sanitation plan oor Deens

sanitation plan

Plans for the control of the physical factors in the human environment that can harm development, health, or survival.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Deens


Plans for the control of the physical factors in the human environment that can harm development, health, or survival.

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Sir, we've received a disappointing report on the automated sanitation plan.
Sir, vi har modtaget en skuffende rapport om den automatiske rengøringsplan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The lowest share of the funds (about 7 percent of bilateral aid and 10 percent of multilateral aid) is all that goes for basic human needs —education, health care, safe drinking water, sanitation, family planning, and nutrition programs.
Den mindste del af midlerne (omkring 7 procent af den bilaterale hjælp og 10 procent af den multilaterale hjælp) går til dækning af grundlæggende menneskelige behov — uddannelse, sundhedsvæsen, sikring af drikkevand, kloakering, familieplanlægning og ernæringsprogrammer.jw2019 jw2019
- the improvement of social services, especially in the areas of health, family planning, water supplies, sanitation and housing,
- forbedring af de sociale tjenester, især inden for sundhed, familieplanlægning, vandforsyning, kloakering og boligerEurLex-2 EurLex-2
— the improvement of social services, especially in the areas of health, family planning, water supplies, sanitation and housing,
— forbedring af de sociale tjenester, især inden for sundhed, familieplanlægning, vandforsyning, kloakering og boligerEurLex-2 EurLex-2
- Improvement of social services, especially in the areas of health, family planning, water supplies, sanitation and housing.
- Forbedring af de sociale ydelser, navnlig for så vidt angår sundhed, familieplanlægning, vandforsyning, sanitære forhold og boliger.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The city, which was built on brick platforms, reveals an advanced sense of town planning and sanitation.—Under “Archaeology,” page 44, paragraphs 24.
Byen, der er bygget på murstensterrasser, bærer præg af en fremskreden sans for byplanlægning og sanitetsvæsen. — Under „Archaeology“, side 44, 2.-4. afsnit.jw2019 jw2019
On 8 October 2003 the Spanish Ministry of the Environment published an advertisement in the Spanish press stating that 'the NHP is investing €331 million to improve and extend the sanitation and purification plan in Madrid South'.
Den spanske presse offentliggjorde den 8. oktober 2003 en meddelelse fra det spanske miljøministerium, hvor det oplyses, at "der med den nationale vandforsyningsplan investeres 331.000.000 € i forbedring og udvidelse af planen for afledning og rensning af spildevand i Madrids sydlige del".not-set not-set
Does the Commission plan to promote a Global Action Plan for Sanitation and Water signed up to by the international development community as recommended in the recent UNDP Human Development Report?
Har Kommissionen planer om at støtte den globale handlingsplan for vand og sanitære forhold med opbakning fra det internationale udviklingssamfund, som anbefales i den nylige UNDP-rapport om menneskelig udvikling?not-set not-set
Sanitation aspects were not considered to the same extent and no sanitation infrastructure was provided for by the planning documents.
Der blev ikke i samme grad lagt vægt på sanitetsaspekter, og planlægningsdokumenterne omfattede ikke en sanitetsinfrastruktur.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Their palace buildings often gave evidence of a well-planned drainage system and quite good sanitation.
Mange af deres paladser havde et velgennemtænkt kloakanlæg og gode sanitære installationer.jw2019 jw2019
Humanitarian aid - mainly medicines, water, sanitation and winter clothes - is planned to continue on a more selective basis, but at a level adequate to respond to real humanitarian needs.
Humanitær bistand - navnlig medicin, vand, sanitet og vintertøj - vil efter planen fortsætte på mere selektiv basis, men på et niveau, der gør det muligt at reagere på reelle humanitære behov.Europarl8 Europarl8
- contributions to the improvement of social services, especially in the areas of health, family planning, water supplies, sanitation and housing, through support for the devising of a strategy and for pilot projects,
- Bidrag til forbedring af sociale tjenester, især på områderne sundhed, familieplanlægning, vandforsyning, sanering og tildeling af boliger gennem støtte til udarbejdelsen af en strategi og modelprojekternot-set not-set
The Perstorp and Örkelljunga waste plans were drawn up by a local authority sanitation company.
Perstorps og Örkelljungas affaldsplaner er udarbejdet af et kommunalt renholdningsselskab.not-set not-set
Give details of any ongoing or planned research with regard to innovative developments in sanitation policy.
Giv en nærmere beskrivelse af igangværende eller planlagt forskning for så vidt angår innovativ udvikling af politikken for spildevandsbehandling.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Local authorities often have primary responsibility for environmental protection, air quality, refuse collection, town planning, public transport, water and sanitation, green spaces for recreation, food safety and so on.
Lokale myndigheder bærer ofte hovedansvaret for miljøbeskyttelse, luftkvalitet, affaldshåndtering, byplanlægning, kollektivtrafik, vand og sanitet, grønne områder til rekreative formål, fødevaresikkerhed osv.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Estimates of the funding ( additional to that already planned ) needed to meet the MDGs for water and sanitation differ significantly.
Skønnene over den finansiering ( ud over den allerede planlagte ), der er nødvendig for at opfylde MDG-målene for vand og sanitet, er meget forskellige.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Estimates of the funding (additional to that already planned) needed to meet the MDGs for water and sanitation differ significantly.
Skønnene over den finansiering (ud over den allerede planlagte), der er nødvendig for at opfylde MDG-målene for vand og sanitet, er meget forskellige.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission is, for instance, financing a project to rehabilitate the drinking water supply and sanitation networks of the town of Malabo and plans to fund a similar project for Bata.
Kommissionen finansierer f.eks. et projekt om rehabilitering og udbygning af drikkevandsforsynings- og sanitetssystemet i Malabo by, og det er planlagt at finansiere et lignende projekt i Bata.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Closing the gap: Improving water supply and sanitation provision for small towns in Nigeria | Nigeria | 13.9.2012 (planned) | - | By the time of the audit the project was still ongoing |
"Closing the gap": forbedring af vandforsyningen og saniteten i mindre byer i Nigeria | Nigeria | 13.9.2012 (planlagt) | – | Projektet var stadig i gang, da revisionen blev gennemført |EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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