedurerne vedrørende konto »Opførelse af bygninger« og internalisering og rationalisering af sikkerhedsrelaterede aktiviteter.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I am sorry the rapporteur did not have the time to tell us how much insourcing there has been, but there has been a great deal of outsourcing.
Jeg beklager, at ordføreren ikke havde tid til at fortælle os, hvor meget der har fundet sted. Derimod står det klart, at der forekommer en ret omfattende .Europarl8 Europarl8
all IT systems were insourced to the Authority's data centre, except for a relatively small IT tool for the supervisory colleges, and that by finishing the insourcing procedure, the risks related to the limited control and supervision over the Agency's IT systems were fully mitigated;
alle IT-systemer blev insourcet i myndighedens datacenter undtagen et forholdsvist lille IT-værktøj til kollegierne af tilsynsførende, og at risiciene med hensyn til myndighedens begrænsede kontrol og overvågning af dens IT-systemer blev fjernet helt ved afslutningen af insourcingsproceduren;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(28) ‘Recourse to all mechanisms made available by the relevant legislation governing employment and collective bargaining (primarily, social safety nets and voluntary redundancies, also to be implemented within the SEA Group, seamlessly with regard to the upcoming deadline of 31 December 2013) and solutions involving relocation within the Group (both in line with new business opportunities and in accordance with the insourcing processes implemented following the post de-hubbing company agreements, and with internal mobility designed to address the organisational requirements of SEA SpA)’; Ibid.
(28) »Adgang til alle ordninger fastsat i den relevante lovgivning vedrørende ansættelse og overenskomstforhandlinger (primært f.eks. sociale sikkerhedsnet og frivillig fratrædelse, som også skal gennemføres glidende inden for SEA-koncernen inden den 31. december 2013) samt løsninger, som involverer omplacering inden for koncernen (både i overensstemmelse med de nye forretningsmuligheder og i henhold til de insourcing-processer, der gennemføres efter de efterfølgende »de-hubbing«-aftaler, og med intern mobilitet, som kan imødegå SEA SpA's organisationskrav)« (Ibid.).eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
75 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.